Top 7 Off-Meta Picks That Can Dominate League of Legends

If you’re tired of playing the same champions over and over again in League of Legends, why not try something different? The game is filled with hidden gems that are often overlooked by the majority of players, but can be extremely powerful in the right hands. These off-meta picks can catch your opponents off-guard, and if played correctly, can help you dominate the game. In this article, we will be discussing the top 7 off-meta picks that can dominate League of Legends.

1. Mordekaiser

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Mordekaiser is a champion that is often overlooked due to his lack of mobility. However, in the right hands, he can be an absolute monster. His ultimate ability allows him to bring an enemy champion into the Death Realm, where he can fight them one-on-one without any interference from their teammates. This can be extremely useful in team fights, as it allows you to take out a high priority target without worrying about their allies.

Mordekaiser’s kit revolves around heavy damage output, sustain, and crowd control. His Q ability, Obliterate, deals AoE damage in a cone in front of him, while his W ability, Indestructible, allows him to shield himself and deal damage to nearby enemies. His E ability, Death’s Grasp, pulls an enemy champion towards him, and his ultimate ability, Realm of Death, allows him to trap an enemy champion in an alternate dimension, where he can fight them one-on-one.

Advanced Combos: Mordekaiser’s Q ability can be combined with his E ability to pull an enemy champion towards him and deal heavy damage in close range. His ultimate ability can also be used to isolate high-priority targets and take them out without interference from their teammates.

Gameplay Tricks: Mordekaiser’s ultimate ability can also be used to steal enemy dragons and barons, as the dragon or baron will follow Mordekaiser into the alternate dimension. He can also use his W ability to farm minions while simultaneously dealing damage to nearby enemies.

2. Fiddlesticks

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Fiddlesticks is a champion that is rarely seen in competitive play, but can be extremely powerful in the right hands. His kit revolves around fear and surprise, making him a nightmare to deal with. His ultimate ability, Crowstorm, allows him to blink into the middle of a team fight and deal massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Fiddlesticks’ kit revolves around fear, surprise, and heavy crowd control. His Q ability, Terrify, fears an enemy champion, causing them to run away in terror. His W ability, Drain, deals damage over time to a target while healing Fiddlesticks. His E ability, Dark Wind, bounces between nearby enemies, dealing damage and silencing them. His ultimate ability, Crowstorm, allows him to blink into the middle of a team fight and deal massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Advanced Combos: Fiddlesticks’ Q ability can be combined with his ultimate ability to fear multiple enemies at once, making them easy targets for his Crowstorm. He can also use his E ability to silence enemies before using his ultimate, preventing them from using their abilities.

Gameplay Tricks: Fiddlesticks can use his ultimate ability to surprise enemies from unexpected angles, catching them off-guard and dealing massive damage. He can also use his W ability to heal himself while dealing damage to a target, making him difficult to kill in one-on-one situations.

3. Swain

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Swain is a champion that has fallen out of favor in recent years, but he is still a force to be reckoned with. His ultimate ability, Demonic Ascension, transforms him into a powerful demon, increasing his health and dealing massive damage to nearby enemies. He also has great sustain and crowd control, making him a solid pick for top lane.

Swain’s kit revolves around sustain, crowd control, and damage over time. His Q ability, Decrepify, slows an enemy champion and deals damage over time. His W ability, Vision of Empire, reveals an area of the map and deals damage to all enemies within it. His E ability, Nevermove, roots an enemy champion in place, while his ultimate ability, Demonic Ascension, transforms him into a powerful demon, increasing his health and dealing massive damage to nearby enemies.

Advanced Combos: Swain can use his E ability to root an enemy champion in place before using his ultimate ability to deal massive damage. He can also use his W ability to reveal an area of the map before engaging in a team fight, giving his team an advantage.

Gameplay Tricks: Swain can use his ultimate ability to sustain through heavy damage and turn the tide of team fights. He can also use his W ability to check for enemy ambushes and avoid walking into them.

4. Veigar

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Veigar is a champion that is often underestimated due to his short range and squishiness. However, he has one of the strongest late-game scalings in the game, thanks to his passive ability, Phenomenal Evil Power. He also has a powerful stun and a zoning ability that can be used to control team fights.

Veigar’s kit revolves around heavy burst damage and zoning. His Q ability, Baleful Strike, deals damage to a single target and grants him bonus ability power. His W ability, Dark Matter, deals massive AoE damage to all enemies in a target area. His E ability, Event Horizon, creates a zone that stuns enemy champions who walk into it. His ultimate ability, Primordial Burst, deals massive damage to a single target, scaling with the target’s ability power.

Advanced Combos: Veigar can use his E ability to stun an enemy champion in place before using his W ability to deal massive damage to all enemies in the area. He can also use his ultimate ability to take out a high-priority target, such as an enemy carry or assassin.

Gameplay Tricks: Veigar can use his Q ability to farm minions and stack up his ability power, allowing him to deal more damage with his other abilities. He can also use his E ability to zone enemies away from objectives or team fights, making it difficult for them to engage.

5. Zyra

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Zyra is a champion that is rarely seen in competitive play, but she can be extremely powerful in the right hands. Her kit revolves around dealing massive AoE damage and controlling the battlefield with her plants. She also has a powerful snare that can be used to catch enemies off-guard.

Zyra’s kit revolves around heavy AoE damage and controlling the battlefield with her plants. Her Q ability, Deadly Spines, deals damage to a single target, while her W ability, Rampant Growth, allows her to summon plants that deal damage to nearby enemies. Her E ability, Grasping Roots, roots an enemy champion in place, while her ultimate ability, Stranglethorns, knocks up all nearby enemies and deals damage.

Advanced Combos: Zyra can use her E ability to root an enemy champion in place before using her ultimate ability to knock up all nearby enemies and deal massive damage. She can also use her W ability to summon plants before engaging in a team fight, allowing them to deal damage and control the battlefield.

Gameplay Tricks: Zyra can use her plants to check for enemy ambushes and avoid walking into them. She can also use her ultimate ability to disengage from a team fight or to set up a engage for her team.

6. Malzahar

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Malzahar is a champion that is often overlooked due to his lack of mobility. However, he has a powerful kit that revolves around crowd control and damage over time. His ultimate ability, Nether Grasp, allows him to lock down a single target for an extended period of time, making him a great pick for mid lane.

Malzahar’s kit revolves around crowd control and damage over time. His Q ability, Call of the Void, deals damage to all enemies in a line. His W ability, Void Swarm, summons voidlings that deal damage to nearby enemies. His E ability, Malefic Visions, deals damage over time to a single target and spreads to nearby enemies. His ultimate ability, Nether Grasp, locks down a single target for an extended period of time.

Advanced Combos: Malzahar can use his E ability to spread damage to nearby enemies before using his Q ability to deal additional damage. He can also use his ultimate ability to lock down a high-priority target, such as an enemy carry or assassin.

Gameplay Tricks: Malzahar can use his voidlings to push lanes and take down turrets quickly. He can also use his ultimate ability to peel for his carry or to set up a engage for his team.

7. Yorick

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Yorick is a champion that is rarely seen in competitive play, but he can be extremely powerful in the right hands. His kit revolves around summoning ghouls that deal damage to nearby enemies, and he also has great sustain and crowd control. His ultimate ability, Eulogy of the Isles, allows him to revive a fallen ally as a powerful ghoul that can turn the tide of a team fight.

Yorick’s kit revolves around heavy sustain, crowd control, and summoning ghouls to fight for him. His Q ability, Last Rites, deals damage to a single target and heals Yorick. His W ability, Dark Procession, creates a wall that blocks enemy movement. His E ability, Mourning Mist, deals damage to nearby enemies and slows them. His ultimate ability, Eulogy of the Isles, allows him to revive a fallen ally as a powerful ghoul that can turn the tide of a team fight.

Advanced Combos: Yorick can use his E ability to slow enemy champions before summoning his ghouls to attack them. He can also use his ultimate ability to revive a carry and turn the tide of a team fight.

Gameplay Tricks: Yorick can use his ghouls to push lanes and take down turrets quickly. He can also use his W ability to block enemy movement and set up engages for his team.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for something different to play in League of Legends, these off-meta picks can be extremely powerful in the right hands. While they may not be the most popular champions, they can catch your opponents off-guard and help you dominate the game. So why not give them a try?


  1. What does off-meta mean in League of Legends?

Off-meta refers to champions or strategies that are not commonly seen in competitive play or are not

  1. Why should I play off-meta champions in League of Legends?

Playing off-meta champions can catch your opponents off-guard and give you a strategic advantage. They can also be more fun to play than the same champions that are commonly picked, and can help you improve your overall gameplay by expanding your champion pool.

  1. Are off-meta picks viable in ranked play?

While off-meta picks can be viable in ranked play, it ultimately depends on the player’s skill level and the specific champion’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to understand the champion’s kit and how it fits into the current meta before attempting to play them in a ranked game.

  1. What should I keep in mind when playing off-meta champions?

When playing off-meta champions, it’s important to communicate with your team and make sure they understand your strategy. You should also be prepared to adjust your playstyle and build depending on the enemy team’s composition and playstyle.

  1. How can I learn to play off-meta champions effectively?

To learn how to play off-meta champions effectively, it’s important to study their kits, watch high-level gameplay, and practice in normal games or in custom games with friends. It may also be helpful to seek advice from more experienced players or to join online communities dedicated to off-meta picks.

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