Top 5 Azir Counters in League of Legends

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Facing off against Azir, the Emperor of the Sands, is a daunting task, but our guide to the top 5 Azir counters in League of Legends is your secret weapon. Ever felt like you’re in a high-stakes chess match, outmaneuvering a master strategist on the sprawling chessboard of Summoner’s Rift? It’s a tense dance with Azir’s sand soldiers, each move a potential checkmate. Conquering Azir is no small feat, a challenge akin to dethroning a seasoned chess champion. But what if you could turn the game around? With our comprehensive guide, you will gain an upper hand. Learn how to dominate the Rift by leveraging your knowledge of Azir’s top counters. It’s time to flip the game in your favor.

Table of Contents

These five champions – Taliyah, Aurelion Sol, Xerath, LeBlanc, and Ziggs – possess unique abilities and strategies to thwart Azir’s tactical prowess and overpower him in the lane. Read on as we dive deeper into the mechanics of these matchups, their combos, and the strategies that can elevate your gameplay and equip you to face Azir like a pro.

Azir: Top Champion Counters Winrate Data

Understanding the Azir counters in League of Legends isn’t just about knowing the best champions to pick; it’s also about interpreting the statistical evidence backing those choices. Looking at winrate data, we find interesting patterns that tell us why Taliyah, Aurelion Sol, Xerath, LeBlanc, and Ziggs outshine others when it comes to taking down Azir.

ChampionWin RateNumber of Games
Aurelion Sol54.31%2,276

Taliyah, the Stoneweaver, astounds us with a win rate of 54.88% against Azir. Following closely, Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger, has an impressive win rate of 54.31%. Xerath, the Magus Ascendant, with his arcane artillery, holds a win rate of 54.14%. The Deceiver herself, LeBlanc, tricks her way to a win rate of 53.89%. Lastly, Ziggs, the Hexplosive Expert, keeps things heated with a win rate of 53.88%. The data presents these champions as Azir’s biggest counters, based on the hard-hitting statistical evidence from World Platinum+ games.

The statistical data isn’t just numbers; they’re testaments to the triumphs of numerous players who utilized the unique skills and strategies of these champions against Azir. As we go further, we’ll dissect the why and how of these matchups in depth, shedding light on what makes them effective Azir counters in League of Legends.

Azir: Abilities and Passive Overview

To become an effective strategist against Azir, we must first acquaint ourselves with his abilities and passive skills. Understanding Azir’s toolkit helps to identify windows of opportunity to strike, disrupt his plans, and counterplay his moves.

Azir, the Emperor of the Sands, is renowned for his commanding presence in the battlefield. His passive ability, Shurima’s Legacy, allows him to raise Sun Discs from destroyed turrets, fortifying his team’s position and providing additional firepower. Understanding when Azir can activate this ability is crucial in strategic planning as it can turn the tide of a game.

Azir’s core abilities, Arise! (W), Conquering Sands (Q), and Shifting Sands (E), revolve around manipulating his sand soldiers. He uses these ethereal warriors to control the battlefield, making positioning and map awareness vital against him. His ultimate, Emperor’s Divide, can single-handedly reshape team fights, presenting a wall that can be used defensively or offensively.

To counter Azir, the understanding of his abilities is the first step. This knowledge sets the foundation for learning champion-specific tactics that can neutralize Azir’s strengths and exploit his weaknesses.

Taliyah vs Azir: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

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In a clash between the Stone Weaver and the Emperor of the Sands, Taliyah’s versatile skillset makes her one of the reliable Azir counters in League of Legends. A master of the battlefield’s terrain, Taliyah can leverage her abilities to outmaneuver Azir’s soldiers and strike him down.

Taliyah’s passive, Rock Surfing, grants her increased movement speed near walls, which can be a boon in dodging Azir’s sand soldiers or quickly repositioning in lane. Her Threaded Volley (Q) enables her to unleash a barrage of stones on Azir, providing a reliable source of poke damage. Moreover, her Unraveled Earth (E) can deter Azir from using Shifting Sands (E) aggressively, as the triggered explosion can significantly damage him.

What makes this matchup interesting is the careful dance around each other’s abilities. The key to winning as Taliyah lies in dodging Azir’s soldier-based attacks while landing your seismic shoves and stone barrages.

Taliyah vs Azir: Combos and Skill Interactions

The first step to mastering the Taliyah-Azir matchup is understanding their skill interactions and the best combinations to use in skirmishes and team fights. As Taliyah, you should aim to exploit the windows of vulnerability in Azir’s abilities while optimizing your own damage output and crowd control.

Taliyah’s Q, Threaded Volley, is your primary poking tool against Azir. However, the strength of this champion lies in her combination of E (Unraveled Earth) and W (Seismic Shove). After casting E on the battlefield, immediately use W to push Azir onto the unraveled earth, triggering multiple explosions and dealing substantial damage.

While Azir’s sand soldiers are a constant threat, remember that he is vulnerable when they’re repositioning. Use this time to land your combo or poke him with your Q. In a pinch, your ultimate, Weaver’s Wall, can serve as a tool to either engage or escape, depending on the situation.

Taliyah vs Azir: Game Strategy

Success in this matchup largely depends on effective game strategy. Early game, focus on farming and landing your E-W combo whenever Azir exposes himself. Remember, Azir’s early game is weaker than Taliyah’s; use this advantage to build a lead.

Taliyah vs Azir: Early Game Strategy

Start with your Q, Threaded Volley, to poke Azir and maintain lane pressure. Ward consistently to avoid jungle ganks as Azir can set up easy kills with his ultimate. If you successfully land your full combo, don’t hesitate to follow up with more Threaded Volleys to push Azir out of the lane.

Taliyah vs Azir: Mid Game Strategy

Mid-game is where Taliyah shines. Your roaming potential is excellent, thanks to your passive and ultimate. Use this to assist other lanes and secure objectives. Make sure to control the vision around the dragon area. A well-placed Weaver’s Wall can separate the enemy team during fights and provide your team with an advantage.

Taliyah vs Azir: Late Game Strategy

In the late game, avoid one-on-one fights with Azir. He out-scales you in terms of damage. Instead, focus on making plays with your team. Utilize your ultimate to cut off escape paths or isolate enemies during team fights. Your role here is to provide crowd control and consistent damage from the backline.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Taliyah vs Azir

To truly excel in this matchup, you need to go beyond standard play and fully utilize your tactical advantages. Here are some advanced tips for playing Taliyah against Azir.

  1. Timing is crucial: Engage on Azir immediately after he’s used his Arise! (W) and Conquering Sands (Q) combo, as his sand soldiers will be momentarily stationary, allowing you to land your E-W combo.
  2. Play aggressively early: Azir has a weaker early game compared to Taliyah. Use your Q for poking and pushing the wave. Remember, your goal is to take advantage of your early power spike to suppress Azir.
  3. Roaming: Use your ultimate, Weaver’s Wall, to aid other lanes or cut off enemies during objectives. This ability can turn the tide of a game if used effectively.
  4. Positioning: Ensure to position yourself such that you have room to dodge Azir’s Q while also having him in range for your abilities. Keep in mind that Taliyah does not have any built-in escapes, so positioning is paramount.

Aurelion Sol vs Azir: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

Aurelion Sol - League of Legends
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Stepping into the celestial dragon’s shoes, Aurelion Sol presents an interesting challenge for Azir. Aurelion Sol’s unique playstyle and abilities make him one of the top Azir counters, providing he’s played correctly.

Aurelion Sol’s passive, Center of the Universe, allows him to deal continuous damage to enemies around him, making him a constant threat to Azir. His W, Celestial Expansion, augments his passive, dealing significant damage to enemies caught in his orbit. His E, Comet of Legend, gives him exceptional roaming potential, allowing him to affect other parts of the map while keeping Azir in check.

Starsurge (Q) is Aurelion Sol’s main tool for engage and disengage. A well-placed Starsurge can stun Azir and his soldiers, allowing you to move in for the kill. His ultimate, Voice of Light, can push Azir away, disrupting his soldier placement and saving you from tight situations.

With a good understanding of these abilities and how they interact with Azir’s, a skilled Aurelion Sol can keep Azir on his toes and gain the upper hand.

Aurelion Sol vs Azir: Combos and Skill Interactions

Understanding how to execute Aurelion Sol’s combos while capitalizing on his skill interactions with Azir’s abilities is crucial to winning this matchup. As an expert Challenger player, one thing I have noticed is that timing and positioning are key when playing Aurelion Sol against Azir.

Aurelion Sol’s Q (Starsurge) and W (Celestial Expansion) is your bread-and-butter combo. Activating your W to extend your passive stars’ orbit, followed by a well-timed Q, can lead to significant damage and crowd control on Azir. Always remember to move while your W is active to keep Azir inside your star orbit.

Azir’s soldiers, summoned by his W (Arise!), can be a significant threat. However, they are stationary once summoned. Exploit this by keeping your distance and dodging Azir’s Q (Conquering Sands) which repositions his soldiers.

Your E (Comet of Legend) provides excellent roaming potential. Look for opportunities to assist other lanes while Azir is stuck farming. Lastly, your ultimate (Voice of Light) can be used as a disengage tool if Azir gets too close or tries to shuffle you into his team with his ultimate.

Aurelion Sol vs Azir: Game Strategy

When strategizing how to outplay Azir as Aurelion Sol, keep in mind that Azir thrives in drawn-out fights while Aurelion Sol excels in short burst trades and roaming.

Aurelion Sol vs Azir: Early Game Strategy

Early game, focus on clearing waves fast using your W and passive. Your goal is to hit level 2 before Azir and look for a trade using your extended stars and Q. Use your E to ward the river or for quick returns to lane.

Aurelion Sol vs Azir: Mid Game Strategy

Mid-game is where Aurelion Sol shines. Use your E to create pressure around the map, help other lanes and secure objectives. An Aurelion Sol that can successfully roam and assist in kills becomes a big problem for Azir who’s stuck in the mid-lane.

Aurelion Sol vs Azir: Late Game Strategy

In the late game, stick with your team. You can deal consistent damage in team fights with your W and disrupt with your Q and ultimate. Be wary of Azir’s potential to turn team fights around with his ultimate. Position yourself on the outskirts of fights to avoid being shuffled into the enemy team.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Aurelion Sol vs Azir

To really shine as Aurelion Sol against Azir, there are a few advanced tips you should bear in mind:

  1. Use your Starsurge for zone control: If Azir has his soldiers ready, use your Q to create a zone where it’s dangerous for him to enter. This can dissuade him from advancing and give you more control over the lane.
  2. Roaming is your advantage: Utilize your E, Comet of Legend, to exert pressure on other lanes. This is something Azir cannot easily replicate. Successful ganks not only help your team but also relieve Azir’s mid-lane pressure.
  3. Use your ult defensively: Voice of Light can be a lifesaver against Azir’s Shurima Shuffle. Use it to create distance when he uses his Emperor’s Divide.
  4. Bait out Azir’s Q: The cooldown on Azir’s Conquering Sands is significantly longer than your Starsurge. Force him to use it, then move in for a combo while it’s on cooldown.

Xerath vs Azir: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

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As we continue our journey of mastering the art of countering Azir, our next stop is Xerath, the Magus Ascendant. Xerath’s long-range poke and burst potential make him a formidable adversary for the Emperor of the Sands.

Xerath’s passive, Mana Surge, provides much-needed mana sustain, enabling you to consistently poke Azir and keep him on the back foot. Your Q, Arcanopulse, outranges all of Azir’s abilities, making it an invaluable tool for poking him down and controlling the wave.

Shocking Orb (E) provides a critical stun, which can disrupt Azir’s Shurima Shuffle and provide self-peel. Eye of Destruction (W) is great for zoning Azir away from his soldiers, and your ultimate, Rite of the Arcane, can force him out of lane or finish him off if he’s low on health.

A properly played Xerath can make Azir’s life difficult in the mid-lane, providing you understand your abilities and how to use them effectively against Azir.

Xerath vs Azir: Combos and Skill Interactions

When facing Azir as Xerath, remember, you have superior range. Your primary combo, E (Shocking Orb), followed by W (Eye of Destruction) and Q (Arcanopulse), can deal substantial damage from a safe distance.

Anticipate Azir’s movement when he tries to reposition his soldiers with Q (Conquering Sands). You can use this predictability to your advantage by timing your own Q or E. If Azir uses his E (Shifting Sands) to dash to a soldier, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to land your E and follow up with a W-Q combo.

Remember to use your passive, Mana Surge, effectively. Landing basic attacks on Azir will not only help maintain your mana levels but also add some extra poke.

Xerath vs Azir: Game Strategy

Playing Xerath against Azir is all about managing your distance and capitalizing on your superior range.

Xerath vs Azir: Early Game Strategy

In the early game, focus on farming and poking Azir with your Q. Keep your distance, and don’t get in range of Azir’s soldiers. If Azir is playing aggressive, use your E to stun him and follow up with W and Q for a good trade.

Xerath vs Azir: Mid Game Strategy

Come mid-game, aim to push the wave and then roam with your jungler to secure objectives. Your ultimate, Rite of the Arcane, can help secure kills from a distance or provide much-needed help in skirmishes without you being physically present.

Xerath vs Azir: Late Game Strategy

Late-game Xerath is a menace. Your ability to poke from a distance can soften up enemies before fights even start. Stay in the backline during team fights, poking and using your abilities to zone. If Azir tries to engage with his Shurima Shuffle, use your E to stun him and stop him in his tracks.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Xerath vs Azir

Here are some expert tips to shine as Xerath against Azir:

  1. Timing is everything: Your E (Shocking Orb) is your best defense against Azir’s Shurima Shuffle. Use it reactively to stop him in his tracks when he tries to engage.
  2. Vision is your best friend: Azir players often try to make flashy plays by shifting their soldiers over walls. Good ward coverage will keep you informed of his position and allow you to respond appropriately.
  3. Maximize your passive: Mana Surge allows you to maintain your mana pool, but it requires basic attacks. When safe, try to land your basic attacks on Azir or his minions to maximize your poke potential.
  4. Save your ultimate: Xerath’s ultimate, Rite of the Arcane, can be the deciding factor in fights. Try to save it for when Azir’s E and Q are on cooldown to increase your chances of landing all shots.

LeBlanc vs Azir: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

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Our next counter is LeBlanc, the Deceiver. LeBlanc is known for her mobility and burst damage, which can pose serious problems for Azir.

LeBlanc’s passive, Mirror Image, creates a clone when she drops below 40% HP, which can confuse Azir and cause him to waste his abilities. LeBlanc’s Q, Sigil of Malice, followed by W, Distortion, can provide solid poke and allow her to farm safely.

The real game-changer in this matchup is LeBlanc’s mobility. Her W (Distortion) and E (Ethereal Chains) can help her dodge Azir’s soldiers and even his ultimate if timed correctly. LeBlanc’s ultimate, Mimic, can further enhance her poke, mobility, or crowd control, depending on the situation.

Overall, LeBlanc can give Azir a tough time if she can capitalize on her mobility and burst damage.

LeBlanc vs Azir: Combos and Skill Interactions

To counter Azir as LeBlanc, the name of the game is evasion. Your primary combo will be Q (Sigil of Malice) followed by W (Distortion) for quick poke. The real trick lies in using your abilities to dodge Azir’s soldiers.

When Azir uses his Q (Conquering Sands) to reposition his soldiers, use your W to dodge and counter-attack. If Azir uses his E (Shifting Sands) to dash, respond with your E (Ethereal Chains) to root him and counter with Q-W.

Remember, your passive (Mirror Image) can be instrumental in confusing Azir, causing him to potentially waste his abilities on your clone.

LeBlanc vs Azir: Game Strategy

Taking on Azir as LeBlanc requires strategic positioning and constant pressure.

LeBlanc vs Azir: Early Game Strategy

During the early phase, your primary objective should be to farm and poke Azir with your Q-W combo. Take advantage of your superior mobility to evade Azir’s soldiers and deal some damage.

LeBlanc vs Azir: Mid Game Strategy

In the mid-game, your goal should be to roam and secure kills in other lanes. With your high mobility and burst damage, you can be a significant threat to the enemy team.

LeBlanc vs Azir: Late Game Strategy

Come late game, your role is that of an assassin. Look for opportunities to burst down Azir or other squishy targets in the enemy team. Remember, your ultimate (Mimic) can be a game-changer in team fights, providing extra damage or crowd control when needed.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as LeBlanc vs Azir

As LeBlanc, your win condition against Azir boils down to swift strikes and smart plays. Here are some expert tips:

  1. Exploit Azir’s early game: Azir struggles in the early game. Exploit this weakness by applying pressure with your Q-W combo.
  2. Beware of Azir’s ultimate: Azir’s Emperor’s Divide can turn the tide of a fight. Use your Distortion or Flash to escape when he uses it.
  3. Roam often: LeBlanc is an excellent roamer. Use your lead to help other lanes and establish map control.
  4. Target priority: In late-game team fights, focus on eliminating the squishy champions first. Your high burst damage is perfect for this job.

Ziggs vs Azir: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

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Our final counter is Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert. With a mix of poke, waveclear, and an ultimate that can control the pace of the game, Ziggs can be a thorn in Azir’s side.

Ziggs’ Q, Bouncing Bomb, allows him to poke Azir from a distance. His E, Hexplosive Minefield, can zone Azir away from minions and limit his soldier placement. Additionally, Ziggs’ W, Satchel Charge, can provide an escape if Azir tries to engage with Shifting Sands.

Ziggs’ ultimate, Mega Inferno Bomb, can turn the tide of skirmishes and team fights. Using it effectively can force Azir to play defensively and limit his aggressive positioning.

Overall, Ziggs’ ability to poke and control space gives him an edge in the Azir matchup.

Ziggs vs Azir: Combos and Skill Interactions

Ziggs has the range advantage against Azir, allowing you to poke him safely with your Q (Bouncing Bomb). Coupled with your E (Hexplosive Minefield), you can effectively zone Azir from his minion wave.

Should Azir attempt to close the gap with his E (Shifting Sands), counter with your W (Satchel Charge) to create distance, or even better, to displace him under your tower.

Remember, your R (Mega Inferno Bomb) provides incredible damage from a long distance. Use it to snipe low health Azir or to dictate the outcome of team fights.

Ziggs vs Azir: Game Strategy

Playing Ziggs versus Azir requires a balance of aggression and tactical retreats.

Ziggs vs Azir: Early Game Strategy

In the early game, focus on farming and poking Azir with your Bouncing Bomb. Use your Hexplosive Minefield to control the wave and prevent Azir from farming comfortably.

Ziggs vs Azir: Mid Game Strategy

In the mid-game, your goal is to push and take towers. Ziggs’ passive (Short Fuse) and Satchel Charge offer incredible turret taking potential. Use them wisely.

Ziggs vs Azir: Late Game Strategy

In the late game, your job is to provide massive AoE damage in team fights with your Mega Inferno Bomb. Use it to chunk down Azir and his teammates before a fight even begins.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Ziggs vs Azir

When you’re playing Ziggs against Azir, here are some advanced tips to remember:

  1. Maximize your poke: Your primary advantage against Azir is your range. Use your Bouncing Bomb and Hexplosive Minefield to poke him down before engaging.
  2. Save your Satchel Charge: Use your W (Satchel Charge) defensively to knock back Azir if he tries to engage with Shifting Sands.
  3. Use your Mega Inferno Bomb wisely: This ultimate ability can change the course of a game. Use it to snipe Azir or to shape the battlefield during team fights.

Conclusion: Mastering Azir Counters in League of Legends

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Azir is a formidable champion, but with the right knowledge and strategies, he can be effectively countered. The key is understanding the abilities of your chosen champion—Taliyah, Aurelion Sol, Xerath, LeBlanc, or Ziggs—and exploiting Azir’s weaknesses. Each of these champions can match or outplay Azir’s playstyle, offering diverse strategies to take him down. So, suit up, hit the Rift, and show those Azir players who’s boss!


What makes these champions effective counters to Azir?

Each of these champions offers unique skills and strategies that can counter Azir’s strengths. Taliyah’s roaming, Aurelion Sol’s star manipulation, Xerath’s long-range poke, LeBlanc’s burst and mobility, and Ziggs’ distance poking and zone control all provide different ways to outmaneuver and outplay Azir.

How should I approach team fights against Azir?

Azir is a potent team-fight champion due to his ultimate, Emperor’s Divide. Positioning is critical when facing him in team fights. Try to bait out his ult before fully engaging.

Is it better to focus on farming or aggression when playing against Azir?

It largely depends on the champion you’re playing. Champions with strong early games like LeBlanc can be more aggressive, while others may need to focus on farming and scaling.

What is the best way to deal with Azir’s soldiers?

Azir’s soldiers are his primary source of damage. Champions with mobility or long-range abilities can often avoid them, and remember, the soldiers can’t move once Azir has placed them.

How important is vision control when playing against Azir?

Vision control is critical, as it allows you to see where Azir is placing his soldiers and when he might be preparing to engage with Shifting Sands or Emperor’s Divide.
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