The Ultimate Guide to Futures Market Rune in League of Legends

Futures market runes in league of legends
Screengrab via Riot Games

If you’re an avid League of Legends player, you may have heard of the Futures Market rune. This is a highly useful tool for players who want to optimize their in-game purchases and take control of their gold income. In this guide, we’ll explain what the Futures Market rune is, how it works, and how you can use it to gain a competitive advantage in the game.

What is the Futures Market Rune?

The Futures Market rune is a minor rune in League of Legends that allows you to borrow gold from future income to purchase items in the present. This can be highly useful in situations where you need a little extra gold to complete an item purchase or to catch up to your opponents.

How Does the Futures Market Rune Work?

When you select the Futures Market rune, you gain access to a small pool of gold that you can borrow from. The amount of gold in this pool is determined by your future gold income, which is calculated based on the minions and monsters you kill, as well as any gold-generating items or abilities you have.

When you use the Futures Market rune to purchase an item, the gold you borrow is deducted from your future gold income. This means that you’ll earn less gold from killing minions and monsters until you’ve paid off your debt.

Why Use the Futures Market Rune?

There are several benefits to using the Futures Market rune in League of Legends.

Firstly, it allows you to be more flexible with your gold income. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re just short of the gold you need to complete an item purchase, you can use the Futures Market rune to borrow the extra gold you need. This can be especially useful in situations where time is of the essence, such as during a team fight or when defending your base.

Secondly, the Futures Market rune can help you stay competitive with your opponents. If your opponents are outpacing you in gold income, using the Futures Market rune can help you catch up and stay in the game.

Finally, the Futures Market rune can help you optimize your gold income over the long term. By borrowing gold from your future income, you can purchase items that will help you earn more gold in the future. For example, you might use the Futures Market rune to purchase a gold-generating item that will help you earn more gold from minion kills in the long run.

How to Use the Futures Market Rune

To use the Futures Market rune in League of Legends, you’ll need to select it as one of your minor runes during champion select. Once you’ve selected the rune, it will become available to use in-game.

When you want to use the Futures Market rune to purchase an item, simply open the shop and select the item you want to purchase. If you don’t have enough gold to purchase the item, you’ll see a prompt asking if you want to borrow gold from your future income.

If you choose to borrow gold, the amount you borrow will be deducted from your future gold income. Keep in mind that this means you’ll earn less gold from killing minions and monsters until you’ve paid off your debt.

Tips for Using the Futures Market Rune

Screengrab via Riot Games

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of the Futures Market rune in League of Legends:

  1. Use the Futures Market rune to purchase items that will help you earn more gold in the future. For example, if you’re playing a champion who relies heavily on mana, you might use the rune to purchase a mana-regenerating item that will help you farm more efficiently.
  2. Be strategic about when you use the Futures Market rune. Borrowing too much gold too early can leave you vulnerable to enemy attacks
  1. Consider the opportunity cost of using the Futures Market rune. If you borrow gold to purchase an item now, you’ll earn less gold in the future. Make sure that the benefit of the item you’re purchasing outweighs the cost of borrowing gold.
  2. Keep an eye on your future gold income. If you’re borrowing too much gold, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with your opponents later in the game. Make sure to pay off your debt as soon as possible so you can get back to earning gold at your normal rate.
  3. Don’t rely too heavily on the Futures Market rune. While it can be a useful tool, it’s not a substitute for good farming and map awareness. Make sure you’re still focusing on last-hitting minions, taking objectives, and staying aware of enemy movements.

The Futures Market rune can be a powerful tool for League of Legends players who want to optimize their gold income and stay competitive with their opponents. By borrowing gold from future income, you can purchase items that will help you earn more gold in the long run and stay in the game in the short term. However, it’s important to use the rune strategically and to pay off your debt as soon as possible to avoid falling behind in gold income.


  • Q: What champions benefit most from the Futures Market rune?
  • A: The Futures Market rune can be useful for any champion, but it’s particularly effective for champions who need a little extra gold to complete key item purchases.
  • Q: Can I borrow more gold than my future income allows?
  • A: No, you can only borrow as much gold as your future income allows.
  • Q: Does borrowing gold from the Futures Market rune affect my experience gain?
  • A: No, borrowing gold from the Futures Market rune does not affect your experience gain.
  • Q: Can I use the Futures Market rune to buy consumables?
  • A: Yes, you can use the Futures Market rune to buy consumables like health potions or mana potions.
  • Q: Is the Futures Market rune a must-pick for all players?
  • A: No, the Futures Market rune is a situational pick that can be useful in certain situations, but it’s not a must-pick for all players.
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