Picking the Perfect Champion in League of Legends

Picking the perfect League of Legends champion
Image via Riot Games

Introduction to League of Legends

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and lost when trying to choose a champion in League of Legends? With over 160 champions to choose from, the process of selecting the right character can feel daunting and frustrating, especially for beginners. But don’t worry! We’ve all been there, and you’re not alone in your struggle to find the perfect champion that suits your playstyle and helps you excel in the game.

The good news is that there’s a solution to this problem. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various types of champions, discuss the importance of picking the right character, and provide you with factors to consider when selecting a champion. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to choose a champion that not only resonates with your unique playstyle but also enhances your overall gaming experience and helps you climb the ranks in League of Legends. So, let’s dive in and embark on the journey to finding your perfect champion!

Importance of Picking the Right Champion

Team Composition

League of Legends is a team-based game where each player controls a unique champion. A well-balanced team composition is essential for success, as it allows for a greater variety of strategies and tactics. Picking a champion that complements your teammates’ choices is crucial for achieving victory.

Individual Playstyle

Each player has a unique playstyle, and some champions will naturally fit better with certain preferences. Understanding your preferred playstyle will help you choose a champion that you enjoy playing and are more likely to excel with.

Learning Curve

Some champions are easier to learn than others, making them more suitable for beginners. Starting with an easy-to-learn champion allows you to focus on mastering the game’s mechanics and map awareness before diving into more complex characters.

The Importance of Picking the Right Champion: Going Beyond the Basics

Selecting the ideal champion is crucial not only for your enjoyment of the game but also for increasing your chances of success. In this section, we will dive deeper into the importance of choosing the right champion and provide additional insights to help you make the best decision for your League of Legends journey.

Adapting to the Game’s Pace

League of Legends is a dynamic game, with matches varying in pace and intensity. Some champions excel in fast-paced, aggressive games, while others perform better in slower, more methodical matches. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each champion in different game scenarios can help you adapt to the game’s pace and increase your chances of success.

Mastering Specific Mechanics

Each champion in League of Legends has unique mechanics that set them apart from the rest. Mastering these mechanics is essential for reaching your full potential with a particular champion. Picking the right champion allows you to focus on mastering the specific mechanics that align with your preferred playstyle and improve your overall game sense.

Building Synergy with Teammates

In League of Legends, teamwork is the key to victory. Selecting a champion that synergizes well with your teammates’ choices can lead to powerful combinations and strategies that can catch your opponents off guard. Being adaptable and having a versatile champion pool enables you to fit seamlessly into any team composition, making you a valuable asset to your team.

Counter-Picking and Drafting Strategy

As you progress in the game, you’ll encounter situations where your opponents pick champions that counter your preferred choices. Picking the right champion also involves understanding how to counter-pick and adapt your selection based on your opponents’ choices. Developing a diverse champion pool allows you to respond effectively to the enemy team’s draft and maintain a strategic advantage.

Enjoyment and Longevity

Lastly, picking the right champion is essential for maintaining your enjoyment of the game. Playing a champion that you genuinely enjoy and connect with can make the learning process more enjoyable and increase your motivation to improve. Finding the right champion contributes to your long-term engagement with League of Legends, helping you stay invested in the game and continuously strive for growth.

By considering these additional insights, you can make more informed decisions when selecting a champion, ultimately enhancing your League of Legends experience and increasing your chances of success on the Rift.

Types of Champions

Image via Riot Games


Tanks are durable, frontline champions that excel at soaking up damage and protecting their teammates. They are typically found in the top lane or as the jungler. If you enjoy leading the charge and disrupting the enemy team, a tank might be the perfect fit for you.


Assassins are agile, burst damage dealers that excel at eliminating high-priority targets. They are usually found in the mid lane or as the jungler. If you enjoy playing as a stealthy, high-risk, high-reward champion, consider picking an assassin.


Mages are ranged champions that deal significant magic damage, often with powerful area-of-effect abilities. They typically occupy the mid lane. If you enjoy controlling the battlefield with crowd control and high-damage spells, a mage might be your ideal choice.


Marksmen are ranged, physical damage dealers that excel at taking down objectives and dealing consistent damage throughout the game. They are usually found in the bot lane, paired with a support. If you enjoy dishing out damage from a safe distance and steadily scaling into a late-game powerhouse, consider playing a marksman.


Supports are champions that excel at protecting and empowering their teammates. They typically occupy the bot lane alongside a marksman. If you enjoy playing a utility-focused role and setting up plays for your team, a support champion could be the perfect choice for you.

Factors to Consider When Picking Your Champion

Image via Riot Games

When selecting a champion in League of Legends, it’s essential to consider various factors that can impact your gaming experience and performance. Here, we explore these factors in more detail to help you make the best decision for your personal playstyle and preferences.

Role Versatility and Adaptability

Understanding each champion’s primary role and potential secondary roles is crucial when selecting a character. Some champions can effectively play multiple roles or adapt to various situations, while others are more specialized. Choose a champion that aligns with your preferred position, but also consider their potential versatility, as this can provide you with greater adaptability during champion select and in-game situations.

Champion’s Abilities and Scaling

When considering a champion, take a closer look at their abilities and how they scale throughout the game. Some champions have strong early-game abilities, while others scale into late-game powerhouses. Evaluate how each champion’s abilities can impact the game’s different phases and how well they fit with your preferred playstyle, whether it’s early aggression, mid-game skirmishing, or late-game team fighting.

Champion’s Synergy with Items and Runes

Each champion has specific item builds and rune setups that enhance their performance. Research the optimal itemization and runes for each champion, and consider how they synergize with the champion’s abilities and playstyle. Understanding this synergy can help you maximize your champion’s potential and ensure that you’re utilizing the best strategies for success.

Map Awareness and Rotations

Some champions are more effective at roaming and exerting map pressure than others. When selecting a champion, consider how well they can move around the map, contribute to objective control, and impact other lanes. Champions with strong map presence can create opportunities for your team and help swing the game in your favor.

Current Patch and Meta Shifts

The state of the game is constantly evolving, with balance changes and meta shifts occurring frequently. Stay informed about the latest patch notes and popular champion picks to better understand how your preferred champions might fare in the current meta. While it’s not necessary to strictly follow the meta, being aware of these shifts can help you make more informed decisions about which champions to prioritize and invest your time into mastering.

By considering these in-depth factors, you can make a well-informed decision when selecting your champion, ultimately leading to a more enjoyable and successful gaming experience in League of Legends.


Picking the perfect League of Legends champion as a beginner can be a daunting task, but by considering factors such as team composition, individual playstyle, champion types, and champion difficulty, you can make an informed decision that will set you on the path to success. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different champions to find the one that truly resonates with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many champions are there in League of Legends? As of April 2023, there are over 160 champions in League of Legends, with new champions being added regularly.
  2. Is it necessary to play all the champions in League of Legends? No, it is not necessary to play all the champions. Most players have a handful of champions they are comfortable with and specialize in. However, having a basic understanding of each champion’s abilities can help you better strategize and counter enemy picks.
  3. How do I unlock champions in League of Legends? Champions can be unlocked using Blue Essence, which is earned by playing games, or Riot Points, which can be purchased with real money. Free champion rotations are also available each week, allowing you to try out different champions before committing to a purchase.
  4. How long does it take to become proficient with a new champion? The time it takes to become proficient with a new champion varies depending on the player’s skill level, the champion’s complexity, and the amount of practice invested. Generally, it can take anywhere from several games to several weeks of consistent play to become comfortable with a new champion.
  5. Can I switch champions during a game? No, you cannot switch champions during a game. Once you have locked in your champion during champion select, you are committed to playing that champion for the duration of the game.
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