Best Mordekaiser ARAM Builds in League of Legends

mordekaiser ARAM build
Image via Riot Games

Introduction to Mordekaiser

Are you tired of struggling to find the perfect Mordekaiser build in ARAM? Frustrated by feeling like you’re not maximizing your potential as the Iron Revenant? Fear not, we have the solution for you! In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the best Mordekaiser ARAM builds, runes, and strategies that top Challenger players use. With our expert tips and tricks, you’ll be dominating your ARAM games and leaving your enemies in despair as you claim victory after victory. Get ready to unleash the true power of Mordekaiser and become an unstoppable force on the Howling Abyss!

Mordekaiser’s Abilities

Before diving into the builds, let’s briefly go over Mordekaiser’s abilities:

  1. Passive: Darkness Rise – Mordekaiser gains bonus damage and movement speed when landing consecutive attacks or abilities on enemy champions.
  2. Q: Obliterate – A powerful AOE (Area of Effect) ability that deals more damage to isolated targets.
  3. W: Indestructible – Provides a shield and can be reactivated to heal Mordekaiser for a portion of the shield’s value.
  4. E: Death’s Grasp – A skillshot that pulls enemies towards Mordekaiser and grants him passive Magic Penetration.
  5. R: Realm of Death – Mordekaiser banishes a targeted enemy champion to the Death Realm, isolating them and stealing a percentage of their core stats.

Core Item Build

mordekaiser ARAM build
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Mythic Item

Riftmaker is the go-to Mythic item for Mordekaiser. It grants Ability Power, Health, Ability Haste, and Omnivamp, which are all useful stats for Mordekaiser. Its passive, Void Corruption, also synergizes well with Mordekaiser’s extended fights, as it grants stacking bonus true damage.

Core Legendary Items

  1. Demonic Embrace – This item provides Ability Power, Health, and bonus damage over time, which works well with Mordekaiser’s kit. It also grants bonus resistances, further improving his tankiness.
  2. Zhonya’s Hourglass – A key item for Mordekaiser, Zhonya’s Hourglass provides Ability Power, Armor, and Ability Haste. Its active, Stasis, allows Mordekaiser to avoid critical damage or crowd control during teamfights.

Situational Items

Offensive Options

  1. Nashor’s Tooth – A great option for Mordekaiser to enhance his auto-attacks with increased Ability
    • Power and Attack Speed. It synergizes well with his passive, Darkness Rise.
  2. Rabadon’s Deathcap – If you’re snowballing and want to maximize your damage output, Rabadon’s Deathcap provides a massive boost to your Ability Power.
  1. Void Staff – This item is ideal against teams with heavy Magic Resistance, as it grants Magic Penetration to help you cut through their defenses.

Defensive Options

  1. Spirit Visage – A solid choice against heavy AP (Ability Power) teams, Spirit Visage provides Health, Magic Resistance, Ability Haste, and enhances Mordekaiser’s healing capabilities.
  2. Thornmail – This item is useful against teams with high physical damage and healing, as it provides Armor, Health, and the Grievous Wounds passive.
  3. Gargoyle Stoneplate – A versatile option that provides both Armor and Magic Resistance, as well as an active shield based on your maximum health to help you survive longer in fights.

Expert Rune Choices

It’s crucial to adapt your rune choices to the specific game situation and your playstyle. Here are some rune combinations that can be effective on Mordekaiser in ARAM:

Primary Rune Path: Domination

Mordekaiser’s primary rune path should be Domination. Within this path, you have the following options:

  1. Keystone: Conqueror – This keystone excels in extended fights, synergizing with Mordekaiser’s sustained damage while providing stacking Ability Power and healing.
  2. Keystone: Dark Harvest – A situational option for an aggressive, burst-oriented playstyle. This keystone can snowball quickly in ARAM and offers more burst damage in short skirmishes.
  3. Cheap Shot – Offers additional true damage when you impair an enemy’s movement with your E, Death’s Grasp, or ultimate, Realm of Death.
  4. Taste of Blood – Provides extra sustain throughout the game and is particularly useful during the early game.
  5. Eyeball Collection – Increases Ability Power as you collect champion takedowns and ward takedowns.
  6. Ghost Poro – A more defensive option that grants bonus Ability Power when your team spots an enemy with a Ghost Poro.
  7. Ravenous Hunter – Grants Omnivamp for increased healing during fights.
  8. Ingenious Hunter – Reduces item active cooldowns, making it a situational choice if you plan to build items with actives like Zhonya’s Hourglass or Gargoyle Stoneplate.

Secondary Rune Path: Resolve

For a secondary rune path, the Resolve tree offers the best options for Mordekaiser. Here are some choices to consider:

  1. Bone Plating – Reduces damage taken from champion trades, making Mordekaiser harder to kill in skirmishes.
  2. Second Wind – Provides additional sustain against poke-heavy teams, helping you survive in the early game.
  3. Conditioning – Grants bonus Armor and Magic Resistance after 10 minutes, making Mordekaiser tankier in the mid to late game.
  4. Overgrowth – A scaling option that increases your maximum health as you accumulate minion and champion takedowns.
  5. Revitalize – Enhances Mordekaiser’s shielding and healing capabilities, improving his overall sustain.

Alternative Secondary Rune Path: Precision

As an alternative secondary rune path, consider the Precision tree, which offers some useful options for Mordekaiser:

  1. Triumph – Restores health and grants bonus gold upon champion takedowns, providing extra sustain and a snowballing effect.
  2. Presence of Mind – A situational choice that increases your maximum mana and restores mana upon champion takedowns, which can be helpful if you experience mana issues in ARAM.
  3. Legend: Tenacity – Grants increased Tenacity based on your Legend stacks, helping you deal with heavy crowd control teams.
  4. Coup de Grace – Increases your damage against low-health targets, providing extra kill pressure.

Experiment with these rune combinations to find the perfect setup for your Mordekaiser playstyle in ARAM. Adapt your choices based on your team composition, the enemy team, and your preferred playstyle to maximize your chances of success.

Choosing the Right Summoner Spells

As a Challenger player, you must be adaptable and choose the right summoner spells for the situation. While Flash and Ignite are standard choices, consider the following alternatives:

  1. Exhaust – Against teams with high burst damage or assassins, Exhaust can be an invaluable tool to reduce their damage output and provide additional peel for your team.
  2. Barrier – If you need more survivability and don’t require the extra kill pressure from Ignite, Barrier is an excellent choice to help you survive all-ins and prolonged fights.
  3. Teleport – In some cases, especially if your team lacks engage, taking Teleport can be useful for surprise flanks or rejoining the fight after a death.

Expert Tips and Tricks

mordekaiser ARAM build
Image via Riot Games

Landing the Perfect Death’s Grasp (E)

As a Challenger player, one of the most critical skills to master with Mordekaiser is landing your E, Death’s Grasp. This ability can make or break a fight, so it’s essential to be patient and wait for the right opportunity. Look for moments when the enemy is mispositioned or when their mobility spells are on cooldown. If possible, try to land E on multiple enemies, as it will grant more Magic Penetration from its passive.

Strategic Use of Realm of Death (R)

Using Mordekaiser’s ultimate, Realm of Death, requires a strategic approach. Prioritize using it on champions with high impact in teamfights, such as healers, disablers, or carries. In some cases, it might be best to use it on a tank with strong engage or peel capabilities, removing them from the fight to allow your team to focus on other threats.

Managing Indestructible (W) and Zhonya’s Hourglass

Proper management of your W, Indestructible, and Zhonya’s Hourglass active is crucial for surviving and turning the tide of teamfights. Use your W to absorb incoming damage, and if you’re low on health, reactivate it to heal yourself. Save Zhonya’s Hourglass for situations where you’re focused or need to dodge a critical skillshot or crowd control ability. Combining W and Zhonya’s Hourglass effectively can make you extremely hard to kill, allowing your team to clean up the fight.

Wave Control and Poke Mitigation

In ARAM, wave control is crucial for creating favorable fight conditions. Use your Q, Obliterate, to clear minion waves quickly and poke enemies from a safe distance. Position yourself between your team and the enemy to block skillshots and protect your squishy teammates. Remember to use the health relics strategically to maintain your health and deny them from the enemy team.

Coordinating Engages with Your Team

As a frontline champion, it’s essential to coordinate engages with your team. Communicate with your teammates about your cooldowns, especially your ultimate and Zhonya’s Hourglass. Try to engage when your team has a numbers advantage or when the enemy team is low on resources, such as health or key cooldowns. If possible, chain your crowd control with other teammates’ abilities to maximize lockdown and secure kills.

By following these expert tips and tricks, you’ll be able to dominate ARAM as Mordekaiser and climb the ranks with ease.


mordekaiser ARAM build
Image via Riot Games

In conclusion, Mordekaiser is a potent force in ARAM when built and played correctly. Prioritize core items like Riftmaker, Demonic Embrace, and Zhonya’s Hourglass, adapt your build with situational items, and make the most of your runes and summoner spells. Remember to position yourself well in fights and maximize your passive for the best results.


  1. Why is Riftmaker the preferred Mythic item for Mordekaiser in ARAM? Riftmaker provides Mordekaiser with Ability Power, Health, Ability Haste, and Omnivamp, all of which are essential stats for him. The passive, Void Corruption, also synergizes well with his extended fights.
  2. What should I prioritize when building Mordekaiser? Focus on building core items like Riftmaker, Demonic Embrace, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. After that, adapt your build to the enemy team composition with situational offensive and defensive items.
  1. Which runes should I choose for Mordekaiser in ARAM? Opt for the Domination primary path with Conqueror as the keystone, followed by Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, and Ravenous Hunter. For the secondary path, choose Resolve with Bone Plating and Revitalize.
  2. What are some effective tips for playing Mordekaiser in ARAM? Position yourself at the front line in teamfights, utilize your E to pull in priority targets, and maximize the uptime of your passive, Darkness Rise, by weaving in auto-attacks between ability casts.
  3. When should I use Mordekaiser’s ultimate, Realm of Death, in ARAM? Use your ultimate to isolate high-priority targets, such as the enemy team’s carries or key threats. This will not only help you secure kills but also disrupt the enemy team’s positioning and strategy and help you win in League of Legends!
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