Aurelion Sol Rework: A Comprehensive Guide


Aurelion Sol Rework
Image via Riot Games

Discover the secrets behind Aurelion Sol’s awe-inspiring rework, his game-changing abilities, and the unparalleled force of his ultimate. Are you ready to dominate the celestial battlefield with this all-new cosmic dragon? Dive into this comprehensive guide and learn how to master Aurelion Sol’s true potential, secure victory, and leave your enemies starstruck.

The Reason Behind Aurelion Sol’s Rework

Breathing New Life into the Cosmic Dragon

The decision to rework Aurelion Sol stemmed from a desire to refresh and refine the champion’s gameplay experience, addressing certain limitations and challenges that players faced when mastering this cosmic powerhouse. The rework aimed to enhance Aurelion Sol’s overall appeal, accessibility, and impact on the battlefield while maintaining the champion’s unique identity and thematic essence.

Addressing Gameplay Limitations

One of the primary reasons for Aurelion Sol’s rework was to tackle the limitations and difficulties players encountered in mastering his mechanics. The original kit, while intriguing and distinctive, was often regarded as challenging to master and less rewarding compared to other champions. Consequently, Aurelion Sol saw a lower pick rate, and his presence in the game seemed limited.

Enhancing Accessibility and Versatility

The rework’s objective was to improve Aurelion Sol’s accessibility and versatility, allowing players to experience the champion’s full potential without feeling overwhelmed by complex mechanics. By redesigning his abilities and their interactions, the rework aimed to create a more fluid and enjoyable experience that would encourage players to explore the cosmic dragon’s power and develop new strategies.

Elevating the Champion’s Impact and Role

Aurelion Sol’s rework also sought to bolster the champion’s impact on the battlefield, ensuring that he could hold his own against other mid-lane mages and remain relevant throughout different stages of the game. The rework introduced new mechanics, such as the Stardust system, that allowed Aurelion Sol to scale effectively and contribute meaningfully to his team’s success.

Maintaining the Champion’s Unique Identity

While revamping Aurelion Sol’s abilities and gameplay, the developers were careful to preserve the champion’s core identity and thematic elements. The rework emphasized the cosmic dragon’s celestial theme and powerful presence while enhancing his overall gameplay experience, ensuring that players could continue to enjoy Aurelion Sol’s distinct style and narrative.

Aurelion Sol’s CGU Overview

Aurelion Sol Rework
Image via Riot Games

The primary focus of Aurelion Sol’s CGU is to introduce stellar scaling and revamped abilities, including an absolutely breathtaking ultimate. Here’s a quick overview of the changes:

  • Passive – Cosmic Creator: Aurelion Sol’s damaging abilities break down enemies into Stardust, improving his abilities.
  • Q – Breath of Light: Bursts deal additional maximum Health magic damage based on Stardust stacks.
  • W – Astral Flight: Increased distance traveled based on Stardust stacks.
  • E – Singularity: Increased area and execute threshold.
  • R – Falling Star/The Skies Descend: Increased area.

Passive – Cosmic Creator

Aurelion Sol’s passive, Cosmic Creator, is a vital component of his new gameplay. The passive allows his damaging abilities to break down enemies into Stardust, which in turn enhances the performance of his other abilities. Here’s how the passive interacts with each of his abilities:

  • Q – Breath of Light: Bursts deal an additional (0.031% Stardust Stacks)% maximum Health magic damage.
  • W – Astral Flight: Increased distance traveled based on Stardust stacks.
  • E – Singularity: Increased area and execute threshold.
  • R – Falling Star/The Skies Descend: Increased area.

Q – Breath of Light

Breath of Light, Aurelion Sol’s Q ability, has been reworked to provide more strategic options and synergy with his passive. The ability now has the following attributes:

  • Mana Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 Mana per second
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds

The full ability description is as follows: Aurelion Sol breathes starfire for up to (3.25/3.25/3.25/3.25/9999) seconds, dealing magic damage per second to the first enemy hit and 50% of the damage to surrounding enemies. Each full second of breath on the same enemy deals a burst of magic damage plus (0.031% Stardust Stack)% max Health Magic Damage and absorbs 1 Stardust if they are a champion. The ability’s range scales with level, and percent damage deals a maximum of 300 magic damage against jungle monsters.

W – Astral Flight

Aurelion Sol’s W ability, Astral Flight, has also been revamped to provide a more dynamic experience. The ability now has the following attributes:

  • Mana Cost: 80/85/90/95/100 Mana
  • Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds

The full ability description is as follows: Aurelion Sol flies in a direction. While flying, Breath of Light has no cooldown, no maximum channel duration, and its flat damage is increased by 14%/15.5%/17%/18.5%/20%. Takedowns on champions within 3 seconds of damaging them refunds 90% of this ability’s cooldown. Casting Breath of Light while flying reduces flight speed by 50%. Flight speed is 335 + 100% Movement Speed.

E – Singularity

Singularity, Aurelion Sol’s E ability, now offers a more impactful presence on the battlefield. The ability now has the following attributes:

  • Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 mana
  • Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds

The full ability description is as follows: Aurelion Sol summons a black hole, dealing magic damage and dragging enemies towards the center for 5 seconds. Enemies in the center below (5 + 2.6% Stardust Stack)% maximum Health die instantly. The black hole absorbs Stardust when enemies die within it and each second an enemy champion is inside it. The ability’s range scales with level, and minions and jungle monsters inside will have 0 Movement Speed. Singularity absorbs 1 Stardust per second from champions and different amounts from other units that die within the black hole.

R – Falling Star/The Skies Descend

Aurelion Sol’s ultimate ability, Falling Star/The Skies Descend, has been reworked to offer a more visually and strategically impressive experience. The ability now has the following attributes:

  • Mana Cost: 100 mana
  • Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds

Falling Star: Aurelion Sol plucks a star from the heavens and crashes it into the earth, dealing magic damage, stunning enemies for 1.25 seconds, and absorbing 5 Stardust for each champion hit.

The Skies Descend: Gathering 75 Stardust transforms the next Falling Star into The Skies Descend. Aurelion Sol drags a constellation’s worth of fury down from the cosmos, dealing magic damage in a larger area, knocking up enemies hit for 1.25 seconds, and unleashing a massive shockwave that deals magic damage to champions and Epic monsters and slows all enemies hit by 75% for 1 second.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Aurelion Sol

  1. Make use of Aurelion Sol’s passive, Cosmic Creator, by consistently dealing damage with your abilities to gather Stardust and enhance your other abilities.
  2. Position yourself strategically during fights, as Breath of Light deals more damage to enemies directly hit by it.
  3. Utilize Astral Flight to engage or disengage quickly, and remember that your Breath of Light has no cooldown and increased damage while flying.
  4. Singularity can be used to zone enemies, control objectives, or secure kills on low-health targets.
  5. Time your ultimate, Falling Star/The Skies Descend, to maximize its impact during team fights or objective control.

Aurelion Sol’s Role in Different Game Stages

Aurelion Sol Rework
Image via Riot Games
  • Early Game: Focus on farming and poking enemies with your Q ability, Breath of Light. Be cautious of aggressive junglers and avoid overextending.
  • Mid Game: Roam the map and use your W ability, Astral Flight, to assist other lanes or secure objectives. Stack Stardust to increase the potency of your abilities.
  • Late Game: Position yourself carefully in team fights, using your full range of abilities to deal damage, control zones, and execute low-health enemies. Utilize your ultimate, Falling Star/The Skies Descend, to turn the tide of battles.

Item Builds and Synergies

Aurelion Sol benefits from items that enhance his ability power, mana pool, and cooldown reduction. Some suggested items for Aurelion Sol include:

  • Luden’s Echo: Provides additional ability power, mana, and cooldown reduction, along with a unique passive that synergizes with Aurelion Sol’s poke-oriented playstyle.
  • Rod of Ages: The new and rereleased Rod Of Ages is providing the Overpowered scaling that mid lane mages need to scale into beefy pools of health and damage for the late game. Adding this to your kit can easily make you tanky where it becomes hard for enemy champions to burst you allowing you to stay in fights longer and absorb damage and pressure from the enemy.
  • Liandry’s Anguish: Offers increased ability power, mana, and cooldown reduction, as well as bonus damage against high-health targets – perfect for Aurelion Sol’s percentage health damage on his Q ability.
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: Adds bonus health and ability power while also slowing enemies hit by your abilities, making it easier to land continuous damage with Breath of Light.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass: Provides additional armor, ability power, and cooldown reduction, as well as a unique active that can save you in dangerous situations.
  • Void Staff: Increases your ability power and magic penetration, allowing your abilities to deal more damage against enemies with high magic resistance.

Counters and Matchups

Aurelion Sol may struggle against champions with high mobility, gap closers, and crowd control abilities. Some potential counters include:

  • Fizz: His high mobility and burst damage can be challenging for Aurelion Sol to handle.
  • Zed: His gap closers and high burst damage can quickly eliminate Aurelion Sol if not played carefully.
  • LeBlanc: Her mobility, crowd control, and burst damage can make it difficult for Aurelion Sol to maintain a safe distance.

To improve your matchups against these champions, consider building items that offer additional survivability, such as Banshee’s Veil or Zhonya’s Hourglass.


Aurelion Sol’s rework introduces exciting new gameplay mechanics and synergies, allowing players to explore new strategies and tactics with the cosmic dragon. By understanding the intricacies of his revamped abilities, item builds, and matchups, you can fully harness the potential of Aurelion Sol and dominate the Summoner’s Rift to become the strongest gamer!


  1. How does Aurelion Sol’s passive, Cosmic Creator, work? Cosmic Creator allows Aurelion Sol’s damaging abilities to break down enemies into Stardust, which in turn enhances the performance of his other abilities.
  2. What are the key changes in Aurelion Sol’s rework? The rework introduces stellar scaling, revamped abilities, and a breathtaking ultimate ability.
  3. What items should I build on Aurelion Sol? Some suggested items for Aurelion Sol include Luden’s Echo, Rod of Ages, Liandry’s Anguish, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Void Staff.
  4. What champions counter Aurelion Sol? Champions with high mobility, gap closers, and crowd control abilities, such as Fizz, Zed, and LeBlanc, can be difficult for Aurelion Sol to handle.
  5. How can I maximize my use of Aurelion Sol’s abilities during a game? Focus on gathering Stardust to enhance your abilities, positioning yourself strategically during fights, utilizing Astral Flight for engaging and disengaging, and timing your ultimate for maximum impact.
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