The Most Powerful Summoner Spells in League of Legends

Image via Riot Games

In the popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game League of Legends, summoner spells are powerful abilities that players can use to gain an advantage in battle. Each player can choose two summoner spells to bring into a match, and they can use these spells to enhance their champion’s capabilities or disrupt their enemies. But with so many summoner spells to choose from, it can be tough to know which ones are the most powerful. Here are the top five summoner spells in League of Legends, based on their versatility, utility, and impact in game.


Flash is a powerful mobility spell that allows players to quickly move a short distance in any direction. It can be used to escape danger, reposition for a fight, or close the gap on an enemy. Flash is a popular choice for nearly every champion and role, and it’s a must-have spell for most players. Its versatility and usefulness in a variety of situations make it a powerful tool for both offense and defense.


Teleport is a summoner spell that allows players to instantly move to a target location on the map. It can be used to quickly respond to threats, join fights, or defend objectives. Teleport is especially useful for champions who have trouble sticking to their targets or who need to split push effectively. Its global presence allows players to make plays and influence the map in ways that would not be possible without it.


Ignite is a damage-over-time (DOT) spell that deals a large amount of true damage to a target and reduces their healing effect. It’s a great spell for champions who need to finish off low-health enemies or counter champions with high healing or sustain. Ignite is often used in the mid lane or by champions with high burst damage. Its ability to deal true damage and reduce healing makes it a potent tool for taking down enemies who might otherwise be difficult to kill.


Heal is a summoner spell that instantly restores a large amount of health to the player and their nearby allies. It’s a great spell for champions who need extra survival or who want to support their team. Heal is often used in the bottom lane or by champions with low mobility or self-sustain. Its ability to restore a large amount of health in a short time can be the difference between life and death in a team fight or skirmish.


Ghost is a mobility spell that increases the player’s movement speed and allows them to pass through units. It’s a great spell for champions who need to chase down enemies or escape danger. Ghost is often used by champions with high damage or utility, or by players who want to roam the map effectively. Its speed boost and unit-passing ability make it a potent tool for both offense and defense.

How to choose what summoner spell to take

Image via Riot Games

In the world of League of Legends, summoner spells are powerful tools that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. From mobility spells like Flash and Ghost, to utility spells like Heal and Teleport, to damage spells like Ignite, there’s a summoner spell for every situation and playstyle.

While these five summoner spells are some of the most powerful and popular options in the game, they are not the only ones available. There are many other summoner spells to choose from, each with their own unique effects and uses. Experiment with different combinations and see which ones work best for your champion, role, and playstyle. And remember, the most powerful summoner spell is the one that helps you win the game.

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