What is Shimmer in League of Legends

Shimmer League of Legends

Shimmer is a powerful and dangerous techmaturgical substance in the world of Runeterra, with a wide range of uses and effects. It is a key plot element in the hit Netflix series Arcane, where it is prominently featured as a drug used by various characters to gain enhanced abilities and heal from injuries. In this article, we will explore the history, properties, and notable users of Shimmer, as well as its potential effects and dangers.

Exploring the Origins of Shimmer

Shimmer was created by the chemist Singed from a species of glowing purple flowers found in the caves of Zaun. Originally designed to be a healing drug, Shimmer was ultimately used by Silco to create an army of superhuman soldiers as part of his plan to wage war against Piltover and force its ruling houses to grant Zaun its independence.

In Arcane, Shimmer was used by several characters, including Vander, Silco, and Singed, for a variety of purposes. Vander used Shimmer to save Vi from being killed by Deckard, while Silco used it to fund his illegal ventures and gain immense power over the Zaunite population. Singed used Shimmer on his research subjects to test their survivability, while Viktor used a variant of Shimmer to survive his transmutation experiments with the Hexcore.

All About Shimmer

Shimmer is an extremely potent and addictive substance that can be consumed in various forms, including drinking it directly, injecting it into the body using syringes, and inhaling it in gas form. In small doses, Shimmer can accelerate the healing process and enhance the user’s constitution. In larger amounts, it can grant superhuman levels of strength, speed, and durability, and can even cause the user to temporarily grow dramatically in size.

However, the resulting transformation can be extremely painful and those who use the drug in this manner display a sharp loss in cognitive abilities and increased aggression. Frequent use of the drug can cause progressive degeneration of the skin and muscle tissue, leading to permanent physical deformities such as large tumors protruding from the skin.

Shimmer’s first known human test subject in Arcane is Deckard, one of Silco’s teenage thugs. He used the drug at least three times and was eventually killed when Vander also took the drug and brutally strangled him to death for trying to kill Vi. Later in the show, Jayce and Vi raid one of Silco’s Shimmer factories and successfully destroy it.

Characters in Contact with Shimmer

In addition to Vander, Silco, Singed, and Viktor, several other characters in Arcane have used Shimmer for various purposes. After sustaining severe injuries in his fight with Vander during their youth, Silco injected Shimmer into his left eye frequently to combat the river toxins poisoning his body.

After losing her left arm, Sevika had it replaced with a mechanical prosthetic and used Shimmer as a fuel source to power it in battle. Turbo Chemtanks inhale a constant supply of Shimmer in gas form through their helmets, which allows them to possess superhuman levels of strength, speed, and durability for extended periods of time.

Ingesting a small amount of Shimmer that was mixed with a healing potion obtained from a local potion maker, Vi was able to recover from injuries sustained during a fight with Jinx. However, the drug also permanently changed Jinx’s eyes from blue to pink and severely exacerbated her mental instability.

Potential Effects and Dangers

While Shimmer can grant its users temporary superhuman abilities, it also has a range of negative effects and dangers. Frequent use of the drug can lead to permanent physical deformities and

Shimmer addiction is a major problem in the undercity of Zaun, with many citizens becoming deformed, desperate junkies forced to live in squalor. The drug is also highly flammable and can produce bright pink flames when it burns.

Shimmer is a powerful and dangerous substance that can have unpredictable effects when combined with other substances. When Shimmer is combined with hextech, the results can be unpredictable. When Viktor first discovered the hexcore, it looked very mechanical and runic in nature. However, after Viktor used Shimmer in conjunction with the hexcore in an attempt to cure his illness, the hexcore morphed and took on a much more organic appearance.


Q: Can Shimmer grant superhuman abilities?

A: Yes, in larger amounts, Shimmer can grant superhuman levels of strength, speed, and durability.

Q: Is Shimmer addictive?

A: Yes, Shimmer is highly addictive and frequent use can cause physical deformities and cognitive impairment.

Q: What are the dangers of Shimmer?

A: The dangers of Shimmer include permanent physical deformities, cognitive impairment, and addiction.

Q: Can Shimmer be used as fuel?

A: Yes, Shimmer can be used as fuel, and many Zaunites use it as a power source for their chemtech devices.

Shimmer is a potent and corrosive substance in the world of Runeterra with a wide range of uses and effects. It is highly addictive and dangerous, with frequent use leading to permanent physical deformities and cognitive impairment. While Shimmer can grant temporary superhuman abilities, it also has unpredictable effects when combined with other substances. Despite its dangers, Shimmer remains a popular drug among Zaun’s rebellious youth and a key element in the story of Arcane.

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