Best League of Legends Champion Synergies

League of Legends is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has been around for over a decade. With over 150 champions to choose from, players have endless options when it comes to building their team. However, choosing the right combination of champions can make a huge difference in the outcome of a game. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best champion synergies in League of Legends and how they can give you a competitive edge.

What is champion synergy?

Champion synergy refers to the compatibility and effectiveness of certain champions when played together on a team. When champions are synergized well, their abilities and strengths complement each other, allowing them to work together more effectively and efficiently.

Top 5 Best Champion Synergies

  1. Yasuo and Malphite
Image via Riot Games

Yasuo is a melee champion who is known for his high mobility and damage output. Malphite, on the other hand, is a tanky champion who can absorb a lot of damage and initiate fights. Together, Yasuo and Malphite make a deadly combination. Yasuo can use his ultimate ability to knock up enemies, while Malphite can follow up with his ultimate ability to knock them up even further and deal massive AOE damage. This combo is great for team fights and can turn the tide of a game.

  1. Jhin and Nami

Jhin is a marksman who deals massive damage from a distance. Nami is a support champion who can heal and buff allies while also slowing down enemies. Together, Jhin and Nami can dominate the laning phase. Nami’s abilities can help Jhin land his skill shots more easily, while Jhin’s damage output can quickly whittle down opponents. Later in the game, Nami can keep Jhin alive with her healing abilities while also providing crowd control.

  1. Ashe and Zyra

Ashe is a marksman who specializes in crowd control. Zyra is a mage who can deal massive AOE damage and control the battlefield. Together, they can create a deadly combination. Ashe can use her ultimate ability to stun enemies from a long range, while Zyra can follow up with her ultimate ability to root them in place and deal massive AOE damage. This combo is great for catching enemies off guard and initiating team fights.

  1. Jarvan IV and Orianna

Jarvan IV is a tanky champion who can initiate fights and lock down enemies. Orianna is a mage who can deal massive AOE damage and control the battlefield. Together, they make a great combination. Jarvan IV can use his ultimate ability to trap enemies in a small area, while Orianna can follow up with her ultimate ability to deal massive damage and control the battlefield. This combo is great for initiating team fights and controlling the battlefield.

  1. Lee Sin and Yasuo
Image via Riot Games

Lee Sin is a melee champion who is known for his mobility and crowd control. Yasuo is also a melee champion who is known for his mobility and damage output. Together, they can create a deadly combination. Lee Sin can use his ultimate ability to kick an enemy towards Yasuo, who can then use his ultimate ability to knock them up and deal massive damage. This combo is great for picking off enemies and setting up ganks.


Choosing the right champion synergies can make a huge difference in the outcome of a game in League of Legends. By selecting champions that complement each other’s strengths and abilities, players can work together more effectively and efficiently. The top five champion synergies we’ve discussed in this article are just a few examples of the many effective combinations that can be used to dominate the game.


  1. What is the importance of champion synergy in League of Legends?

Champion synergy is important in League of Legends because it can give players a competitive edge. When champions are played together effectively, they can create a powerful team that is difficult for opponents to counter. By selecting champions that complement each other’s strengths and abilities, players can maximize their potential and increase their chances of winning.

  1. How can I determine which champions have good synergy?

One way to determine which champions have good synergy is to look at their abilities and strengths. Champions that have abilities that complement each other, such as stuns and crowd control, tend to work well together. Additionally, champions that have similar playstyles or roles can also work well together. Experimenting with different champion combinations can also help you determine which ones work best for your playstyle.

  1. Can champion synergy change depending on the game mode or team composition?

Yes, champion synergy can change depending on the game mode or team composition. Some champions may be more effective in certain game modes or team compositions than others. It’s important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of your team and your opponents when selecting champions for a game.

  1. Are there any champion combinations that should be avoided?

While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to champion synergies, there are some combinations that may be less effective than others. For example, playing two champions that have similar roles, such as two tanks or two supports, may not be the most effective strategy. Additionally, playing champions that have conflicting playstyles or abilities may also be less effective.

  1. How can I improve my champion synergy in League of Legends?

Improving your champion synergy in League of Legends requires practice and experimentation. Try playing different champions and combinations to see what works best for your playstyle. Additionally, communication is key. Make sure to communicate with your team to coordinate your strategies and maximize your effectiveness on the battlefield.

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