9 Best League of Legends Top Lane Tanks: April 2023

League of Legends is a massively popular online game that requires players to strategize and use different champions to win matches. The top lane is a crucial position in the game and requires players to choose tanks that can sustain damage and protect their team. In this article, we will discuss the 9 best League of Legends top lane tanks, based on their win rates and effectiveness.

Malphite Tank League of Legends
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In League of Legends, the top lane is a position that requires players to choose tanks that can sustain damage and protect their team. Top lane tanks are champions with high health and defense, making them ideal for absorbing enemy attacks and initiating team fights. However, not all tanks are created equal, and some are more effective than others. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the best top lane tanks in League of Legends.

What are Top Lane Tanks?

Top lane tanks are champions that can withstand a lot of damage and protect their team. They are typically played in the top lane, which is one of the most important positions in the game. The top lane is located on the upper side of the map, and it is the longest lane. Top lane tanks are responsible for soaking up damage, initiating team fights, and protecting their team’s carries.

The Best Top Lane Tanks for League of Legends

After analyzing the win rates and effectiveness of various top lane tanks in League of Legends, we have compiled a list of the 9 best top lane tanks. These champions are excellent choices for players who want to dominate the top lane and help their team win matches.


Malphite is a rock-like champion that excels in the top lane. He has a win rate of 52.70%, making him one of the most effective top lane tanks in the game. Malphite has a unique ability called “Unstoppable Force,” which allows him to initiate team fights and stun multiple enemies at once. He also has high defense and can sustain a lot of damage.


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Pantheon is another great top lane tank with a win rate of 51.70%. He is a versatile champion that can deal a lot of damage while also tanking hits. Pantheon has a unique ability called “Aegis Assault,” which allows him to block incoming attacks and deal damage to enemies. He is also mobile and can quickly move around the map, making him an excellent choice for players who like to roam.


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Mordekaiser is a powerful top lane tank with a win rate of 51.70%. He has high defense and can sustain a lot of damage, making him a great choice for players who want to soak up hits. Mordekaiser also has a unique ability called “Realm of Death,” which allows him to trap enemies in an alternate dimension and deal damage to them over time. He is a formidable opponent and can take on multiple enemies at once.


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Singed is a unique top lane tank with a win rate of 51.60%. He is a champion that uses poison to deal damage to enemies and can sustain a lot of damage himself. Singed has a unique ability called “Mega Adhesive,” which slows enemies and makes it easier for him to catch them. He is also mobile and can quickly escape dangerous situations. Singed is an excellent choice for players who want to harass their opponents and control the battlefield.


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Maokai is a popular top lane tank with a win rate of 51.30%. He has high defense and can sustain a lot of damage while also dealing damage to enemies. Maokai has a unique ability called “Sapling Toss,” which allows him to throw explosive saplings at enemies and deal damage to them. He is also a great initiator and can start team fights with his “Twisted Advance” ability.


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Ornn is a powerful top lane tank with a win rate of 51.00%. He is a versatile champion that can deal a lot of damage while also tanking hits. Ornn has a unique ability called “Call of the Forge God,” which allows him to summon a giant ram and knock up enemies. He also has high defense and can sustain a lot of damage.


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Cho’Gath is a popular top lane tank with a win rate of 50.90%. He has high health and defense, making him an ideal choice for players who want to soak up damage. Cho’Gath has a unique ability called “Feast,” which allows him to eat minions, monsters, and enemy champions to gain health and size. He is also a great initiator and can start team fights with his “Rupture” ability.

Dr. Mundo

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Dr. Mundo is a powerful top lane tank with a win rate of 50.90%. He has high health and defense, making him an ideal choice for players who want to absorb damage. Dr. Mundo has a unique ability called “Sadism,” which allows him to regenerate health quickly and become immune to crowd control effects. He is also a great harasser and can deal a lot of damage with his “Infected Cleaver” ability.


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Sion is a versatile top lane tank with a win rate of 50.60%. He has high health and defense, making him an ideal choice for players who want to soak up damage. Sion has a unique ability called “Roar of the Slayer,” which allows him to slow and damage enemies. He is also a great initiator and can start team fights with his “Unstoppable Onslaught” ability.

How to Choose the Right Top Lane Tank for Your Team

When choosing a top lane tank for your team, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, you should consider your team’s composition and what type of tank would complement it. For example, if your team already has a lot of damage dealers, you may want to choose a tank that can absorb a lot of damage.

You should also consider the enemy team’s composition and choose a tank that can counter their abilities. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of crowd control abilities, you may want to choose a tank that is immune to crowd control effects.

Tips for Playing Top Lane Tanks Effectively

Playing top lane tanks effectively requires a combination of skill and strategy. Here are some tips to help you play top lane tanks effectively:

  • Focus on last hitting minions to earn gold and experience.
  • Use your abilities to harass your opponents and control the battlefield.
  • Ward the river and tri-bush to avoid ganks from the enemy jungler.
  • Coordinate with your team and initiate team fights at the right time.
  • Build items that complement your tank’s abilities and playstyle.

In conclusion, top lane tanks are essential for winning matches in League of Legends. The 9 champions listed in this article are the best choices for players who want to dominate the top lane and

help their team win matches. When choosing a top lane tank, consider your team’s composition and the enemy team’s abilities. Playing top lane tanks effectively requires skill, strategy, and coordination with your team.

Remember to focus on last hitting minions, using abilities to harass opponents, warding the river and tri-bush, coordinating with your team, and building items that complement your tank’s abilities and playstyle.


  1. What makes a good top lane tank in League of Legends?

A good top lane tank should have high health and defense, be able to absorb damage, initiate team fights, and protect their team’s carries.

  1. What factors should I consider when choosing a top lane tank for my team?

You should consider your team’s composition, the enemy team’s composition, and the tank’s abilities and playstyle.

  1. How can I play top lane tanks effectively?

To play top lane tanks effectively, focus on last hitting minions, using abilities to harass opponents, warding the river and tri-bush, coordinating with your team, and building items that complement your tank’s abilities and playstyle.

  1. Can top lane tanks deal damage to enemies?

Yes, top lane tanks can deal damage to enemies while also absorbing hits and protecting their team. Some tanks, like Pantheon and Mordekaiser, are also capable of dealing significant damage.

  1. Are there any other top lane tanks that are effective in League of Legends?

Yes, there are many other top lane tanks in League of Legends that are effective, such as Shen, Garen, and Nasus. However, the 9 champions listed in this article are currently the most effective based on their win rates and overall effectiveness.

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