How to Get Key Fragments in League of Legends: Unlock the Chests

Are you tired of playing League of Legends day and night, only to be greeted with disappointment when you don’t get any key fragments? Fear not, my friend, for I have come to the rescue! In this guide, I’ll teach you how to get those precious key fragments and unlock the chest of laughter!

Screengrab via Riot Games

What are Key Fragments?

Before we dive into the ways of obtaining key fragments, let’s first understand what they are. Key fragments are pieces of a key that can be combined to create a key to unlock a Hextech chest. Hextech chests contain a variety of rewards, including champion skins, ward skins, emotes, and more.

Method 1: Honor Rewards

One of the easiest ways to get key fragments is by receiving honor from other players. If you consistently show good behavior in games and receive honor from your teammates and opponents, you can earn key fragments as rewards. The more honor you receive, the more key fragments you’ll get.

Method 2: Winning Games

Another way to earn key fragments is by winning games. Every time you win a game, you have a chance to earn a key fragment. The chance of getting a key fragment increases the more games you win, but it’s still random. So keep playing and keep winning!

Method 3: Purchasing Key Fragments

If you’re feeling lucky, you can purchase key fragments from the League of Legends store. However, this method can be quite expensive, so make sure you’re willing to spend some cash before you go down this route.

Method 4: Events and Missions

League of Legends often has events and missions that reward players with key fragments. These events and missions usually have specific requirements that players must meet to earn the rewards, so make sure to check the events tab in your client regularly to see if there are any ongoing events or missions that reward key fragments.

Method 5: Random Drops

Lastly, key fragments can also drop randomly after games, so keep an eye out for the notification that says you’ve earned a key fragment. This method is purely based on luck, so don’t get your hopes up too high.


Image via Riot Games

Getting key fragments in League of Legends can be a daunting task, but with these methods, you can increase your chances of unlocking the chest of laughter. Remember to be a good teammate, keep winning, check for events and missions, and cross your fingers for some good luck!


  1. Can I get banned for purchasing key fragments?

No, purchasing key fragments is not against the rules. However, make sure to purchase them from legitimate sources.

  1. Can I sell key fragments?

No, key fragments cannot be sold or traded.

  1. How many key fragments do I need to unlock a chest?

You need three key fragments to create a key to unlock a Hextech chest.

  1. What are the chances of getting a skin from a Hextech chest?

The chances of getting a skin from a Hextech chest are random and vary depending on the type of chest you open.

  1. Can I get key fragments in ARAM or Twisted Treeline?

Yes, you can get key fragments in all game modes except for custom games.

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