Yuumi and Milio Disabled for Upcoming MSI 2023

Introduction to MSI 2023

Yuumi Milio Disablement MSI 2023
Image via Riot Games

The Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) 2023 is just around the corner, and the League of Legends community is buzzing with excitement. One of the most prestigious international events in the competitive gaming world, MSI brings together the best teams from around the globe to compete for the ultimate prize. However, this year’s event will have a significant change, as two popular champions, Yuumi and Milio, have been disabled for the duration of the tournament.

The Impact of Yuumi and Milio’s Disablement

Yuumi: The Magical Cat

Yuumi, the magical cat, has been a fan-favorite support champion since her release. She provides unique utility to her team with her ability to attach to allies, healing them, and shielding them from damage. Her presence in the bot lane can be a game-changer, and her disablement will surely have an impact on the support role meta.

Milio: The Gentle Flame

Milio, is one of the newest champion additions to the league of legends scene. Riot has stated that Milio hasn’t been introduced to Competitive play yet as they are most likely unsure of the balance changes that allowing Milio to be played could introduce into the current meta which could make certain compositions unplayable at the pro level.

The Reason Behind the Decision


In a quote from LOLEsports Twitter Post: Riot Games decided to disable Yuumi and Milio due to:

Yuumi: “Yuumi’s midscope isn’t quite ready for pro play yet, so rather than risk having an untuned and disruptive champion, she will be disabled”

Milio: Milio has yet to be enabled competitively, so he will not be playable during MSI

How the Disablement Affects the Meta

Support Role Dynamics

With Yuumi out of the picture, the support meta will likely shift toward more traditional, tanky engage supports such as Thresh and Nautilus. Teams will have to adapt their strategies and rethink their bottom lane compositions without Yuumi’s powerful sustain and poke capabilities. With Milio out of the picture with his shields, disruptive abilities, and allied range enablement certain hyper scaling ADC’s may have to search elsewhere for a enchanter boosting style support in order to win games.

Potential Alternatives

Teams will have to consider alternative champions to fill the void left by Yuumi and Milio. For support, champions like Lulu and Nami could become more popular, offering a mix of utility and poke. We could also see a shift to tanky engage champions like Nautilus, Thresh to enable a higher playmaking and aggressive style among pro players.

Reactions from the League of Legends Community

Professional Players’ Opinions

The disablement of Yuumi and Milio has elicited mixed reactions from professional players. Some have expressed relief at not having to face these powerful champions in the tournament, while others lament the lost opportunity to showcase their skills with these unique characters. Regardless of their opinions, all players must adapt to the new meta and strategize accordingly.

Fans’ Perspectives

Fans have also had varying opinions on the disablement of Yuumi and Milio. Some are excited to see how the meta will shift and evolve without these champions, while others are disappointed that their favorite characters will not be featured at MSI 2023. The community’s overall sentiment, however, leans toward understanding and support for Riot Games’ decision to maintain competitive integrity.

Past Examples of Champion Disablement

Mordekaiser and Gangplank

This is not the first time Riot Games has disabled champions for a major event. In the past, Mordekaiser and Gangplank were both disabled due to game-breaking bugs and balance issues. These decisions were met with similar reactions from the community but ultimately resulted in a more balanced and fair competitive environment.


The disablement of Yuumi and Milio for MSI 2023 has caused a stir in the League of Legends community. While the decision may be controversial, it is crucial to maintain competitive integrity and ensure a fair playing field for all teams. As the tournament approaches, players and fans alike will eagerly watch to see how the meta adapts to the absence of these two powerful champions.


  1. Why were Yuumi and Milio disabled for MSI 2023? Yuumi and Milio were disabled due to Yuumi not being tuned enough yet for pro play and Milio having not been enabled for competitive play yet.
  2. How will the disablement of Yuumi and Milio affect the meta? The disablement will cause shifts in both the support and overall team composition strategies, with teams needing to adapt their strategies and consider alternative champions.
  3. What are some potential alternative champions for Yuumi and Milio? Possible alternatives for Yuumi and Milio include Lulu and Nami.
  4. Has Riot Games disabled champions for major events in the past? Yes, in the past, champions like Mordekaiser and Gangplank were disabled due to game-breaking bugs and balance issues.
  5. What has been the reaction from the League of Legends community regarding the disablement of Yuumi and Milio? The community’s reaction has been mixed, with some expressing relief, others disappointment, but overall, there is understanding and support for Riot Games’ decision to maintain competitive integrity.
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