The Most Underrated Champions in League of Legends: A Must-Try List

Let’s be honest, League of Legends can sometimes feel like a game of “Who’s the Most Popular Champion?” Everyone seems to be playing the same champions over and over again, and it’s getting a little boring. But fear not, my friends, because there are some truly underrated champions out there just waiting to be discovered.

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In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the most underrated champions in League of Legends. These are the champions that don’t get the love and attention they deserve, but are still incredibly powerful in their own right. So, without further ado, let’s dive into our must-try list.

  1. The Underrated Top Laners
  2. Mid Lane Champions That Deserve More Attention
  3. The Junglers You Need to Try
  4. Bottom Lane Picks That Will Surprise Your Enemies
  5. Support Champions That Are More Than Just Ward Bots

The Underrated Top Laners:

Top lane is often overlooked in favor of the flashier mid and bottom lanes, but there are some truly underrated champions in this role. Here are our top picks:

  1. Shen – A tanky ninja that can teleport to allies and shield them from harm. Shen’s ultimate can turn the tide of a team fight, and he’s surprisingly strong in the early game.
  2. Sion – A monstrous undead juggernaut that can charge into battle and soak up damage like a sponge. Sion’s passive allows him to rise from the dead and continue fighting, making him a nightmare to deal with in team fights.
  3. Urgot – A terrifying creature that can lock down enemies with his corrosive charge and blast them with his shotgun knees. Urgot can also switch places with an enemy champion, making him an excellent tool for initiating fights.

Mid Lane Champions That Deserve More Attention:

The mid lane is home to some of the most popular champions in League of Legends, but there are still some hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Here are our top picks:

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  1. Malzahar – A void mage that can summon powerful creatures to do his bidding. Malzahar’s ultimate can suppress an enemy champion for several seconds, making him an excellent pick for locking down high-priority targets.
  2. Zilean – A time mage that can manipulate time to his advantage. Zilean’s ultimate can bring a dead ally back to life, and he can speed up or slow down his enemies to make them easier to catch or escape from.
  3. Aurelion Sol – A celestial dragon that can summon stars to do his bidding. Aurelion Sol’s passive allows him to fly over terrain, making him incredibly difficult to pin down, and his ultimate can knock enemies away and stun them.

The Junglers You Need to Try:

Jungling is a complex role that requires a lot of skill and knowledge, but these underrated champions can make it a little easier. Here are our top picks:

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  1. Skarner – A crystal scorpion that can pull enemies towards him and stun them with his tail. Skarner can also create zones of control that slow down his enemies and give him a speed boost.
  2. Nocturne – A nightmare that can dive into darkness and emerge on the other side of the map. Nocturne’s ultimate can blind his enemies and make it difficult for them to escape, and he can also shield himself from damage.
  3. Amumu – A sad mummy that can wrap his enemies in bandages and cry his way to victory. Amumu’s ultimate can also stun enemies and make them more vulnerable to his teammates’ attacks. Don’t let his sadness fool you – Amumu can be a force to be reckoned with in the bottom lane.

Bottom Lane Picks That Will Surprise Your Enemies:

The bottom lane is where the ADC and support champions reside, but there are some underrated picks that can throw your enemies off their game. Here are our top picks:

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  1. Heimerdinger – A yordle inventor that can place turrets and fire rockets at his enemies. Heimerdinger’s turrets can also block skill shots and protect his allies, making him a versatile pick in the bottom lane.
  2. Vel’Koz – An alien void creature that can shoot laser beams and disintegrate his enemies. Vel’Koz’s ultimate can also melt entire teams if they’re caught in the wrong position.
  3. Swain – A master tactician that can transform into a demon bird and rain down fire on his enemies. Swain’s ultimate can also heal him for a portion of the damage he deals, making him difficult to take down in a fight.

Support Champions That Are More Than Just Ward Bots:

Support champions are often seen as the unsung heroes of League of Legends, but they can be much more than just ward bots. Here are our top picks:

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  1. Bard – A wandering caretaker that can collect chimes and use them to enhance his abilities. Bard can also stun enemies with his ultimate and create magical portals to transport his allies across the map.
  2. Taric – A gem knight that can protect his allies with shields and heals. Taric’s ultimate can also make his allies invulnerable for a short period of time, which can turn the tide of a team fight.
  3. Brand – A fiery mage that can deal massive amounts of damage to his enemies. Brand’s passive can also set enemies on fire and cause them to take additional damage over time.


Q: Are these underrated champions viable in ranked play?

A: Absolutely! These champions may not be as popular as some of the meta picks, but they are still strong in their own right and can catch your enemies off guard.

Q: Can these champions be played in roles other than the ones you’ve listed?

A: Yes, many of these champions are versatile and can be played in multiple roles. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Q: Are there any downsides to playing these underrated champions?

A: Every champion has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to understand the intricacies of each champion before diving in. Some of these champions may require more practice and skill than others, but the payoff can be worth it.

League of Legends is a game that’s always evolving, and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. By trying out these underrated champions, you can surprise your enemies, spice up your gameplay, and have a lot of fun in the process. So go forth, my friends, and show the world what these champions are truly capable of on your journey to become the strongest gamer!

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