How to Solo Carry in League of Legends

If you’re an avid player of League of Legends, you’ll know that climbing up the ranks and improving your gameplay can be challenging. However, if you want to increase your chances of winning, one of the best ways is to learn how to solo carry. Solo carrying is essentially carrying your team to victory through your individual gameplay skills, even if your teammates are struggling. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to become a solo carrying champion in League of Legends.

Tryndamere - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games

Understanding Solo Carrying in League of Legends

Solo carrying in League of Legends is all about having a dominant presence on the map, winning your lanes, and making smart decisions throughout the game. Essentially, you need to be able to take control of the game by outplaying your opponents and making impactful decisions. Solo carrying is not a guaranteed way to win, but it can give you a significant advantage over your opponents.

Choosing the Right Champion

The first step to solo carrying in League of Legends is choosing the right champion. Some champions are better suited for solo carrying than others. For example, champions like Zed, Yasuo, and Vayne are all excellent choices for solo carrying. They have high mobility, damage, and outplay potential. However, it’s important to choose a champion that fits your playstyle and skills.

Mastering Your Champion

Once you’ve chosen your champion, the next step is to master them. This means practicing their mechanics, learning their combos, and understanding their strengths and weaknesses. You’ll need to know how to use your champion’s abilities effectively and how to outplay your opponents in different situations. Spend time in practice mode and watch replays of professional players to learn from their gameplay.

Winning Your Lanes

Winning your lanes is essential if you want to solo carry in League of Legends. This means focusing on your CS (creep score), harassing your opponent, and trading efficiently. You’ll need to be able to push your opponent out of lane and deny them CS while gaining a gold advantage for yourself. If you can win your lane, you’ll have a better chance of snowballing the game in your favor.

Map Awareness

Map awareness is crucial if you want to solo carry in League of Legends. You’ll need to be aware of what’s happening on the map at all times, including where your opponents are, where your teammates are, and where objectives are located. Use wards and map pings to communicate with your team and gather information about your opponents.

Making Smart Decisions

Caitlyn- League of Legends
Image via Riot Games

Making smart decisions is one of the most important skills for solo carrying in League of Legends. You’ll need to know when to engage, when to retreat, when to split push, and when to group up with your team. Every decision you make should be based on the current state of the game, your champion’s strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents.

Objectives and Teamfights

Objectives and teamfights are critical to winning games in League of Legends. As a solo carrying player, you’ll need to know how to prioritize objectives like dragons, barons, and towers. You’ll also need to know how to teamfight effectively, using your champion’s abilities to maximum effect and positioning yourself in a way that allows you to deal damage while avoiding enemy abilities.

Managing Your Mental State

Managing your mental state is essential if you want to solo carry in League of Legends. It’s easy to become frustrated when your teammates are struggling or when you make mistakes. However, it’s important to stay focused and maintain a positive attitude. Take breaks when you need to and remember that every game is an opportunity to improve.


Solo carrying in League of Legends requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and mental fortitude. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a solo carrying champion. Remember to choose the right champion, master your mechanics, win your lanes, have map awareness, make smart decisions, prioritize objectives and teamfights, and manage your mental state.

Heimerdinger - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games


    Q: Can you only win in League of Legends by solo carrying?

    A: No, solo carrying is not the only way to win in League of Legends. It’s important to work together with your team, communicate effectively, and play to your strengths as a group.

    Q: Can any champion be used for solo carrying?

    A: While some champions are better suited for solo carrying than others, any champion can be used for solo carrying if played effectively and mastered properly.

    Q: What is the most important skill for solo carrying in League of Legends?

    A: The most important skill for solo carrying in League of Legends is making smart decisions. Knowing when to engage, retreat, split push, or group up can make all the difference in a game.

    Q: How can I manage my mental state when playing League of Legends?

    A: Managing your mental state is essential when playing League of Legends. Take breaks when you need to, focus on improving, and remember to maintain a positive attitude.

    Q: How can I improve my map awareness in League of Legends?

    A: Improving your map awareness in League of Legends involves using wards, paying attention to pings, and constantly scanning the map for information about your opponents and objectives. Practice and experience can also help improve your map awareness over time.

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