The Best League of Legends Champs for Twisted Treeline

Twisted Treeline, the 3v3 map in League of Legends, requires a different set of champions and strategies compared to the 5v5 map. With only three players on a team, each player must take on a larger role in the game and adapt to the fast-paced, action-packed matches. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best champions for 3v3 Twisted Treeline.

Top Laners

In the top lane on Twisted Treeline, you’ll want a champion that can hold their own against the enemy top laner and help control the jungle. Some strong picks for this role include:

  1. Maokai: Maokai’s kit includes a root, a knock-up, and a passive that gives him bonus health regen based on his missing health. This makes him a formidable top laner who can withstand a lot of damage and control fights.
  2. Renekton: Renekton is a strong duelist with a kit that includes a stun, a dash, and a passive that gives him bonus attack damage based on his missing health. His ability to initiate and control fights makes him a valuable pick for the top lane.
  3. Riven: Riven is a mobile champion with a kit that includes a stun, a knock-up, and a passive that gives her bonus attack damage based on her missing health. Her high damage output and mobility make her a strong pick for the top lane.


In the jungle on Twisted Treeline, you’ll want a champion that can clear camps efficiently and apply pressure to the enemy team. Some strong picks for this role include:

  1. Graves: Graves is a mobile champion with a kit that includes a dash, a knock-up, and a passive that gives him bonus attack speed based on his missing health. His ability to clear camps quickly and initiate fights makes him a strong pick for the jungle.
  2. Kha’Zix: Kha’Zix is a stealthy champion with a kit that includes a gap closer, a slow, and a passive that gives him bonus damage against isolated targets. His ability to pick off enemies and control the jungle makes him a valuable pick for the jungle role.
  3. Nidalee: Nidalee is a mobile champion with a kit that includes a gap closer, a heal, and a passive that gives her bonus attack speed based on her missing health. Her ability to clear camps quickly and roam the map makes her a strong pick for the jungle role.

Mid Laners

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In the mid lane on Twisted Treeline, you’ll want a champion that can deal a lot of damage and control fights. Some strong picks for this role include:

  1. Ahri: Ahri is a mobile champion with a kit that includes a gap closer, a charm, and a passive that gives her bonus damage based on her missing health. Her ability to initiate and control fights makes her a strong pick for the mid lane.
  2. Syndra: Syndra is a burst mage with a kit that includes a stun, a knock-up, and a passive that gives her bonus ability power based on her missing health. Her high damage output and control make her a formidable mid laner.
  3. Veigar: Veigar is a burst mage with a kit that includes a stun, a passive that gives him bonus ability power based on his missing health, and a ultimate that deals a large amount of damage based on the enemy’s missing health. His ability to burst down enemy

Bottom Laners

Image via Riot Games

In the bottom lane on Twisted Treeline, you’ll want a champion that can deal a lot of damage and survive in the 2v2 lane. Some strong picks for this role include:

  1. Caitlyn: Caitlyn is a long-range marksman with a kit that includes a root, a passive that gives her bonus attack speed based on her missing health, and a ultimate that allows her to set traps and reveal enemies. Her range and utility make her a strong pick for the bottom lane.
  2. Ezreal: Ezreal is a mobile marksman with a kit that includes a gap closer, a heal, and a passive that gives him bonus attack speed based on his missing health. His ability to kite enemies and sustain in the bottom lane make him a valuable pick.
  3. Varus: Varus is a long-range marksman with a kit that includes a root, a slow, and a passive that gives him bonus attack damage based on his missing health. His range and control make him a formidable bottom laner.

With these champions in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the fast-paced action of 3v3 Twisted Treeline. Remember to adapt your playstyle and champion choices based on your team’s needs and the enemy team’s composition. With the right strategies and champions, you’ll be on your way to victory on Twisted Treeline.

Winning Strategies on Twisted Treeline

In addition to selecting the right champions, it’s important to have a solid game plan and execute on it in order to win on Twisted Treeline. Here are a few strategies to keep in mind:

  1. Map control: With only three players on each team, it’s important to control as much of the map as possible. This means taking and holding objectives, clearing jungle camps, and warding key areas to gain vision.
  2. Coordinate ganks: With only two lanes on the map, it’s important to coordinate ganks with your team to take out enemy champions and gain an advantage. This can be done by setting up ambushes in the jungle, or by setting up vision and calling for a gank from your laner.
  3. Split push: With only three players on each team, it’s important to keep the enemy team spread out and unable to group up. One way to do this is by split pushing, or pushing down a lane while the rest of your team holds the enemy team in place. This can create opportunities to take objectives or catch out enemy champions.
  4. Team fighting: With the smaller team sizes, team fights on Twisted Treeline can be fast and intense. It’s important to position yourself properly, focus down key targets, and use your abilities effectively in order to come out on top.

By following these strategies and working together as a team, you’ll be well-equipped to win on Twisted Treeline. Remember to communicate with your team and adapt your strategies based on the specific needs of each game. By following these tips and tricks and checking out some of these champions while also checking on the statistics of the highest win rate champs for the current patch you can become the strongest gamer and lead your team to victory!

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