League of Legends Low Priority Queue

Screengrab via Riot Games

What is the Low Priority Queue?

The League of Legends Low Priority Queue is a mechanism designed to punish players who exhibit unsportsmanlike behavior or who frequently leave games before they are finished. Players who end up in the Low Priority Queue face longer wait times before being able to join a match and must complete a specific number of games without issue to return to normal matchmaking. In this article, we will discuss the reasons for entering the Low Priority Queue, how it works, and how to get out and avoid it altogether.

Reasons for Entering the Low Priority Queue

There are two primary reasons players may find themselves in the Low Priority Queue:

Leaving games/AFK

Going AFK (away from keyboard) or leaving games before they are completed negatively impacts the experience for other players. A pattern of this behavior can lead to a player being placed in the Low Priority Queue.

Negative behavior/toxicity

Toxic behavior, such as verbal harassment, intentionally feeding the enemy team, or other actions that negatively affect the game environment, can result in a player being placed in the Low Priority Queue.

How the Low Priority Queue Works

The Low Priority Queue operates on a system of penalties and consequences for those who find themselves in it:

Queue times and penalties

Players in the Low Priority Queue face extended wait times before joining a match, which can range from a few minutes to significantly longer, depending on the severity of the player’s behavior.

Escalation and consequences

Continued unsportsmanlike conduct or leaving games can result in further penalties, including temporary bans or even permanent account suspension.

How to Get Out of the Low Priority Queue

Rebuilding your reputation

To escape the Low Priority Queue, players must demonstrate a commitment to positive behavior:

Playing games to completion

Consistently finishing games, regardless of the outcome, shows a commitment to fair play and can help get a player out of the Low Priority Queue.

Positive interactions

Engaging in positive interactions with teammates and opponents, such as offering encouragement and constructive criticism, can help to rebuild a player’s reputation and hasten their exit from the Low Priority Queue.

Tips to Avoid the Low Priority Queue

To steer clear of the Low Priority Queue, consider the following suggestions:

Maintain a stable connection

A reliable internet connection can prevent unintentional disconnections that may be perceived as leaving a game or going AFK.

Keep a positive attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding negative behavior can help you stay out of the Low Priority Queue. Remember, everyone has bad games, but it’s important to stay respectful and supportive of your teammates.

Communicate with your team

Open communication with your teammates can create a positive gaming environment and help resolve misunderstandings that might otherwise lead to toxicity.

The League of Legends Low Priority Queue is a system designed to address unsportsmanlike conduct and improve the overall gaming experience for players. By understanding the reasons for entering the Low Priority Queue, how it works, and how to get out and avoid it, you can ensure a more enjoyable and positive gaming experience. Remember to maintain a stable connection, keep a positive attitude, and communicate with your team to stay out of the Low Priority Queue and enjoy the game to its fullest.

Additional Tips for a Positive Gaming Experience

To further enhance your League of Legends experience and reduce the chances of ending up in the Low Priority Queue, consider these additional tips:

Play with friends or form a team

Image via Riot Games

Playing with friends or forming a team with like-minded players can help create a more enjoyable gaming environment. This can lead to better communication, increased teamwork, and a lower likelihood of encountering toxic behavior.

Mute or report toxic players

If you come across toxic players in-game, make use of the mute function to avoid engaging with them. Reporting players who exhibit unsportsmanlike behavior can also contribute to maintaining a positive gaming atmosphere.

Take breaks when needed

Sometimes, playing for extended periods can lead to fatigue and decreased performance. Taking regular breaks can help you maintain focus, prevent tilt, and reduce the chances of negative behavior.

Familiarize yourself with multiple roles and champions

Having a broad understanding of various roles and champions can contribute to better teamwork and flexibility during games. Being adaptable can prevent conflicts over roles and improve your overall game knowledge.

Learn from your mistakes and losses

Image via Riot Games

No player is perfect, and losses are a natural part of the game. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and use them to grow and improve your skills. Maintaining a growth mindset can help you stay positive and focused on self-improvement.

The key to staying out of the League of Legends Low Priority Queue and enjoying a positive gaming experience lies in your behavior and attitude. By adopting a respectful and supportive approach, fostering open communication, and focusing on self-improvement, you can contribute to a more enjoyable gaming environment for yourself and others. Keep in mind the tips and strategies discussed in this article, and you’ll be well on your way to a better League of Legends experience.


1. How long do I have to wait in the Low Priority Queue?

The wait time in the Low Priority Queue varies depending on the severity of the player’s behavior. It can range from a few minutes to significantly longer.

2. How many games do I have to complete to get out of the Low Priority Queue?

The number of games required to leave the Low Priority Queue depends on the player’s behavior and the severity of the offenses. Consistently playing games to completion and demonstrating positive behavior will help expedite the process.

3. Can I be permanently banned for repeatedly ending up in the Low Priority Queue?

Yes, if a player continually engages in unsportsmanlike conduct or frequently leaves games, they may face escalating penalties that can ultimately result in a permanent account suspension.

4. What can I do if I believe I was unfairly placed in the Low Priority Queue?

If you feel that you were unjustly placed in the Low Priority Queue, you can submit a support ticket to Riot Games to have your case reviewed.

5. Does the Low Priority Queue apply to all game modes in League of Legends?

The Low Priority Queue primarily affects Ranked and Normal game modes. However, consistently negative behavior can still result in penalties in other game modes.

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