What is Wood Division in League of Legends?

Wood Division Emblem - League of Legends

Do you wonder what is the wood division in league of legends is? Are you curious why are people saying I’m in it? Looking for a little entertainment to ease the pressure? Look no further than the Wood Division! A made-up joke division that exists below Iron, the actual lowest division in the game. This article will take you on a journey through the legendary Wood Division, exploring its origins, characteristics, and impact on the community. So, buckle up and enjoy the wild ride!

What is the Wood Division?

The Concept of the Wood Division

The Wood Division represents an imaginary skill tier in League of Legends that’s even lower than the officially recognized Iron Division. This idea stems from the gaming community’s desire to poke fun at the gap between the highest and lowest skill levels in the game. By creating a division that’s almost comically lacking in skill, the Wood Division serves as a light-hearted way to emphasize the differences between experienced and inexperienced players.

The Wood Division as a Benchmark for Inexperience

Although the Wood Division doesn’t exist within the official ranking system, it has become a popular way for players to refer to gameplay that is exceptionally lacking in skill or game knowledge. The term is often used to describe players or plays that are so far removed from standard, competent gameplay that they appear to be in a league of their own.

The Wood Division as a Cultural Phenomenon

The Wood Division has transcended its status as a mere joke and has become a cultural phenomenon within the League of Legends community. It has spawned countless memes, videos, and social media posts that showcase the most baffling and hilarious moments from games that seem to exemplify the essence of the Wood Division.

In addition to providing entertainment, the concept of the Wood Division serves as a reminder for players to remain humble and strive for continuous improvement. By acknowledging the existence of a tier even lower than the lowest official division, the community can better appreciate the skill and dedication required to rise through the ranks and achieve success in the competitive world of League of Legends.

The Wood Division and the Art of Self-Improvement

The Wood Division also offers an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. Players who find themselves performing at a level that might be considered “Wood Division-worthy” can use this realization as a motivator to learn, practice, and seek guidance from more skilled players. In this way, the Wood Division can serve as both a source of humor and a valuable learning tool for players looking to improve their game.

Why is the Wood Division funny?

Maokai - Wood Division Made of wood
Image via Riot Games

A play on skill levels

The humor in the Wood Division stems from the idea that players in this tier are so inexperienced and unskilled that they are practically playing a different game. It’s a playful exaggeration of the gap between high and low skill levels. It is incredibly hard to get an iron ranked account and many iron accounts sell for higher values than higher ranking accounts as some players want to use iron accounts for a high win rate climb amassing tons of games in the easy ranked competition of iron to boost a near perfect 90-100% win rate.

Outrageous gameplay

Wood Division games are filled with unpredictable moves and hilarious mistakes that can only be found in the depths of the ranking system. This unique blend of chaos and comedy is a source of endless amusement for the community.

Characteristics of the Wood Division

Poor Mechanics

One of the most glaring characteristics of the Wood Division is the lack of mechanical skill. Players in this tier often struggle with basic champion control, skill shots, and combo execution. They may frequently miss abilities or be unable to efficiently use their champion’s kit, leading to suboptimal performance in-game.

Inability to CS (Creep Score) Effectively

CS, or Creep Score, refers to the number of minions a player kills to gain gold and experience. In the Wood Division, players often have a difficult time last-hitting minions, resulting in a significant loss of potential gold and experience. This inability to effectively farm can leave players underpowered and unable to contribute effectively to team fights or objective control.

Poor Decision Making

Another common trait of Wood Division players is their lack of sound decision making. They may frequently make high-risk plays with little chance of success or prioritize the wrong objectives at critical moments in the game. Additionally, players in this tier are more likely to overextend, chase kills, and ignore valuable objectives like Dragon, Baron Nashor, or towers.

Ineffective Communication and Map Awareness

Wood Division players often struggle with communication and map awareness. They may fail to ping important information, such as enemy locations, summoner spell usage, or objective timers. This lack of communication can lead to uncoordinated team play and missed opportunities for successful ganks or objective control.

Subpar Computer Performance and High Ping

Players in the Wood Division may also be limited by factors beyond their immediate control, such as computer performance and internet connection. Low-quality hardware or high ping can result in decreased reaction times, input lag, and overall impaired gameplay. In some cases, these factors can contribute to a player’s inability to climb out of the Wood Division, despite their efforts to improve their skills.

Limited Game Knowledge

Another significant characteristic of the Wood Division is the lack of in-depth game knowledge. Players in this tier may not fully understand champion matchups, optimal item builds, or effective strategies for controlling objectives. This limited understanding of the game’s nuances can lead to less efficient play and hinder their ability to contribute to the team’s success.

Wood Division vs. Iron Division

Iron Division - League of Legends
Screengrab via Riot Games

While Iron Division represents the lowest official skill level in League of Legends, the Wood Division is a tongue-in-cheek tier that exaggerates the difference between high and low skill levels for comedic effect. They are essentially the same referring to the worst performing players in the game.

Wood Division in the community

Streamers and content creators

The Wood Division has become a popular subject among streamers and content creators, who often highlight the most outrageous plays and moments from these games in their videos and live streams.

Social media buzz

The League of Legends community often shares Wood Division moments and memes on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, perpetuating the humor and bringing players together to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Top 10 Tips to Escape the Wood Division

  1. Master the fundamentals: Focus on improving your knowledge of the game’s core mechanics, such as last-hitting, trading, and map awareness.
  2. Specialize in a few champions: Limit your champion pool to a few strong, versatile picks that you can play confidently and consistently.
  3. Learn from the pros: Watch high-level streams and professional games to gain insights into effective strategies, builds, and playstyles.
  4. Practice regularly: Consistency is key to improvement. Dedicate time to playing the game and actively working on your weaknesses.
  5. Ward effectively: Vision is crucial for making informed decisions. Invest in Control Wards and use your trinket to maintain vision control throughout the game.
  6. Develop a positive mindset: Stay calm and focused, even in challenging situations. Avoid tilting and maintain a growth-oriented attitude.
  7. Communicate with your team: Use pings and chat to share valuable information, coordinate plays, and foster teamwork.
  8. Play around objectives: Prioritize objectives like Dragon, Baron Nashor, and towers over chasing kills or risky plays.
  9. Analyze your replays: Review your games to identify areas for improvement and recognize patterns in your gameplay that need adjustment.
  10. Seek feedback and advice: Reach out to more experienced players, read expert guides from website such as your trusted experts at strongestgames.com, or participate in community discussions to gain valuable insights and tips to help you improve.


The Wood Division, a joke tier below Iron Division in League of Legends, offers a humorous look at the lowest depths of the game’s skill levels. Filled with outrageous gameplay, strange strategies, and unforgettable moments, the Wood Division provides endless entertainment for the community. While it’s all in good fun, players looking to escape this mythical division should focus on learning the basics, practicing consistently, and seeking advice from more experienced players.


Question 1: What is the Wood Division?

Answer 1: The Wood Division is a fictional skill tier in League of Legends, often used as a joke to describe players below the lowest official rank, Iron. It represents a level of play where players exhibit poor mechanics, decision-making, and game knowledge.

Question 2: How can I improve my gameplay to escape the Wood Division?

Answer 2: To escape the Wood Division, focus on mastering the fundamentals, specializing in a few champions, learning from the pros, practicing regularly, warding effectively, developing a positive mindset, communicating with your team, playing around objectives, analyzing your replays, and seeking feedback and advice from more experienced players.

Question 3: What are the common characteristics of Wood Division players?

Answer 3: Wood Division players often exhibit poor mechanics, an inability to CS effectively, poor decision-making, ineffective communication, subpar computer performance and high ping, and limited game knowledge.

Question 4:
How important is communication in climbing out of the Wood Division?

Answer 4: Communication is vital for coordinated team play and successful strategies. Effective communication can provide your team with valuable information, help coordinate plays, and foster a positive team environment, all of which contribute to climbing out of the Wood Division.

Question 5: How can I improve my decision-making in League of Legends?

Answer 5: Improving decision-making involves understanding the game’s nuances, learning from experienced players, and analyzing your gameplay. Focus on prioritizing objectives, minimizing risky plays, and adapting your playstyle to different game situations.

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