How to Get an S Rating in League of Legends

Are you tired of getting average grades in League of Legends? Do you want to improve your skills and climb the ranks? Then you need to aim for an S or S+ rating in your matches. In this article, we will explore the tips and tricks to get the coveted S or S+ grade.

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Understanding the Grading System in League of Legends

Before we delve into the strategies to get an S or S+ rating, it’s essential to understand how the grading system works in League of Legends. The grading system takes into account various factors such as your KDA (Kill/Death/Assist ratio), CS (creep score), objective control, and vision score.

The Importance of KDA

Your KDA is a crucial factor in getting a high rating in League of Legends. A high KDA ratio means that you are contributing to your team’s success and not dying unnecessarily. It’s essential to play safe and avoid making risky plays that can result in deaths. Additionally, you should also focus on securing kills and assists to increase your KDA ratio.

The Significance of CS

CS refers to the number of minions and monsters you have killed during the game. A high CS score indicates that you are farming efficiently and not missing any opportunities to gain gold and experience. It’s essential to focus on your CS score and avoid missing last hits on minions.

Objective Control and Vision Score

Objective control refers to your ability to secure objectives such as towers, dragons, and barons. A high objective control score indicates that you are actively participating in the game and working with your team to secure objectives.

Vision score refers to the number of wards you place during the game, revealing enemy movements and preventing ganks. A high vision score indicates that you are playing strategically and contributing to your team’s success.

Tips to Get an S or S+ Rating in League of Legends

Now that we understand the grading system let’s dive into the tips to get an S or S+ rating in League of Legends.

1. Play a Champion You’re Comfortable With

The first and most crucial tip to get an S or S+ rating is to play a champion you’re comfortable with. It’s essential to know your champion’s strengths and weaknesses and how to play them efficiently.

2. Focus on Your KDA Ratio

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As we mentioned earlier, KDA is a crucial factor in getting a high rating. Focus on securing kills and assists while avoiding deaths.

3. Prioritize Your CS Score

A high CS score is also essential to get a high rating. Focus on farming efficiently and avoid missing last hits on minions.

4. Work with Your Team

In League of Legends, teamwork is crucial. Work with your team to secure objectives, such as towers, dragons, and barons.

5. Place Wards Strategically

Wards are essential in preventing ganks and revealing enemy movements. Place wards strategically to increase your vision score and contribute to your team’s success.

6. Don’t Die Unnecessarily

Avoid making risky plays that can result in deaths. Play safe and focus on securing kills and assists.

7. Participate in Teamfights

Participating in teamfights is an excellent way to increase your KDA ratio and contribute to your team’s success. Focus on dealing damage and securing kills while avoiding deaths.

8. Build Efficiently

Building your champion efficiently is crucial to your success in the game. Research and experiment with different builds to find the best fit for your playstyle.

9. Adapt to the Situation

Adapting to the situation is crucial in League of Legends. Adjust your playstyle according

to the situation, such as changing your build or playstyle based on the enemy team composition or the state of the game.

10. Don’t Flame or Rage Quit

Flaming or raging in the game can affect your team’s morale and your performance. Stay positive and avoid toxic behavior.

11. Practice and Learn from Your Mistakes

Practice is essential to improving your skills in League of Legends. Analyze your games and learn from your mistakes to avoid making them in the future.

12. Watch High-Level Gameplay

Watching high-level gameplay, such as professional matches or streamers, can teach you new strategies and techniques that you can apply to your own gameplay.

13. Focus on Objectives

Objectives, such as towers, dragons, and barons, are crucial to winning the game. Focus on securing objectives and work with your team to achieve them.

14. Communicate with Your Team

Communication is key in League of Legends. Use pings and chat to communicate with your team and coordinate your gameplay.

15. Stay Focused and Don’t Give Up

Finally, staying focused and not giving up is crucial to your success in the game. Stay positive and keep working towards your goals, even if the game seems to be going against you.

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Getting an S or S+ rating in League of Legends is not easy, but it’s achievable with the right strategies and techniques. Focus on improving your KDA ratio, CS score, objective control, and vision score. Play a champion you’re comfortable with and work with your team to secure objectives. Avoid toxic behavior and learn from your mistakes. With practice and dedication, you can improve your skills and climb the ranks in League of Legends.


  1. What is an S or S+ rating in League of Legends? An S or S+ rating is a grade given to players based on their performance in a match. It takes into account various factors such as KDA, CS, objective control, and vision score.
  2. Can I get an S or S+ rating in every match? No, it’s not possible to get an S or S+ rating in every match. It depends on various factors such as the champion you’re playing, the enemy team composition, and your own performance.
  3. Does winning the game affect my rating? Winning the game is not the only factor that affects your rating. It’s possible to get an S or S+ rating even if you lose the game, depending on your performance.
  4. Can I get an S or S+ rating in ranked matches? Yes, you can get an S or S+ rating in ranked matches, just like in normal matches.
  5. How can I improve my KDA ratio? To improve your KDA ratio, focus on securing kills and assists while avoiding deaths. Play safe and avoid making risky plays that can result in deaths.
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