How to Unmute a Player in League of Legends

Are you tired of playing League of Legends with a team of mute players? Do you miss the thrill of hearing your teammates rage at each other in the middle of a game? Fear not, my friend, because today we are going to learn how to unmute a player in League of Legends.

Why Mute Someone in the First Place?

Before we learn how to unmute someone, let’s take a moment to discuss why you would want to mute someone in the first place. There are a few reasons why you might want to mute a player in League of Legends:

  1. Toxicity – Sometimes, players can be incredibly toxic and ruin the game for everyone else. Muting these players can help you focus on the game and not their insults.
  2. Annoying Voices – Let’s face it, some people just have really annoying voices. If you find yourself cringing every time a certain player speaks, muting them can save your ears.
  3. Background Noise – We all have lives outside of League of Legends, but sometimes those lives can be noisy. If a player has a lot of background noise, muting them can help you focus on the game.

How to Unmute a Player

How to mute all
Image via Riot Games

Now that we’ve covered why you might want to mute someone, let’s learn how to unmute them. It’s a simple process that can be done in just a few clicks.

  1. Open the Scoreboard – To unmute a player, you first need to open the scoreboard. You can do this by pressing the tab key on your keyboard.
  2. Find the Muted Player – Once you have the scoreboard open, look for the player you want to unmute. You should see a small mute icon next to their name.
  3. Click the Mute Icon – To unmute the player, simply click the mute icon next to their name. The icon should change to an unmute icon, and you should be able to hear them again.

Tips for Dealing with Toxic Players

Unfortunately, muting a player doesn’t always solve the problem. If you find yourself dealing with a particularly toxic player, here are a few tips to help you get through the game:

  1. Don’t Engage – The best way to deal with a toxic player is to not engage with them. Don’t respond to their insults or engage in their arguments. Instead, focus on the game and do your best to win.
  2. Report Them – If a player is being particularly toxic, you can report them after the game. This can help get them banned and prevent them from ruining other players’ experiences.
  3. Take a Break – If a game is getting too toxic for you, it’s okay to take a break. Step away from the game for a little while and come back when you’re feeling more relaxed.


Muting and unmuting players in League of Legends is a simple process that can help you focus on the game and avoid toxic players. However, it’s important to remember that muting isn’t always the solution to toxic behavior. If you find yourself dealing with a particularly toxic player, remember to stay calm, report them if necessary, and take a break if you need to.


  1. Can you unmute a player mid-game?

Yes, you can unmute a player at any point during the game.

  1. Will unmuting a player unmute them for future games?

Yes, unmuting a player will unmute them for all future games.

  1. How do you know if someone has muted you?

If someone has muted you, you will see a small mute icon next to your name on the scoreboard.

  1. Can you mute pings?

Yes, you can mute pings as well. So, if a player is spamming pings like crazy, you can save yourself from the headache by muting them.

  1. Can you unmute yourself?

Well, technically, no. But if you’re the one who muted yourself in the first place, you can always unmute yourself by clicking the mute icon again. Don’t worry, we won’t judge you for accidentally muting yourself. It happens to the best of us.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention one of the most important things: the /unmute command!

If you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to click on the mute icon, you can always use the /unmute command in the chat. Just type “/unmute [player name]” and voila, they’re unmuted!

But be careful, my friend. The /unmute command can be a double-edged sword. Accidentally unmute the wrong player and you might find yourself regretting your decision. So, use it wisely and don’t blame me if you end up unmuting the most toxic player in the game.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention another useful command: /unmute all.

If you find yourself in a game where everyone is muted and you’re missing out on all the juicy drama, just type “/unmute all” in the chat and everyone will be unmuted! It’s like hitting the “play” button on a soap opera, but with less crying and more flaming.

But beware, my friend. Unmuting everyone can be a risky move. You never know what kind of chaos you might be unleashing. It’s like opening Pandora’s box, but instead of unleashing all the evils of the world, you’re unleashing all the toxic players in your game. So, use the /unmute all command at your own risk.

In conclusion, muting and unmuting players in League of Legends is a simple process that can save you from a lot of headaches. Whether you choose to click the mute icon, use the /unmute command, or the /unmute all command, just remember to stay cool, calm, and collected. And if all else fails, just turn off the chat and focus on the game. Happy playing, my fellow summoners!

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