Top 7 Champions to Counter Irelia


Irelia Counters
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Picture this: you’re in a high-stakes ranked match, and the enemy team locks in Irelia, the Blade Dancer. Your heart sinks as you envision her slicing through your team with her relentless dashes and devastating damage. But fear not, for you are about to uncover the secret weapons that will turn the tide in your favor!

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the top 7 champions that will not only counter Irelia but dismantle her very essence in the Summoner’s Rift. Get ready to arm yourself with the knowledge to dominate and make Irelia players tremble in fear. We’ll explore each champion’s strengths, strategies, and tips that will help you shut down Irelia at every stage of the game. So, buckle up and prepare for a wild ride that will elevate your League of Legends gameplay to new heights, and make Irelia wish she had never crossed your path!

Why Counter Irelia?

Irelia is a versatile and powerful champion with high mobility, sustained damage, and the ability to snowball in the early game. Countering her can be essential to prevent her from becoming a significant threat to your team and securing a victory. By picking champions with a high win rate against Irelia, you can effectively shut her down and tilt the odds in your favor.

Best Picks vs Irelia

Here are the top 7 champions to counter Irelia in Platinum+ ranked games, based on win rates and matchup data:


Gragas - Irelia Counters
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55.51% WR

Gragas, the Rabble Rouser, is a formidable foe against Irelia, offering a unique blend of tankiness, crowd control, and sustain that can effectively disrupt her playstyle. As a Challenger player, understanding the intricacies of this matchup can propel you towards victory. Let’s delve into how Gragas should approach the Irelia matchup during the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

In the early game, Gragas should prioritize poking Irelia with his Q (Barrel Roll), while simultaneously managing the minion wave to avoid being pushed under the turret. Proper positioning is crucial to avoid being caught by Irelia’s E (Flawless Duet). Use your passive (Happy Hour) to your advantage, frequently weaving auto-attacks and abilities to maintain your health pool. Gragas’s W (Drunken Rage) can be utilized to mitigate some of Irelia’s damage during trades, giving him an edge in extended skirmishes.

When engaging in trades, aim to land your E (Body Slam) to disrupt Irelia’s mobility and follow up with a Q (Barrel Roll) for maximum damage. Always be aware of her passive (Ionian Fervor) stacks and try to disengage when she’s about to reach full stacks, as that’s when her damage is at its peak.

Mid Game:

As Gragas and Irelia start to roam and participate in skirmishes around the map, proper usage of Gragas’s ultimate, R (Explosive Cask), becomes vital. Aim to use your R to either disengage Irelia when she dives onto your carries or isolate her from her teammates, making her an easy target. Gragas’s high base damage and crowd control allow him to effectively peel for his team and neutralize Irelia during team fights.

When contesting objectives, use your Q (Barrel Roll) to zone Irelia and her team, while looking for opportunities to catch her off-guard with your E (Body Slam) and R (Explosive Cask) combo.

Late Game:

In the late game, Gragas transitions into a tanky disruptor who excels at peeling for his carries and initiating team fights. Focus on using your Q (Barrel Roll) to poke and slow the enemy team, while always looking for opportunities to engage with your E (Body Slam) or a well-timed R (Explosive Cask).

When facing Irelia in late-game team fights, prioritize peeling for your carries and interrupting her mobility with your E (Body Slam) and R (Explosive Cask). Your tankiness and crowd control can significantly limit Irelia’s impact, allowing your team to secure the victory.


Galio- Irelia Counters
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55.2% WR

As the Colossus of Demacia, Galio is a powerful pick against Irelia, boasting high base damage, crowd control, and a magic damage shield that can hinder her ability to snowball. With a Challenger’s insight into this matchup, you can master the art of shutting down Irelia throughout the game. Let’s explore how Galio should approach the Irelia matchup in the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

During the early game, Galio’s primary goal is to assert lane dominance through effective poke and wave control. Utilize your Q (Winds of War) to poke Irelia and keep her health low, which will force her to play more defensively. Your passive (Colossal Smash) empowers your auto-attacks, enabling you to trade efficiently with Irelia while pushing the wave.

Avoid being caught by Irelia’s E (Flawless Duet) and keep an eye on her passive (Ionian Fervor) stacks. When trading, use your W (Shield of Durand) to mitigate her damage output and follow up with your E (Justice Punch) for additional damage and crowd control.

Mid Game:

In the mid-game, Galio’s focus should be on exerting map pressure and providing assistance to his teammates. Use your R (Hero’s Entrance) to join skirmishes or counter Irelia’s aggression in other lanes, turning the tide of the battle in your team’s favor.

When contesting objectives, your Q (Winds of War) can zone the enemy team, while your W (Shield of Durand) can provide a powerful AoE taunt, giving your team the upper hand in team fights. Position yourself to protect your carries from Irelia’s dives and engage with your E (Justice Punch) when the opportunity arises.

Late Game:

In the late game, Galio transitions into a robust frontline tank and initiator, adept at peeling for his team and engaging in team fights. Maintain vision control around key objectives and look for opportunities to engage with your E (Justice Punch) or a well-timed W (Shield of Durand).

During late-game team fights, your role is to protect your carries from Irelia’s engage and disrupt her attempts to dive your backline. Use your W (Shield of Durand) to taunt Irelia and follow up with your Q (Winds of War) and E (Justice Punch) for additional damage and crowd control. Your R (Hero’s Entrance) can be used to reposition yourself or provide a massive damage reduction shield for your allies, ensuring your team’s survival in critical situations.


Fizz- Irelia Counters
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55.1% WR

Fizz, the Tidal Trickster, is a slippery and dangerous adversary for Irelia. His mobility, burst damage, and untargetability make him a challenging opponent to lock down. As a Challenger player, mastering Fizz’s unique playstyle and knowing how to exploit Irelia’s weaknesses will bring you closer to victory. Let’s dive into the depths of how Fizz should approach the Irelia matchup in the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

In the early game, Fizz should focus on farming and surviving until he reaches his power spike at level 6. While he may struggle in the early levels against Irelia, Fizz’s W (Seastone Trident) allows him to trade effectively when she overextends or misses her E (Flawless Duet).

One of Fizz’s greatest strengths is his ability to evade skill shots using his E (Playful/Trickster). Use this ability to dodge Irelia’s E and disengage when she has stacked her passive (Ionian Fervor). Look for opportunities to land your Q (Urchin Strike) and W (Seastone Trident) combo for quick trades when Irelia is vulnerable.

Mid Game:

During the mid-game, Fizz’s burst damage and roaming potential become significant threats to Irelia and her team. Upon reaching level 6, Fizz’s R (Chum the Waters) provides him with immense kill pressure. Use your ultimate to engage on Irelia when she is isolated or low on health, following up with your Q, W, and E combo for maximum burst damage.

As Fizz, you should also focus on roaming and helping your teammates secure kills and objectives. Utilize your high mobility to create pressure around the map and snowball your lead.

Late Game:

In the late game, Fizz transitions into a potent assassin capable of eliminating high-priority targets in team fights. Your main goal is to find opportunities to burst down Irelia or other carries on the enemy team before they can impact the fight.

When engaging in team fights, use your R (Chum the Waters) to disrupt the enemy backline and create chaos. Be patient and wait for the right moment to strike, using your E (Playful/Trickster) to dodge crucial crowd control abilities and remain elusive.


Ekko- Irelia Counters
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54.55% WR

Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time, is a versatile and elusive champion who excels at turning the tide of battle against Irelia. With his unique blend of mobility, burst damage, and utility, Ekko can effectively counter Irelia throughout the game. As a Challenger player, understanding the intricacies of this matchup is crucial for securing victory. Let’s dive into how Ekko should approach the Irelia matchup in the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

In the early game, Ekko should focus on farming and poking Irelia with his Q (Timewinder) while maintaining a safe distance. Use your passive (Z-Drive Resonance) to trade effectively when Irelia overextends or misses her E (Flawless Duet). Keep an eye on her passive (Ionian Fervor) stacks and avoid trading when it’s fully stacked.

Proper usage of Ekko’s W (Parallel Convergence) is crucial in this matchup. Use it defensively to zone Irelia away from the minion wave or set up ganks with your jungler. Your E (Phase Dive) provides you with excellent mobility, allowing you to dodge Irelia’s E and escape unfavorable trades.

Mid Game:

As Ekko transitions into the mid-game, his roaming and assassination potential become significant threats to Irelia and her team. Utilize your high mobility to roam and apply pressure on other lanes, helping your teammates secure kills and objectives. Contest vision around the map, and look for opportunities to ambush Irelia or other vulnerable targets with your W (Parallel Convergence) and E (Phase Dive) combo.

During skirmishes and team fights, aim to land your W (Parallel Convergence) on Irelia and her teammates for a powerful AoE stun, followed by your Q (Timewinder) and E (Phase Dive) combo for burst damage.

Late Game:

In the late game, Ekko’s role shifts towards being an assassin and backline disruptor. Your main goal is to eliminate high-priority targets, such as Irelia or the enemy carries, while avoiding crucial crowd control abilities. Use your R (Chronobreak) wisely to reposition yourself, heal, and deal massive AoE damage during team fights.

When engaging in team fights, look for opportunities to flank the enemy backline and use your W (Parallel Convergence) to set up a stun. Be patient and wait for the right moment to strike, utilizing your E (Phase Dive) and Q (Timewinder) for mobility and burst damage.


Cassiopeia- Irelia Counters
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54.14% WR

Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace, is a potent and lethal force against Irelia. Her sustained damage, crowd control, and zone control abilities can effectively shut down Irelia’s aggressive playstyle. As a Challenger player, mastering Cassiopeia’s mechanics and understanding how to exploit Irelia’s weaknesses will put you on the path to victory. Let’s explore how Cassiopeia should approach the Irelia matchup in the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

During the early game, Cassiopeia should prioritize poking and harassing Irelia with her Q (Noxious Blast) and E (Twin Fang) combo while maintaining a safe distance. Cassiopeia’s passive (Serpentine Grace) allows her to position effectively and avoid Irelia’s E (Flawless Duet).

Keep an eye on Irelia’s passive (Ionian Fervor) stacks and avoid trading when it’s fully stacked. Cassiopeia’s W (Miasma) can be a powerful tool for zoning Irelia away from the minion wave and denying her engage opportunities. Make sure to ward your lane to avoid ganks, as Cassiopeia lacks natural escape mechanisms.

Mid Game:

As the mid-game approaches, Cassiopeia becomes a formidable damage dealer and team fighter. Utilize your high sustained damage to pressure Irelia in lane, and look for opportunities to roam and assist your teammates in securing objectives and kills.

In skirmishes and team fights, Cassiopeia’s W (Miasma) can be used to zone Irelia and her team, while her Q (Noxious Blast) and E (Twin Fang) combo can shred through enemy health bars. Position yourself carefully to avoid being caught out by Irelia’s engage and use your R (Petrifying Gaze) to counter her aggression or turn the tide of battle.

Late Game:

In the late game, Cassiopeia shines as a hyper-carry with immense sustained damage and utility. Focus on maintaining optimal positioning and dealing consistent damage to Irelia and her team while avoiding enemy crowd control and engage attempts.

During team fights, utilize your W (Miasma) to create zones of control and deter Irelia from diving your backline. Aim to land a well-timed R (Petrifying Gaze) to lock down Irelia or other high-priority targets, turning the fight in your favor. Cassiopeia’s E (Twin Fang) serves as a powerful DPS tool, allowing you to melt through the enemy team if left unchecked.


Renekton- Irelia Counters
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53.91% WR

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands, is a fearsome top lane bully who can effectively counter Irelia’s aggressive playstyle. With his potent early game damage, sustain, and crowd control, Renekton can dominate the lane and prevent Irelia from scaling. As a Challenger player, mastering Renekton’s strengths and understanding how to exploit Irelia’s weaknesses will help you secure victory. Let’s delve into how Renekton should approach the Irelia matchup in the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

In the early game, Renekton should focus on asserting lane dominance and trading effectively with Irelia. Use your Q (Cull the Meek) to poke and sustain, while your W (Ruthless Predator) provides powerful crowd control and burst damage. Keep an eye on Irelia’s passive (Ionian Fervor) stacks and avoid trading when it’s fully stacked.

To maximize your trading potential, manage your Fury resource carefully. Utilize empowered abilities by trading when your Fury bar is at least 50%. Your E (Slice and Dice) offers both mobility and damage, allowing you to engage on Irelia, dodge her E (Flawless Duet), and disengage when necessary.

Mid Game:

During the mid-game, Renekton’s objective is to snowball his lead and create pressure on the map. Utilize your Tiamat or its upgrades to push the wave and roam, assisting your team in securing objectives and kills. Look for opportunities to split-push and force Irelia or other enemies to respond to your pressure.

In skirmishes and team fights, Renekton can serve as both a frontliner and a damage threat. Use your R (Dominus) to increase your survivability and damage output, while utilizing your W (Ruthless Predator) to lock down Irelia or other high-priority targets.

Late Game:

In the late game, Renekton’s role shifts towards being a tanky frontliner and peeler for his carries. While Renekton may struggle against hyper-scaling champions in the late game, his ability to protect his carries and disrupt the enemy backline remains valuable.

During team fights, focus on peeling for your carries and locking down Irelia or other threats with your W (Ruthless Predator). Utilize your E (Slice and Dice) and R (Dominus) to create space and soak up damage for your team. Look for opportunities to engage on isolated targets or force advantageous fights with your powerful crowd control and burst damage.


Vex - Irelia Counters
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53.62% WR

Vex, the Gloomist, is a powerful mid-lane mage who excels at countering mobile champions like Irelia. Her unique ability to disrupt enemy dashes, combined with her crowd control and burst damage, makes her a formidable opponent in this matchup. As a Challenger player, mastering Vex’s abilities and understanding how to exploit Irelia’s weaknesses is essential for securing victory. Let’s explore how Vex should approach the Irelia matchup in the early game, mid game, and late game.

Early Game:

In the early game, Vex should focus on farming and poking Irelia with her Q (Mistral Bolt) and E (Personal Space) combo. Maintain a safe distance and use your passive (Doom ‘n Gloom) to disrupt Irelia’s dashes, denying her engage opportunities.

Keep an eye on Irelia’s passive (Ionian Fervor) stacks and avoid trading when it’s fully stacked. Vex’s W (Looming Darkness) can be a valuable zoning tool, as well as a source of bonus damage when combined with her other abilities. Use it to pressure Irelia and secure favorable trades.

Mid Game:

As the mid-game unfolds, Vex’s pick potential and team fight presence become significant threats to Irelia and her team. Utilize your high burst damage and crowd control to pressure Irelia in lane, and look for roaming opportunities to assist your teammates in securing kills and objectives.

In skirmishes and team fights, Vex’s R (Shadow Surge) can be used to catch Irelia or other high-priority targets out of position. Use your passive (Doom ‘n Gloom) to disrupt Irelia’s mobility and follow up with your Q (Mistral Bolt), E (Personal Space), and W (Looming Darkness) combo for burst damage.

Late Game:

In the late game, Vex excels as a potent burst mage and backline disruptor. Your primary goal is to eliminate high-priority targets, such as Irelia or the enemy carries while avoiding crucial crowd control abilities.

During team fights, utilize your R (Shadow Surge) to engage on Irelia or other high-priority targets, and use your passive (Doom ‘n Gloom) to disrupt enemy dashes and mobility. Use your Q (Mistral Bolt), E (Personal Space), and W (Looming Darkness) combo for maximum burst damage.

How to Utilize These Champions

Now that you know which champions have the highest win rate against Irelia and some strategies for Early, Mid and Late Game, let’s discuss some general strategies and champion-specific tips to maximize your advantage in the matchup.

General Strategies

  • Focus on early game: Irelia’s power spikes occur in the mid-game, so try to shut her down before she becomes a threat.
  • Deny farm: Keep Irelia from farming by zoning her and punishing her when she goes for last hits.
  • Watch for her stun: Irelia’s E (Flawless Duet) is her primary engage tool, so avoid getting stunned and play cautiously when it’s up.
  • Coordinate with your jungler: Effective ganks can help shut down Irelia, so communicate with your jungler and set up plays to get ahead.

Champion-Specific Tips

  • Gragas: Use your Q and E combo to disrupt Irelia’s dashes and keep her from engaging.
  • Galio: Poke Irelia with your Q and use your W to mitigate her damage.
  • Fizz: Dodge Irelia’s stun with your E and surprise her with your burst damage.
  • Ekko: Poke Irelia with your Q and set up stuns with your W.
  • Cassiopeia: Zone Irelia with your W and use your R to stop her dives.
  • Renekton: Trade efficiently with your Q and use your W to lock Irelia down.
  • Vex: Poke Irelia with your Q and E, and use your R to interrupt her mobility.


By utilizing these top 7 champions and employing the strategies discussed in this article, you can effectively counter Irelia and increase your chances of winning your games. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and learn from your experiences in the matchup.


  1. Can Irelia be played in other roles besides top lane? Yes, Irelia can also be played in the mid lane, but her primary role is in the top lane.
  2. **How do I deal with Irelia’s passive (Ionian Fervor)?** To deal with Irelia’s passive, try to avoid extended trades when she has fully stacked her passive. Disengage when she’s about to reach full stacks and re-engage when her stacks expire.
  1. When is Irelia the strongest? Irelia is the strongest in the mid-game, where she can capitalize on her mobility and high damage output.
  2. Which items are most effective against Irelia? Items that provide crowd control, armor, or grievous wounds can be useful against Irelia. Examples include Thornmail, Randuin’s Omen, and Bramble Vest for tanks or Morellonomicon for mages.
  3. How do I coordinate with my team to shut down Irelia? Communication is key. Share information about Irelia’s cooldowns, summoner spells, and positioning with your team. Coordinate ganks, roams, and objective control to keep her in check and prevent her from snowballing.
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