The Best Quotes in League of Legends

Image via Riot Games

One of the things that makes the game so memorable and enjoyable are the many memorable quotes that have been incorporated into the game. These quotes help establish the characters identity and make for fun in game way to taunt your opponents and show off the champion personality in the game. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best quotes in League of Legends, organized by champion.

Garen, the Might of Demacia

Garen is a steadfast champion who is known for his unwavering sense of justice and loyalty to Demacia. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “Justice will be served.”
  • “I will stand tall and defend my kingdom.”
  • “I am the shield that guards Demacia.”

Ashe, the Frost Archer

Ashe is the queen of the frozen tundra of Freljord, and is known for her fierce determination and calm, calculating nature. Some of her best quotes include:

  • “I will not be denied my rightful place.”
  • “I will reclaim what is mine.”
  • “I will not be swayed by petty emotions.”

Jinx, the Loose Cannon

Jinx is an explosive and unpredictable champion who revels in chaos and destruction. Some of her best quotes include:

  • “Let’s see how much damage we can do.”
  • “I’m just getting started.”
  • “This is going to be fun.”

Braum, the Heart of the Freljord

Braum is a kind and gentle giant who is known for his protective nature and his desire to help those in need. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “I will protect the ones I love.”
  • “I will stand strong and be a shield for those who cannot defend themselves.”
  • “I will not allow harm to come to those under my care.”

Riven, the Exile

Riven is a complex and troubled champion who is seeking redemption for her past mistakes. Some of her best quotes include:

  • “I will fight for a brighter tomorrow.”
  • “I will not let my past define me.”
  • “I will rise above my mistakes and be stronger for it.”

Lee Sin, the Blind Monk

Lee Sin is a highly skilled and powerful martial artist who is known for his exceptional senses and his ability to channel energy through his body. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “I will master my body and my surroundings.”
  • “I will not be swayed by distractions.”
  • “I will overcome any obstacle that stands in my way.”

Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert

Ziggs is a mischievous and highly intelligent yordle who loves nothing more than creating chaos with his elaborate bombs and explosives. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “Let’s make some noise.”
  • “I’ll blow a hole through anything that stands in my way.”
  • “I love a good explosion.”

Thresh, the Chain Warden

Image via Riot Games

Thresh is a cruel and sadistic champion who delights in the suffering of others. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “There is no escape from the chains that bind you.”
  • “Your soul will be mine.”
  • “I will drag you down to the depths of despair.”

Yasuo, the Unforgiven

Image via Riot Games

Yasuo is a skilled and deadly swordsman who is seeking redemption for a past mistake. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “I will not be held down by the weight of my past.”
  • “I will rise above my mistakes and prove myself worthy.”
  • “I will forge my own path and determine my own destiny.”

Katarina, the Sinister Blade

Katarina is a deadly assassin who is known for her quick reflexes and lethal precision. Some of her best quotes include:

  • “I am the blade in the darkness.”
  • “I will strike without warning and leave no trace.”
  • “I am the instrument of death.”

Teemo, the Swift Scout

Teemo is a mischievous and cunning yordle who is known for his swift movements and ability to set deadly traps. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “I am the scout that keeps watch in the shadows.”
  • “I will be the one to strike first and strike hard.”
  • “You will never see me coming.”

Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms

Jax is a highly skilled fighter who is known for his exceptional strength and combat prowess. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “I am the master of my own destiny.”
  • “I will not be underestimated.”
  • “I will emerge victorious in any fight.”

Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal

Mordekaiser is a powerful and terrifying champion who is able to control metal and bend it to his will. Some of his best quotes include:

  • “I am the master of metal, and all shall bow before me.”
  • “I will crush my enemies and forge them into weapons of destruction.”
  • “I am unstoppable, unbreakable, and eternal.”

These are just a few of the many memorable quotes that have been said by the champions of League of Legends. Whether they are words of determination, redemption, or pure malevolence, these quotes help to define the personalities and motivations of the champions and make them all the more memorable to players. Let us know your favorite champions and quotes!

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