Best Vex Counters in League of Legends

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Is the specter of facing Vex on the Fields of Justice leaving you a tad unsettled? Well, we might just have the solution for you. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the top counters to Vex, one of the most potent and disruptive champions in League of Legends. Our analysis is based on a plethora of data from Platinum+ games around the globe, ensuring you’re armed with the best possible strategies to dismantle Vex’s oppressive presence.

Understanding Vex

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of the counters, let’s take a moment to understand our adversary. Vex, often referred to as the Gloomist, is a formidable champion in League of Legends. Famed for her shadow abilities, Vex is a daunting opponent for most champions. Her ability to disrupt and control the flow of combat makes her a nightmare to face off against. Vex’s unique combination of crowd control, damage, and mobility make her a force to be reckoned with. But fear not, every champion has a weakness, and Vex is no exception.

The Importance of Picking the Right Counter

It’s important to realize that not all champions are created equal when it comes to countering Vex. The wrong choice could leave you vulnerable, while the right choice could offer a significant advantage. The best counter picks aren’t just about individual strength; they’re about exploiting the weaknesses in Vex’s kit. By understanding these weaknesses and choosing a champion that can take advantage of them, you can increase your chances of winning dramatically.

Top Vex Counters

ChampionWin RateNumber of Games

Cassiopeia vs. Vex: A Detailed Matchup Analysis

Cassiopeia - League of Legends
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When it comes to a detailed analysis of the Cassiopeia vs. Vex matchup, there are several factors and strategies that a challenger-level player needs to consider. This matchup revolves around strategic positioning, efficient trading, and the correct use of abilities.

Cassiopeia’s Goals and Strategies

As Cassiopeia, your primary goal against Vex should be to poke her down with your poison abilities and to control the wave in a way that denies Vex the opportunity to roam or engage effectively.

Your Q ability, Noxious Blast, is your primary poking tool. It not only deals damage over time but also grants you a movement speed boost that allows you to kite Vex’s abilities. Since Vex’s abilities require precision, your increased speed can make it harder for Vex to land her abilities, giving you an edge in the matchup.

Cassiopeia’s W ability, Miasma, is also crucial in this matchup. It creates a zone that slows enemies and prevents them from using movement abilities. Using Miasma strategically can severely limit Vex’s mobility and hinder her from using her ultimate, Shadow Surge, effectively.

Moreover, Cassiopeia’s E, Twin Fang, is a great tool for trading with Vex. If Vex is poisoned, Twin Fang deals bonus damage and heals you, allowing you to sustain through Vex’s poke and even win trades.

The ultimate, Petrifying Gaze, is a powerful tool in Cassiopeia’s kit. It can be used both defensively and offensively. When Vex tries to engage with her ultimate, a well-timed Petrifying Gaze can stun her, turning the tide of the fight in your favor.

Vex’s Goals and Strategies

Vex, on the other hand, needs to focus on capitalizing on Cassiopeia’s relatively short range and vulnerability when her abilities are on cooldown. Vex’s passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, applies Gloom to enemies hit by her abilities, empowering her next basic attack against them. This empowered attack interrupts dashes and fears enemies, which can disrupt Cassiopeia’s positioning and prevent her from escaping.

Vex’s Q, Mistral Bolt, is a linear skill shot that deals damage and slows enemies. It can be used to poke Cassiopeia from a safe distance and apply Gloom. However, it’s crucial for Vex to dodge Cassiopeia’s Noxious Blast and Miasma to avoid taking unnecessary damage.

Shadow Surge, Vex’s ultimate, is her main tool to engage onto Cassiopeia. However, it’s crucial to bait out or dodge Cassiopeia’s Petrifying Gaze before going all-in, as a well-timed Petrifying Gaze from Cassiopeia can easily turn the fight in her favor.

Winning the Matchup

To win this matchup as Cassiopeia, you need to consistently poke Vex down while avoiding her poke. Make sure to use your movement speed bonus from Noxious Blast to dodge Mistral Bolt. If Vex tries to engage with Shadow Surge, counter it with a well-timed Petrifying Gaze.

As Vex, you need to capitalize on Cassiopeia’s vulnerability when her abilities are on cooldown. Look to poke her with Mistral Bolt and all-in her with Shadow Surge when Petrifying Gaze is down.

Ultimately, winning this matchup comes down to understanding your champion’s strengths and the enemy’s weaknesses, efficient trading, effective wave management, and proper use of abilities.

Swain vs. Vex: An In-Depth Matchup Analysis

Swain - League of Legends
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In a challenger-level game, understanding the intricacies of the Swain vs. Vex matchup can make a significant difference. The key to success lies in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both champions and using this knowledge to outmaneuver your opponent.

Swain’s Goals and Strategies

As Swain, your main objective is to leverage your crowd control and sustain to outlast Vex in trades and skirmishes. Swain thrives in prolonged fights, so you should aim to draw out engagements rather than seeking quick trades.

Your passive, Ravenous Flock, is a crucial tool in this matchup. Each time you immobilize an enemy, you can rip out a Soul Fragment, dealing damage and healing you. Vex’s playstyle typically involves her dashing in and out of the fight, providing you with opportunities to pull her back in and disrupt her combos. Moreover, collecting Soul Fragments also powers your ultimate, Demonic Ascension, making it a strong deterrent to Vex’s all-in attempts.

Swain’s Q ability, Death’s Hand, is your main source of damage. It can pass through minions to hit Vex, allowing you to poke and trade with her effectively. Make sure to hit Vex with the full burst of your Q for maximum damage.

Your E ability, Nevermove, is a critical part of your kit against Vex. By landing your E, you can pull Vex closer with your passive, disrupting her positioning and making it harder for her to land her abilities.

Vision of Empire, Swain’s W ability, can be used to scout for Vex and poke her from a safe distance. It also grants you a Soul Fragment if it hits, providing you with additional sustain.

Demonic Ascension, your ultimate, is your trump card against Vex. Activating it provides you with a large health pool and drains life from nearby enemies, making you incredibly difficult to kill. If Vex tries to engage on you with her ultimate, Shadow Surge, you can activate your own ultimate to survive her burst and turn the fight in your favor.

Vex’s Goals and Strategies

Vex, on the other hand, should aim to poke Swain down and avoid his crowd control. Her Q ability, Mistral Bolt, is a crucial tool for poking Swain from a safe distance. Additionally, her passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, can interrupt Swain’s movement, making it harder for him to land his Nevermove and pull you in.

Shadow Surge, Vex’s ultimate, is her primary engage tool. However, it’s crucial to bait out Swain’s ultimate before going all-in. A well-timed Shadow Surge can dodge Swain’s Nevermove and put you in a prime position to land your combo.

Winning the Matchup

To win this matchup as Swain, you need to land your crowd control and sustain through Vex’s poke. Use your abilities to poke Vex down and disrupt her engages. If Vex tries to all-in you with Shadow Surge, counter it with a well-timed Demonic Ascension.

As Vex, you should focus on poking Swain down while avoiding his crowd control. Look to engage on Swain with Shadow Surge when his ultimate is down.

In the end, understanding your champion’s strengths, as well as the enemy’s weaknesses, efficient trading, effective wave management, and strategic use of abilities are all key to coming out on top in this matchup.

Rumble vs. Vex: A Comprehensive Matchup Breakdown

Rumble - League of Legends
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In the high-stakes environment of challenger-level games, understanding the Rumble vs. Vex matchup in detail can be the key to gaining the upper hand. This matchup revolves around managing Rumble’s heat, strategic use of abilities, and effective trading.

Rumble’s Goals and Strategies

As Rumble, your goal against Vex is to exert consistent pressure with your flame-spitting abilities, making it difficult for her to engage effectively. Your gameplay should be centered around managing your heat and making effective trades.

Your passive, Junkyard Titan, enhances your basic abilities when you’re overheating. When above 50 heat, your abilities are enhanced, dealing additional damage or having increased effects. However, reaching 100 heat silences you for a few seconds, so you need to carefully manage your heat level.

Your Q ability, Flamespitter, is your main tool for poking and trading with Vex. Keep in mind that Flamespitter’s damage is increased when you’re above 50 heat, so try to engage Vex when you’re in the danger zone.

Your W ability, Scrap Shield, provides you with a shield and a speed boost, allowing you to absorb some of Vex’s burst damage and to dodge her abilities. Use it to mitigate Vex’s poke and to engage or disengage as needed.

Electro Harpoon, your E ability, slows enemies and deals damage. It’s a useful tool for catching Vex out of position or for disengaging when she tries to all-in you.

Your ultimate, The Equalizer, is a powerful zoning tool. When Vex tries to engage or disengage, a well-placed Equalizer can either deter her or deal substantial damage if she decides to stay within its range.

Vex’s Goals and Strategies

Vex, on the other hand, should focus on avoiding Rumble’s Flamespitter and Electro Harpoon while poking him down. Her Q ability, Mistral Bolt, is a crucial tool for poking Rumble from a safe distance.

Vex’s passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, can interrupt Rumble’s Scrap Shield speed boost, making it harder for him to engage or disengage.

Her ultimate, Shadow Surge, is her primary engage tool. However, it’s crucial to be wary of Rumble’s ultimate. If you try to engage on Rumble with Shadow Surge when he has his ultimate available, you may find yourself trapped in The Equalizer’s path of destruction.

Winning the Matchup

To win this matchup as Rumble, you need to consistently pressure Vex with your Flamespitter and control the wave in a way that puts Vex at a disadvantage. Use your Scrap Shield to absorb Vex’s poke and to reposition yourself. Look for opportunities to land a good Equalizer that either zones Vex out or deals significant damage to her.

As Vex, you should focus on dodging Rumble’s abilities while poking him down. Look to engage on Rumble with Shadow Surge when his ultimate is down. Be mindful of Rumble’s heat management, as his abilities are stronger when he’s in the danger zone.

Ultimately, winning this matchup comes down to managing your abilities effectively, knowing when to engage and disengage, and understanding your champion’s strengths and the enemy’s weaknesses.

Annie vs. Vex: An In-Depth Matchup Analysis

Annie - League of Legends
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Understanding the nuances of the Annie vs. Vex matchup can make a significant difference in challenger-level games. This matchup revolves around careful management of abilities, strategic positioning, and effective trading.

Annie’s Goals and Strategies

As Annie, your main objective against Vex is to leverage your burst damage and crowd control to pressure her in lane. You need to carefully manage your passive, Pyromania, to stun Vex at crucial moments and capitalize on her missteps.

Pyromania stacks each time you cast an ability, and your fourth ability stuns the target. This can be a game-changer against Vex, as a well-timed stun can interrupt her combos and set you up for a devastating burst.

Your Q ability, Disintegrate, is a point-and-click spell that makes for reliable poke and easy last-hitting. It’s also an excellent tool for charging up Pyromania. Use it to poke Vex down and to prepare your stun.

Incinerate, your W ability, deals area damage in front of you. It’s a powerful tool for wave clearing and can deal substantial damage to Vex if she mispositions.

Molten Shield, your E ability, provides you with damage reduction and returns damage to enemies who auto-attack you. It can be used to mitigate some of Vex’s poke and to discourage her from trading auto attacks with you.

Your ultimate, Summon: Tibbers, is a potent weapon in your arsenal. A well-timed Summon: Tibbers can turn the tide of a fight, especially when combined with a Pyromania-empowered stun.

Vex’s Goals and Strategies

Vex, on the other hand, should aim to poke Annie down and avoid her stuns. Her Q ability, Mistral Bolt, is a crucial tool for poking Annie from a safe distance. Additionally, her passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, can interrupt Annie’s movement, making it harder for her to land her stun.

Shadow Surge, Vex’s ultimate, is her primary engage tool. However, it’s crucial to bait out Annie’s stun before going all-in. A well-timed Shadow Surge can dodge Annie’s stun and put you in a prime position to land your combo.

Winning the Matchup

To win this matchup as Annie, you need to manage your passive effectively and stun Vex at key moments. Use your Q and W abilities to poke Vex down and to prepare your stun. If Vex tries to all-in you with Shadow Surge, counter it with a well-timed Summon: Tibbers.

As Vex, you should focus on poking Annie down while avoiding her stuns. Look to engage on Annie with Shadow Surge when her stun is down.

In the end, understanding your champion’s strengths, as well as the enemy’s weaknesses, efficient trading, effective wave management, and strategic use of abilities are all key to coming out on top in this matchup.

Kassadin vs. Vex: A Detailed Matchup Overview

Kassadin- League of Legends
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In the high-stakes environment of a challenger-level game, understanding the Kassadin vs. Vex matchup can be instrumental in securing victory. This matchup is characterized by Kassadin’s scaling potential, effective use of abilities, and strategic trading.

Kassadin’s Goals and Strategies

As Kassadin, your primary goal against Vex is to survive the early game and scale into a late-game powerhouse. Kassadin is known for his weak early game but monstrous late-game scaling, so it’s crucial to play safe and farm up during the early stages of the match.

Your passive, Void Stone, grants you bonus magic damage on your auto attacks and reduces magic damage taken, which can help you trade with Vex and survive her poke.

Your Q ability, Null Sphere, is your primary tool for trading and farming. It deals damage to a single target and provides you with a magic damage shield, which can be very useful against Vex’s magic damage poke. Use it to last-hit minions and to poke Vex when she comes within range.

Nether Blade, your W ability, empowers your next auto attack, providing bonus damage and restoring some of your missing mana. Use it to help with last-hitting and to trade with Vex when she’s in auto attack range.

Your E ability, Force Pulse, deals area damage and slows enemies. It’s an effective tool for wave clearing, trading, and disengaging from Vex’s engages.

Riftwalk, your ultimate, is your primary tool for mobility and burst damage. It can be used to dodge Vex’s abilities, engage on her when she’s vulnerable, or disengage when she tries to all-in you.

Vex’s Goals and Strategies

Vex, on the other hand, should aim to poke Kassadin down and pressure him during the early game. Her Q ability, Mistral Bolt, is a crucial tool for poking Kassadin from a safe distance. Additionally, her passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, can interrupt Kassadin’s Riftwalk, making it harder for him to dodge her abilities or escape her engages.

Shadow Surge, Vex’s ultimate, is her primary engage tool. However, it’s crucial to be wary of Kassadin’s ultimate. If you try to engage on Kassadin with Shadow Surge when he has his ultimate available, you may find yourself unable to catch him.

Winning the Matchup

To win this matchup as Kassadin, you need to play safe and farm during the early game. Use your Q and W abilities to last-hit minions and to trade with Vex when it’s safe to do so. Once you’ve scaled into the late game, use your ultimate to dodge Vex’s abilities and to engage on her when she’s vulnerable.

As Vex, you should focus on poking Kassadin down and pressuring him during the early game. Look to engage on Kassadin with Shadow Surge when his ultimate is on cooldown.

Ultimately, winning this matchup requires a good understanding of your champion’s strengths and the enemy’s weaknesses, strategic use of abilities, and effective trading.


In conclusion, dealing with Vex can indeed be a challenging task due to her unique kit and disruptive abilities. But by employing strategic gameplay and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of specific champions, you can gain the upper hand in this matchup.

With Cassiopeia, your focus should be on leveraging your twin fang (E) and dodging Vex’s abilities with her swift serpent-like movements. With Swain, the key to success lies in proper positioning and timing your abilities effectively to both damage Vex and keep your health topped up.

As Rumble, maintaining your heat level effectively and utilizing the zoning potential of your ultimate, The Equalizer, can significantly sway the matchup in your favor. Annie, with her point-and-click stun and high burst damage, can be a nightmare for Vex, provided you manage your stun stacks efficiently and position yourself correctly.

Lastly, as Kassadin, your gameplay should be centered around surviving the early game, then using your high mobility and burst damage to dominate Vex in the later stages of the game.

All these champions have their unique approach to dealing with Vex, and understanding these strategies can significantly improve your performance. Remember, victory comes not only from choosing the right champion but also from understanding the matchup, managing your abilities effectively, and making strategic decisions based on the current game state. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to counter Vex and help your team secure the victory.


Q: Why is Cassiopeia a strong counter to Vex?

A: Cassiopeia’s poison-based abilities can consistently whittle down Vex’s health. Her Miasma ability restricts Vex’s mobility and prevents her from using her abilities.

Q: How does Swain counter Vex effectively?

A: Swain’s kit is packed with crowd control and sustain, which can disrupt Vex’s engagements. His Demonic Ascension can absorb damage from Vex’s burst, turning it into health.

Q: What makes Rumble a strong choice against Vex?

A: Rumble’s abilities allow him to exert constant pressure on Vex. His harpoons can poke and slow Vex, while his Scrap Shield and The Equalizer can zone Vex out of the fight.

Q: Are these champions effective against Vex in all stages of the game?

A: While effectiveness can vary depending on the game stage, these champions generally hold a consistent advantage over Vex throughout the game.

Q: How important is player skill when using these counters?

A: While these champions are statistically strong against Vex, player skill and understanding of the champion mechanics are crucial to fully realize their potential as a counter.

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