How to Get Better at Warding in League of Legends

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If you’re a League of Legends player, you know how important it is to ward the map. Proper vision can make all the difference in securing objectives, avoiding ganks, and winning games. However, warding effectively can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to the game or trying to improve your skills. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of warding in League of Legends and provide some tips to help you get better at it.

Understanding Warding in League of Legends

Warding is the act of placing a stealthy device on the map that reveals an area of the map for a limited amount of time. In League of Legends, wards come in two varieties: Sight Wards and Vision Wards. Sight Wards reveal a small area around them and last for 150 seconds. Vision Wards, on the other hand, reveal a larger area and last indefinitely, but can be destroyed by enemies.

To use wards effectively, you need to understand the importance of vision on the map. Vision allows you to see where enemies are, where they might be going, and what objectives are available. It also helps you avoid being caught out of position or ambushed by the enemy team.

The Importance of Aggressively Warding the Enemy Side of the Map

While it’s important to place wards in your own territory, it’s also crucial to aggressively ward the enemy side of the map. This means placing wards in areas of the map where the enemy team is likely to be, such as their jungle or around their objectives.

Aggressive warding can provide your team with crucial information about the enemy team’s movements and intentions, giving you a strategic advantage. For example, if you have wards in the enemy jungle, you can see when the enemy jungler is attempting to gank a lane, giving your team time to prepare and potentially counter-gank.

In addition to providing strategic advantages, aggressive warding can also help your team avoid being caught off-guard by surprise attacks. By having vision of the enemy team’s movements, your team can make informed decisions about when and where to engage in fights or objectives.

However, aggressive warding should be done carefully and strategically. Placing wards in enemy territory can be risky, as it can make you vulnerable to ambushes or counter-attacks. Make sure to coordinate with your team and be aware of the enemy team’s positioning before placing aggressive wards.

Overall, aggressive warding is an important part of maintaining vision control in League of Legends. By placing wards in the enemy jungle and around objectives, you can provide your team with valuable information and gain a strategic advantage over your opponents.

Tips for Better Warding

Here are some tips to help you improve your warding skills:

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1. Understand the Map

Before you start placing wards, take a moment to study the map. Identify key areas where vision is important, such as objectives, choke points, and jungle entrances. Understanding the flow of the game and the positioning of your team and the enemy team can help you make better decisions about where to place wards.

2. Ward Regularly

Don’t wait until you’re in a dangerous situation to place a ward. Ward regularly, especially if you’re playing a support role or a champion with a warding ability. Keep your Sightstone or Support item upgraded, and make sure you always have wards available.

3. Use Sweeping Lenses

Sweeping Lenses are items that allow you to detect and destroy enemy wards. Use them regularly to clear out enemy vision and deny the enemy team information. Sweeping Lenses can also be used to check for invisible champions, such as Twitch or Evelynn.

4. Coordinate with Your Team

Warding is a team effort, so coordinate with your team to ensure that important areas of the map are covered. Communicate with your team about where you’re placing wards and where you need vision. Use pings to alert your team to enemy movement and to call for assistance.

5. Watch Pro Players

Watching professional players can give you a better understanding of how to ward effectively. Take note of where they place wards, when they place them, and how they use them to gain an advantage. You can also learn from their mistakes and avoid making the same ones in your own games.


Warding is a critical skill in League of Legends, and improving your warding skills can help you win games and climb the ranks. By understanding the map, warding regularly, using Sweeping Lenses, coordinating with your team, and watching professional players, you can improve your warding skills and become a better player.


  1. What is the best way to use Vision Wards?

Vision Wards are best used to gain permanent vision control of an area, such as around objectives or in a key choke point. They can also be used to clear out enemy vision in an area.

  1. When should I place wards?

You should place wards regularly throughout the game, especially if you’re playing a support role or a champion with a warding ability. Place wards before engaging in fights or objectives, and try to anticipate where the enemy team might be coming from and place wards accordingly.

  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid when warding?

One common mistake is placing wards in the same spots repeatedly, making it easier for the enemy team to predict your movements. Another mistake is not adapting your warding strategy to the current state of the game or the enemy team’s composition.

  1. How can I make sure my team is coordinating their warding efforts?

Communication is key. Use pings or chat to let your team know where you’re placing wards and where you need vision. If you’re playing with friends, make a plan before the game starts to ensure everyone knows their warding responsibilities.

  1. Is warding only important for support players?

No, warding is important for all players in League of Legends. While support players typically have more opportunities to place wards, all players should be aware of the importance of vision and try to contribute to their team’s vision control.

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