How to Zoom Out in League of Legends without Mouse Wheel

League map
Image via Riot Games

Are you tired of being stuck with a limited view of the battlefield in League of Legends? Do you find it frustrating that you cannot zoom out further to see more of the action? If you do not have a mouse with a scroll wheel or your mouse wheel is not working, do not worry. In this article, we will guide you on how to zoom out in League of Legends without a mouse wheel and help you become the strongest gamer!


Zooming out in League of Legends is crucial for gameplay, especially in larger maps, where vision and awareness of the surroundings can make a significant difference. The zoom level can be adjusted through the mouse scroll wheel, but what if you do not have access to one or if it is not working? Fortunately, there are other ways to zoom out, and we will explore them in this article.

Method 1: Keyboard Shortcut

The first method is by using a keyboard shortcut. This method is straightforward and easy to use. All you need to do is press and hold the “Ctrl” key while pressing the “-” key. By doing so, the camera will zoom out, and you will have a wider view of the battlefield. To zoom back in, use the “+” key while holding the “Ctrl” key.

Method 2: Config File

If you prefer to customize your League of Legends settings, you can change the zoom level by modifying the config file. This method requires a bit of technical know-how, but it is still easy to follow. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the League of Legends installation folder. Usually, it can be found at “C:\Riot Games\League of Legends.”
  2. Look for the “Config” folder and open it.
  3. Open the “PersistedSettings.json” file using a text editor such as Notepad.
  4. Look for the “name”: “GameEvents” section and add the following line to it: “eventZoomLevel”: 0.2, (the zoom level can be adjusted from 0.2 to 2.0)
  5. Save the changes and close the file.

After doing this, the zoom level will be adjusted according to the value you specified in the config file.

Method 3: Third-Party Tools

Finally, there are several third-party tools that can help you zoom out in League of Legends without a mouse wheel. One such tool is the “Free Camera” mod, which allows you to control the camera freely and zoom in and out without any restrictions. However, please note that the use of third-party tools is not officially supported by Riot Games and may result in a ban.


In conclusion, zooming out in League of Legends is crucial for better gameplay and awareness of your surroundings. Although the mouse scroll wheel is the easiest and most convenient way to do it, there are other methods that can be used if you do not have access to one or if it is not working. By using keyboard shortcuts, modifying the config file, or using third-party tools, you can adjust the zoom level according to your preferences and enjoy a wider view of the battlefield.


  1. Is it possible to zoom in and out using only the keyboard in League of Legends?
    • Yes, by using the “+” and “-” keys while holding the “Ctrl” key.
  2. Can I change the zoom level permanently in League of Legends?
    • Yes, by modifying the config file as explained in Method 2.
  3. Can I get banned for using third-party tools to zoom out in League of Legends?
    • Yes, the use of third-party tools is not officially supported by Riot Games and may result in a ban.
  1. Can I use a gamepad or controller to zoom out in League of Legends?
    • Yes, if your controller has a button that can be assigned to the “Ctrl” key and the “+” and “-” keys, you can use it to zoom in and out.
  2. Will using the “Free Camera” mod affect my gameplay experience?
    • It depends on how you use it. The mod can provide additional control and flexibility, but it may also introduce bugs or glitches that can affect your gameplay negatively.

Remember that while zooming out can provide a wider view of the battlefield, it is not always necessary or optimal in all situations. The best approach is to experiment with different zoom levels and find the one that works best for you and your playstyle. Happy gaming!

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