The Top 10 Jokes in League of Legends

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League of Legends is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game that has a reputation for being serious and competitive. However, the game also has a playful side, with a number of humorous jokes and references scattered throughout the champions, items, and maps. In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 jokes in League of Legends, as chosen by the community.

10. Bard’s Meeps

Bard is a quirky support champion who is known for his ability to summon Meeps, small creatures that follow him around and assist in his attacks. These Meeps are a source of constant amusement for players, with their comical sounds and expressions.

9. Rammus’s “Ok” Emote

Rammus is a fan-favorite champion who is known for his playful personality and love of rolling around in a ball. One of his most popular jokes is his “Ok” emote, which features him rolling around in a circle while making a series of silly faces.

8. Veigar’s “That’s Just Evil” Line

Veigar is a mischievous and cunning mage who is known for his love of causing chaos and destruction. One of his most memorable jokes is his “That’s Just Evil” line, which he says whenever he lands a particularly impressive or nefarious spell.

7. The “Get Jinxed” Song

Jinx is a fan-favorite champion who is known for her love of causing chaos and destruction. One of her most memorable jokes is the “Get Jinxed” song, which plays when she enters the game or when her ultimate ability is activated. The song is catchy and upbeat, and has become a fan favorite.

6. The “Zhonya’s Paradox” Meme

Zhonya’s Hourglass is a popular item in League of Legends that allows champions to become invulnerable for a short period of time. This item has become the subject of a popular meme, with players using it in unexpected and comical ways.

5. The “It’s Over 9000” Reference

The “It’s Over 9000” reference is a well-known meme from the Dragon Ball Z anime series, and it has found its way into League of Legends in the form of a joke on the health bar of the Baron Nashor monster. When the Baron’s health reaches a certain threshold, the text on the health bar changes to read “It’s Over 9000,” much to the delight of players.

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4. The “Ivern, Buddy of the Forest” Joke

Ivern is a unique champion who is known for his ability to befriend and control plants and animals. One of his most memorable jokes is the “Ivern, Buddy of the Forest” line, which he says whenever he uses his ultimate ability. The joke plays off of the “Buddy of the Beach” meme, which originated from a popular shampoo commercial.

3. The “I Am Unstoppable” Meme

The “I Am Unstoppable” meme is a popular joke in League of Legends that originated from a line said by the champion Olaf. Whenever Olaf uses his ultimate ability, he declares “I Am Unstoppable,” much to the amusement of players. The meme has since spread to other champions and has become a fan favorite.

2. The “I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That” Reference

The “I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That” reference is a well-known line from the science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey, and it has found its way into League of Legends as a joke on the recall animation of the champion Bard. When Bard recalls back to his base, he says the line in a robotic voice, much to the amusement of players.

Image via Riot Games

1. The “Sorry, I’m Late” Joke

The “Sorry, I’m Late” joke is a popular meme in League of Legends that originated from a line said by the champion Sivir. Whenever Sivir enters the game or respawns after dying, she says the line, often in a comical or exaggerated manner. The joke has become a fan favorite and has spawned a number of memes and fan creations.

These are just a few of the many jokes and references that can be found in League of Legends. Whether they are references to popular culture, silly sound effects, or comical lines, these jokes help to add levity and personality to the game and make it all the more enjoyable for players. Joking around with your team and keeping a fun and light attitude can be an important strategic goal to keep your team motivated and all working toward winning in a game that can often become toxic and overcompetitive. Use these jokes as a way to help propel yourself to having a fun can win attitude and become the strongest gamer!

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