The Ultimate 5 League of Legends Hypercarries

League of Legends is a game that has taken the world by storm. It is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game where players battle it out in a team to destroy the enemy’s nexus. One of the most important aspects of this game is the role of the hypercarry. These champions are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage and can single-handedly carry their team to victory. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 hypercarries in League of Legends, including Master Yi, Kog’Maw, Kassadin, Katarina, and Kayle.

What are Hypercarries?

Before we dive into the top 5 hypercarries, it’s important to understand what a hypercarry is. Hypercarries are champions that excel in dealing massive amounts of damage and are capable of carrying their team to victory. They are usually weak early in the game but become incredibly strong in the later stages. These champions require proper team coordination and protection to reach their full potential.

Master Yi

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Master Yi is a melee champion that excels in dealing physical damage. He has incredible mobility and can dodge enemy attacks while dealing massive amounts of damage. Master Yi’s ultimate ability, Highlander, makes him incredibly fast and immune to all slows. This makes him incredibly difficult to catch and kill. Master Yi is a top pick for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward playstyles.

Master Yi’s abilities make him an excellent choice for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward playstyles. His Q ability, Alpha Strike, allows him to quickly close gaps and deal significant damage to enemies. Meanwhile, his W ability, Meditate, enables him to heal himself, making him a challenging champion to take down. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Highlander, makes him incredibly fast and immune to all slows, making him difficult to catch and kill.

To hypercarry with Master Yi, focus on farming early in the game to gain experience and gold. Then, use Alpha Strike to quickly take down minions and neutral monsters. This will help you level up and obtain the items you need to become a threat to the enemy team. Once you have your core items, use Highlander to engage the enemy team and take down high-priority targets.


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Kog’Maw is a ranged champion that deals both physical and magic damage. He has incredible range and can deal damage from a safe distance. Kog’Maw’s ultimate ability, Living Artillery, allows him to deal massive amounts of damage from a long range. This makes him an incredibly strong champion in team fights. Kog’Maw is a top pick for players who enjoy dealing damage from a safe distance.

Kog’Maw is an excellent choice for players who enjoy dealing damage from a safe distance. His Q ability, Caustic Spittle, increases his attack speed and reduces the enemy’s armor, making it easier to deal damage. His W ability, Bio-Arcane Barrage, increases his attack range, allowing him to deal damage from a safe distance. Meanwhile, his ultimate ability, Living Artillery, deals significant damage from a long range, making him an excellent choice for team fights.

To hypercarry with Kog’Maw, focus on farming early in the game to obtain experience and gold. Then, use Caustic Spittle to reduce the enemy’s armor and increase your attack speed. This will help you take down minions and neutral monsters quickly. Once you have your core items, focus on dealing damage from a safe distance using Bio-Arcane Barrage and Living Artillery.


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Kassadin is a melee champion that deals magic damage. He has incredible mobility and can teleport short distances with his ultimate ability, Riftwalk. This makes him incredibly difficult to catch and kill. Kassadin’s passive ability, Void Stone, gives him a magic damage shield that reduces incoming magic damage. Kassadin is a top pick for players who enjoy high mobility and dealing magic damage.

Kassadin is an excellent choice for players who enjoy high mobility and dealing magic damage. His Q ability, Null Sphere, deals magic damage and silences the enemy, making it easier to take them down. His W ability, Nether Blade, restores his mana and deals bonus magic damage. Meanwhile, his ultimate ability, Riftwalk, enables him to teleport short distances, making him difficult to catch and kill.

To hypercarry with Kassadin, focus on farming early in the game to obtain experience and gold. Then, use Null Sphere to silence the enemy and deal magic damage. This will help you take down minions and neutral monsters quickly. Once you have your core items, use Riftwalk to teleport behind enemy lines and take down high-priority targets.


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Katarina is a melee champion that deals magic damage. She has incredible mobility and can dash to enemy champions with her ultimate ability, Death Lotus. Katarina’s passive ability, Voracity, allows her to refresh her cooldowns when she scores a kill or assist. This makes her incredibly strong in team fights. Katarina is a top pick for players who enjoy high mobility and dealing magic damage.

Katarina is an excellent choice for players who enjoy high mobility and dealing magic damage. Her Q ability, Bouncing Blade, deals magic damage to multiple enemies. Her W ability, Preparation, resets her cooldowns when she scores a kill or assist. Meanwhile, her ultimate ability, Death Lotus, allows her to dash to enemy champions and deal massive amounts of magic damage.

To hypercarry with Katarina, focus on farming early in the game to obtain experience and gold. Then, use Bouncing Blade to deal damage to multiple enemies and obtain farm. Once you have your core items, use Death Lotus to engage the enemy team and take down high-priority targets.


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Kayle is a ranged champion that deals both physical and magic damage. She has incredible range and can deal damage from a safe distance. Kayle’s ultimate ability, Intervention, makes her or an ally invulnerable for a short duration. This makes her incredibly strong in team fights. Kayle is a top pick for players who enjoy dealing damage from a safe distance and providing support for their team.

Kayle is an excellent choice for players who enjoy dealing damage from a safe distance and providing support for their team. Her Q ability, Radiant Blast, deals magic damage and slows the enemy. Her W ability, Divine Blessing, heals and speeds up an ally champion. Meanwhile, her ultimate ability, Intervention, makes her or an ally invulnerable for a short duration.

To hypercarry with Kayle, focus on farming early in the game to obtain experience and gold. Then, use Radiant Blast to deal damage and slow the enemy, allowing you to keep a safe distance. Once you have your core items, focus on dealing damage from a safe distance using Righteous Fury and Radiant Blast. Additionally, use Intervention to protect yourself or an ally from enemy damage.

Strategies for Hypercarrying

Regardless of which champion you choose, there are a few strategies you should employ to successfully hypercarry your team.

  1. Focus on Farming: Hypercarries require proper experience and gold to reach their full potential. Focus on farming early in the game to gain experience and gold.
  2. Build Proper Items: Hypercarries require specific items to reach their full potential. Make sure to build the correct items for your champion to increase their damage output and survivability.
  3. Coordinate with Your Team: Hypercarries require proper team coordination and protection to reach their full potential. Coordinate with your team to ensure you are protected and able to deal damage.
  4. Engage at the Right Time: Hypercarries are weak early in the game and require proper protection to reach their full potential. Engage the enemy team when you have your core items and are strong enough to deal significant damage.
  5. Target High-Priority Targets: Hypercarries are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage. Focus on taking down high-priority targets, such as enemy carries, to swing team fights in your favor.

In conclusion, the top 5 hypercarries in League of Legends are Master Yi, Kog’Maw, Kassadin, Katarina, and Kayle. These champions are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage and can single-handedly carry their team to victory. They require proper team coordination and protection to reach their full potential. If you’re looking for a champion to play in the later stages of the game, these hypercarries are the perfect picks for you.


  1. What is a hypercarry

A hypercarry is a champion that excels in dealing massive amounts of damage and can carry their team to victory. They are usually weak early in the game but become incredibly strong in the later stages. Hypercarries require proper team coordination and protection to reach their full potential.

  1. How do I play a hypercarry?

To play a hypercarry, you must understand their strengths and weaknesses. Hypercarries are weak early in the game and require proper protection and farm to reach their full potential. You should focus on farming and avoiding unnecessary fights early on. As the game progresses, you should focus on dealing damage and carrying your team to victory.

  1. What makes Master Yi a top hypercarry?

Master Yi’s ability to deal massive amounts of physical damage, incredible mobility, and ultimate ability make him a top hypercarry. His ultimate ability, Highlander, makes him incredibly fast and immune to all slows, making him difficult to catch and kill.

  1. What makes Kog’Maw a top hypercarry?

Kog’Maw’s incredible range and ability to deal both physical and magic damage make him a top hypercarry. His ultimate ability, Living Artillery, allows him to deal massive amounts of damage from a long range, making him a strong champion in team fights.

  1. What makes Kayle a top hypercarry?

Kayle’s ability to deal both physical and magic damage from a safe distance and provide support for her team with her ultimate ability, Intervention, make her a top hypercarry. She is incredibly strong in team fights and requires proper team coordination and protection to reach her full potential.

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