Best Alistar Counters in League of Legends

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Ever find yourself in the Summoner’s Rift, facing off against a formidable Alistar and wondering how on earth you’re supposed to beat this tanky support? This is a problem many of us have faced. We’ve all felt the helplessness as Alistar pulverizes our champions into the ground. So, what’s the solution? Well, we’re about to delve into that.

Overview of Alistar

Alistar, known as the Minotaur, is an iconic support champion in League of Legends. His robustness and crowd control capabilities are second to none, often striking fear into the hearts of his adversaries. Alistar possesses a unique blend of skills – a tank with a healer’s heart, his ability to initiate team fights and sustain his allies makes him a popular choice among Challenger tier players.

From his Q (Pulverize) that knocks up enemies in a surrounding area, to his W (Headbutt) that hurls enemy champions back, Alistar has a well-rounded skill set that enhances team play. His E (Triumphant Roar) provides passive healing to himself and allies around him, and his R (Unbreakable Will) makes him a colossus on the battlefield, reducing incoming damage and nullifying crowd control effects.

Yet, like all champions, Alistar has his vulnerabilities. Understanding these weaknesses, along with acquiring knowledge about his abilities, is crucial for effective countering.

Understanding Counters in League of Legends

In League of Legends, counters are champions that can exploit the weaknesses of other specific champions due to their skill sets, abilities, and strategies. At a Challenger level, understanding and identifying these counters is not just an advantage – it can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Countering isn’t only about picking a champion with a higher win rate against another. It involves understanding the gameplay mechanics, knowing when to trade, and leveraging your champion’s strengths while exploiting the enemy’s weaknesses. It’s about knowing when to engage, when to back off, how to position in lane, and how to manipulate minion waves. It’s a complex concept that requires game knowledge, quick decision-making, and excellent execution.

Key Tactics Against Alistar

Countering Alistar requires exploiting his weaknesses while simultaneously mitigating his strengths. Here are some Challenger-tier insights into tackling the Minotaur:

  1. Avoiding his Q-W combo: Alistar’s Headbutt-Pulverize combo is a classic initiation tool that can disrupt positioning and lead to devastating follow-ups from his team. Keeping a safe distance and being ready to sidestep or flash can help dodge this combo.
  2. Capitalizing on his cooldowns: Alistar’s abilities, especially his Q and W, have high cooldowns early in the game. Recognizing these windows of opportunity when his abilities are on cooldown can provide favorable trade or engage moments.
  3. Picking champions that can negate his crowd control: Champions with crowd control immunity or cleanse abilities can effectively negate Alistar’s initiation attempts. This can turn a well-aimed Headbutt-Pulverize combo into an overextension, providing an opportunity to retaliate.
  4. Punishing his aggressive plays: Alistar players often need to make aggressive plays to make the most out of their kit. Punishing these moments by counter-engaging or calling for jungle support can tilt the lane in your favor.

By integrating these tactics, players can minimize Alistar’s impact and increase their chances of emerging victorious from the Rift.

Swain as an Alistar Counter

Swain - League of Legends
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Data Source:

Swain, holding a commendable win rate of 64.86% over 37 games, emerges as a strong Alistar counter. With abilities that encompass crowd control, high damage, and significant sustain, he becomes a formidable adversary for Alistar.

Swain’s Advantages

Swain possesses the unique ability to disrupt Alistar’s typical engage strategy. His passive, Ravenous Flock, pulls immobilized enemies closer, unsettling Alistar’s positioning and setups. This ability also yields considerable healing, adding to Swain’s overall durability.

Strategic Tips when using Swain

Using Swain’s E, Nevermove, at the right time can disrupt Alistar’s W-Q combo, creating opportunities for retaliation or escape. Proper positioning is crucial to avoid Alistar’s pulverize.

Swain’s R, Demonic Ascension, can significantly shift the outcome of a fight if used correctly. This ability absorbs a good amount of damage and, when fully charged, delivers a powerful burst of damage to enemies, including Alistar.

Sona as an Alistar Counter

Sona - League of Legends
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With her sustained healing, area damage, and crowd control abilities, Sona proves to be a powerful counter to Alistar. Her impressive 60.47% win rate over 43 games is a testament to her effectiveness against the Minotaur.

Sona’s Advantages

Sona’s Q, Hymn of Valor, allows her to apply constant pressure on Alistar and his ADC from a safe distance. Her W, Aria of Perseverance, provides crucial healing and shielding, mitigating some damage from Alistar’s engages.

Sona’s E, Song of Celerity, is a key tool for avoiding Alistar’s Headbutt-Pulverize combo due to its speed buff. Her R, Crescendo, can effectively interrupt Alistar’s abilities and create an opportunity for her team to counter-engage.

Strategic Tips when using Sona

Playing Sona against Alistar involves maintaining a safe distance and consistently poking him with your Q ability. Timing your W ability well can negate some of Alistar’s poke damage, enhancing lane sustainability.

Using your E ability can help you and your ADC dodge or retreat from Alistar’s combo when he engages. Timely use of your R, Crescendo, can disrupt Alistar’s abilities and potentially turn the tide of skirmishes and team fights in your favor.

Zac as an Alistar Counter

Zac - League of Legends
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With a notable 60% win rate over 30 games, Zac emerges as a formidable counter to Alistar. His innate resilience, long-range engagement abilities, and robust initiation prowess give him a competitive edge against Alistar.

Zac’s Advantages

Zac possesses an arsenal of disruptive tools that can effectively challenge Alistar’s combinations. His Elastic Slingshot (E) is an exceptional long-range engage tool that can break up Alistar’s combos or even prevent them from starting.

His passive ability, Cell Division, allows him to restore health from the pieces of himself that break off when he uses abilities, making him incredibly durable in trades against Alistar.

Moreover, Zac’s ability to withstand crowd control effects and burst damage, thanks to his tanky nature, allows him to hold the front line against Alistar’s aggressive initiations effectively.

Strategic Tips when using Zac

When playing Zac against Alistar, look for opportunities to engage with your Elastic Slingshot (E). This ability can disrupt Alistar’s combo, turning the tables in your favor.

Your Stretching Strikes (Q) can provide a substantial crowd control effect to further hinder Alistar’s advances and protect your carries.

Furthermore, Zac’s ultimate, Let’s Bounce!, is an excellent tool for displacement. In team fights, try to use this ability to disrupt Alistar’s positioning and protect your carries, creating advantageous scenarios for your team.

Remember, being a resilient tank, Zac can afford to soak up some damage for his team, which makes him a formidable frontline against Alistar’s initiations. Playing Zac to his strengths and leveraging his disruptive abilities is key to success against Alistar.

Rell as an Alistar Counter

Rell- League of Legends
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Rell, boasting a 59.26% win rate across 27 games, proves her worth as a sturdy Alistar counter. Her innate tankiness, coupled with her crowd control abilities, provide a compelling challenge to Alistar.

Rell’s Advantages

Rell’s W, Ferromancy, can be used to effectively disrupt Alistar’s abilities, thereby creating opportunities for your ADC to deal damage. Her E, Attract and Repel, when linked to an ally, can be activated to stun nearby enemies, posing a considerable threat to Alistar’s engage attempts.

Strategic Tips when using Rell

Effectively utilizing Rell’s W-E combo can be game-changing. The knock-up from her W, followed by the stun from her E, can significantly disrupt Alistar’s plans and give your team an edge in skirmishes and team fights.

Rell’s R, Magnet Storm, can create displacement in enemy ranks and protect your teammates by attracting enemies towards her. This can be instrumental in shielding your ADC from Alistar’s aggressive engages.

Nevermove, Swain’s E ability, roots the first enemy hit. This ability is a crucial tool for preventing Alistar’s aggressive initiations. Swain’s R, Demonic Ascension, provides a substantial boost in health and damage, helping him resist Alistar’s crowd control and possibly turn the tide in team fights.

Soraka as an Alistar Counter

Soraka - League of Legends
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Soraka stands as a prominent Alistar counter with a win rate of 58.82% over 51 games. Her healing prowess, alongside her silence and snare abilities, equip her well against Alistar.

Soraka’s Advantages

Soraka can consistently heal the damage inflicted by Alistar’s poke, making her a critical asset in sustaining lane presence. Furthermore, her E, Equinox, can silence Alistar, potentially disrupting his combo, and even snare him if he remains in the zone.

Strategic Tips when using Soraka

Timely use of your E, Equinox, when Alistar engages, can prevent him from chaining his abilities, thereby protecting your ADC. Keeping a safe distance and continually healing your ADC can minimize Alistar’s pressure.

Soraka’s R, Wish, can dramatically swing the health pools in your team’s favor, turning the tide of skirmishes and team fights even from afar.

Summary of Alistar Counters

Mastering Alistar counters can significantly impact your success rate in League of Legends. The champions highlighted above – Swain, Sona, Zac, Rell, and Soraka – have demonstrated their effectiveness against Alistar.

However, it’s essential to remember that success in LoL isn’t solely determined by the champions selected but is also heavily influenced by skill, strategy, and teamwork. So, keep honing your skills and tactics, and may the odds be ever in your favor in the Summoner’s Rift!

Summary of Alistar Counters

Knowing how to counter Alistar can significantly influence your games in League of Legends. The champions mentioned above – Swain, Sona, Zac, Rell, and Soraka – have been proven as effective counters to Alistar, but always remember that success in LoL is not solely dependent on the champions but also heavily reliant on skill, strategy, and teamwork.


In conclusion, understanding your opponent and picking the right counters can greatly influence your success rate in League of Legends. The champions listed here have proven successful against Alistar and can offer a solid strategy for your upcoming matches. Remember, it’s not just about the champion, but also how you play it!

Q: Why are Swain and Sona considered strong counters to Alistar?

A: Swain and Sona have abilities that disrupt Alistar’s engagements. Swain’s Nevermove (E) can root Alistar, preventing his initiation, and his ultimate, Demonic Ascension, can turn the tide of team fights. Sona, on the other hand, can poke Alistar from a safe distance and use her abilities to heal, boost defense, and evade Alistar’s engage.

Q: How can I effectively use Rell against Alistar?

A: Rell’s W-E combo can disrupt Alistar’s abilities, providing your team an advantage. The knock-up from her W, combined with the stun from her E, can significantly disrupt Alistar’s moves. Rell’s ultimate, Magnet Storm, can create displacement among enemies and provide protection to your teammates.

Q: What makes Soraka a good counter to Alistar?

A: Soraka can heal the damage inflicted by Alistar, helping to maintain lane presence. Her E, Equinox, can silence Alistar, potentially disrupting his combo and snaring him if he remains within its range. Also, her ultimate, Wish, can turn the tide of skirmishes and team fights.

Q: What general strategies should I use when playing against Alistar?

A: Avoiding Alistar’s Q-W combo, capitalizing on his cooldowns, and choosing champions that can negate his crowd control abilities are key tactics when facing Alistar. Also, always be aware of Alistar’s positioning and potential for initiating team fights.

Q: Does selecting an Alistar counter guarantee a win in League of Legends?

A: While selecting a counter to Alistar can provide an advantage, it doesn’t guarantee a win. Success in League of Legends relies heavily on player skill, strategy, and teamwork. Always strive to improve these aspects of your gameplay for consistent success.

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