The Ultimate Zoe Guide: Builds, Counters and Lore

Zoe builds counters and lore
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Introduction to Zoe

In Leauge of Legends, the strongest survive and the game constantly evolves with new champions, updates, and changes that challenge players to adapt their strategies and understanding of the game. One such addition to the game, Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight, is a mischievous and unpredictable mid-lane mage who has made a significant impact on the game. Her unique playstyle, a combination of powerful skillshots, crowd control abilities, and spell-stealing mechanics, has attracted many players to master her, while others struggle to find ways to counter her effectively. This scenario creates a problem for both Zoe players and their opponents.

For those who choose to play as Zoe, her high skill ceiling may initially be overwhelming. Mastery of her abilities requires excellent timing, positioning, and decision-making skills. Moreover, her Spell Thief ability (W) creates an unpredictable playstyle, as she can collect and utilize Summoner Spells and active item effects from enemy champions or minions. Players who face Zoe must learn to dodge her skillshots, predict her movements, and exploit her weaknesses.

In this comprehensive guide, we will address these challenges by offering a detailed overview of Zoe’s abilities, helping you understand the intricacies of her kit and how to maximize her potential. Furthermore, we will discuss her ideal build and rune choices, which play a crucial role in enhancing her damage and utility throughout the game. Recognizing the best items and runes to choose for specific scenarios will enable you to tailor your playstyle to counter your opponents effectively.

For players who find themselves facing Zoe, we will provide valuable insight into countering her, both in terms of champion picks and in-game strategies. By understanding her strengths and weaknesses, you will be better equipped to exploit her vulnerabilities and minimize her impact on the game.

Lastly, we will delve into Zoe’s lore to give you a complete understanding of her background and place within the world of Runeterra. This knowledge will not only enrich your appreciation for the character but also help you immerse yourself in the game’s vibrant universe.

So, whether you are a Zoe main looking to hone your skills or an opponent seeking ways to neutralize her, this ultimate Zoe guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to excel on the Rift.

Zoe’s Build and Runes

Zoe Builds, items and runes
Image via Riot Games

To maximize Zoe’s damage and utility, consider the following item and rune recommendations.

Zoe’s Core Items and Top 5 Win Rates by Core Item Build

To maximize Zoe’s potential, it’s crucial to understand her core items and the top 5 win rates by core item build. These items will enhance her damage, utility, and survivability throughout the game.

Core Items

  1. Lost Chapter: Provides Ability Power, Mana, and a passive that restores Mana upon leveling up.
  2. Luden’s Tempest: Grants Ability Power, Mana, Ability Haste, and a passive that adds burst damage to Zoe’s abilities.
  3. Shadowflame: Offers Ability Power and Magic Penetration, increasing her damage against enemies with Magic Resist.

Top 5 Win Rates by Core Item Build

  1. Lost Chapter > Luden’s Tempest > Shadowflame > Mejai’s Soulstealer (Win Rate: 75.5%)

This build focuses on maximizing Zoe’s damage output while snowballing her lead with Mejai’s Soulstealer. With Luden’s Tempest providing burst damage and Shadowflame granting Magic Penetration, Mejai’s Soulstealer amplifies her Ability Power as she accumulates kills and assists.

  1. Lost Chapter > Luden’s Tempest > Mejai’s Soulstealer > Shadowflame (Win Rate: 72.6%)

Similar to the first build, this setup prioritizes snowballing with Mejai’s Soulstealer but obtains it before Shadowflame. This build is optimal when Zoe can secure kills and assists early, allowing her to stack Mejai’s Soulstealer before further amplifying her damage with Shadowflame.

  1. Lost Chapter > Luden’s Tempest > Zhonya’s Hourglass > Shadowflame (Win Rate: 58.0%)

This build offers a balance between damage and survivability. Zhonya’s Hourglass grants Armor and an active that makes Zoe invulnerable for a short period, enabling her to avoid fatal damage or crowd control. Shadowflame boosts her Magic Penetration, ensuring she can deal significant damage against enemies with Magic Resist.

  1. Lost Chapter > Luden’s Tempest > Shadowflame > Rabadon’s Deathcap (Win Rate: 56.0%)

This build focuses on maximizing Zoe’s Ability Power with Rabadon’s Deathcap. By granting a significant Ability Power boost and a unique passive that further amplifies her overall Ability Power, this build excels at dealing raw damage against squishier targets but lacks the survivability provided by Zhonya’s Hourglass.

  1. Blasting Wand > Luden’s Tempest > Shadowflame > Rabadon’s Deathcap (Win Rate: 55.2%)

Starting with Blasting Wand, this build follows a similar path as the previous one. It offers an early game power spike due to the increased Ability Power from Blasting Wand. However, this build also lacks the survivability of Zhonya’s Hourglass, making it better suited for players confident in their ability to position and avoid crowd control.

Analyzing Zoe Rune Setups and Win Rates

When selecting runes for Zoe, it’s important to consider their popularity and win rates to make informed decisions that will benefit your gameplay. Let’s analyze the five most popular rune setups for Zoe and discuss their effectiveness.

1. Domination/Sorcery (Popularity: 46.9%, Win Rate: 50.1%)

Zoe runes
Screenshot via Riot Games

This rune setup combines Electrocute, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Relentless Hunter from the Domination tree, with Manaflow Band and Transcendence from the Sorcery tree. Electrocute provides extra burst damage, while Cheap Shot adds true damage when hitting enemies with crowd control. Eyeball Collection grants bonus Ability Power, and Relentless Hunter offers out-of-combat movement speed.

This rune setup is popular due to its reliable damage output and good synergy with Zoe’s kit. The win rate of 50.1% indicates that it’s a solid choice for most situations.

2. Domination/Inspiration (Popularity: 40.2%, Win Rate: 50.4%)

This combination focuses on Domination with Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. The secondary tree is Inspiration, featuring Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight. Taste of Blood provides sustain, and Ultimate Hunter reduces the cooldown of Zoe’s ultimate ability.

Although less popular than the first setup, it offers a slightly higher win rate. This setup may be more suitable for players who prefer additional sustain and reduced ultimate cooldowns.

3. Sorcery/Inspiration (Popularity: 4.7%, Win Rate: 48.6%)

This setup opts for Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm from the Sorcery tree, and Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight from Inspiration. Arcane Comet provides poke damage, and Gathering Storm grants scaling Ability Power.

Despite its lower popularity and win rate, this setup can be effective for players who prefer poke-oriented playstyles and late-game scaling.

4. Sorcery/Domination (Popularity: 2.4%, Win Rate: 52.6%)

This combination uses Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm from Sorcery, and Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter from Domination. It retains the poke potential from the previous setup while adding the benefits of Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter.

Although this setup is the least popular of the five, it boasts the highest win rate. Players looking for a balance between poke damage and utility may find this combination appealing.

5. Inspiration/Sorcery (Popularity: 2.2%, Win Rate: 48.9%)

This less popular setup focuses on Unsealed Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight from the Inspiration tree, with Manaflow Band and Transcendence from Sorcery. Unsealed Spellbook allows Zoe to swap Summoner Spells, adding versatility and adaptability.

While the win rate is slightly lower, players who value flexibility in their playstyle may find this rune setup appealing.

Each rune setup caters to different playstyles and preferences. The most popular and effective setups are Domination/Sorcery and Domination/Inspiration. However, players looking for alternative options can experiment with Sorcery/Inspiration, Sorcery/Domination, or Inspiration/Sorcery to find the best fit for their gameplay. The best way to utilize these differences is to understand your lane matchup and win conditions. Playing to your strengths and picking the right rune page for the right match and team composition will ultimately help skyrocket your Zoe Winrate.

Countering Zoe

Zoe Counter Section: Challenger Level Insights

To effectively counter Zoe in your games, it’s essential to understand her weaknesses and exploit them using champions with favorable win rates against her. Below are the top 5 champions with the highest win rates against Zoe in Challenger level games, along with the strategies to employ when playing against her.

1. Annie (53.94% WR)

Annie’s ability to engage and burst down squishy targets makes her an excellent counter to Zoe. With a reliable point-and-click stun (Q) and high burst damage from her abilities, Annie can easily catch Zoe off guard and eliminate her before she has a chance to react. When playing against Zoe, be prepared to dodge her skill shots and engage when her Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E) is on cooldown.

2. Tristana (53.73% WR)

Tristana’s strength as a Zoe counter lies in her ability to quickly close the gap and burst down her target. With her Rocket Jump (W) and Buster Shot (R), Tristana can engage and disengage from fights, making it difficult for Zoe to land her skill shots. When playing against Zoe, use Tristana’s mobility to dodge her abilities and burst her down before she can react.

3. Diana (53.49% WR)

Diana’s strong all-in potential and tankiness make her a formidable Zoe counter. Her Lunar Rush (E) allows her to close the distance between her and Zoe, while her Pale Cascade (W) shields her from some of Zoe’s burst damage. As Diana, engage on Zoe when her Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E) is on cooldown, and use your shield and burst damage to eliminate her quickly.

4. Malzahar (52.72% WR)

Malzahar’s ability to suppress Zoe with his Nether Grasp (R) makes him a strong counter. His passive spell shield can block Zoe’s Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E), mitigating her crowd control and burst potential. When playing against Zoe as Malzahar, maintain a safe distance and look for opportunities to lock her down with your ultimate, allowing your team to follow up and secure the kill.

5. Gragas (52.33% WR)

Gragas’s tankiness and crowd control make him a solid counter to Zoe. His ability to engage and displace Zoe with his Explosive Cask (R) disrupts her positioning and leaves her vulnerable to follow-up damage from your team. As Gragas, focus on initiating fights and separating Zoe from her teammates, forcing her to use her mobility defensively and reducing her impact in team fights.

When playing against Zoe, it’s crucial to understand her strengths and weaknesses and pick champions that can exploit them. The above champions offer strong counterplay potential and, with the right strategy, can significantly reduce Zoe’s impact in games.

In-game Strategies

  1. Dodge Skillshots: Avoiding Zoe’s Q and E abilities significantly reduces her damage output and crowd control potential.
  2. Ward Flanks: Zoe relies on vision control to set up her Sleepy Trouble Bubble. Proper warding can prevent surprise picks.
  3. Engage when E is on cooldown: Without her crowd control, Zoe is vulnerable to engages and all-ins.

Zoe’s Lore

Zoe Builds, items and runes
Image via Riot Games

Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight, is a unique and mischievous character in the world of Runeterra. Her origin story is unlike any other Targonian Aspect, as she was not chosen for her heroism or sacrifice but rather her playful and rebellious nature. As a young girl, Zoe was known for being imaginative, lazy, and easily distracted, traits that caught the attention of the Aspect of Twilight.

In an unprecedented act, the Aspect merged with Zoe after witnessing her joyous irreverence in the face of danger. From that moment, she embarked on a journey through dimensions and realities beyond mortal comprehension, playing with cosmic powers rarely seen or experienced.

During her adventures, Zoe gained the ability to traverse time and space, witnessing key events in Runeterra’s history. She discovered that she was not the only Aspect and sought to befriend others like her, but was often brushed aside. Intrigued, she encountered the cosmic dragon, Aurelion Sol, and despite his disdain for her, they formed an unusual relationship.

Zoe’s unpredictable nature and her connection to the celestial realm have made her a source of both fascination and concern for scholars and mystics. With her presence, Runeterra teeters on the edge of profound transformation, which may come at the cost of chaos and destruction.

In the short story “Meet Zoe,” we follow the Aspect of Twilight as she navigates the mortal world, attempting to interact with humans and deliver a message. Her playful and curious demeanor often leads to unintended consequences, as she leaves a trail of destruction in her wake. Nonetheless, Zoe’s adventures give her a unique perspective on life and the workings of the universe, highlighting her role as a cosmic disrupter and harbinger of change.

Zoe is an incredibly fun and challenging champion to master in League of Legends. With a strong understanding of her abilities, the right build, and knowledge of how to counter her, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the mid lane as the Aspect of Twilight.


  1. What role does Zoe play in League of Legends? Zoe is primarily played as a mid-lane mage.
  2. Why is Zoe difficult to master? Zoe’s skillshots and her W ability require good timing and positioning, making her a high skill-cap champion.
  3. What is Zoe’s primary source of damage? Zoe deals the majority of her damage through her Q, Paddle Star, and her E, Sleepy Trouble Bubble, which sets up powerful burst combos.
  4. How does Zoe’s W, Spell Thief, work? Zoe can collect and use Summoner Spells and active item effects dropped by enemy champions or minions, granting her unpredictable utility and playmaking potential.
  5. What is Zoe’s role in the story of Runeterra? Zoe is the mortal host of the Aspect of Twilight and serves as a messenger for the celestial beings, traveling through dimensions and time.
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