How to Play Like a Challenger Zilean in League of Legends

Zilean, the Chronokeeper, is a versatile and powerful support champion in League of Legends. Known for his exceptional ability to control time, Zilean can turn the tide of a game with his strategic play. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Rift, playing Zilean at a Challenger level requires a deep understanding of the champion and the game itself. As a challenger player in this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential skills and strategies needed to master Zilean and reach new heights in the solo queue.

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Understanding Zilean’s Kit

Before you start playing Zilean, it’s important to understand his kit and what he brings to the table. Zilean has a unique set of abilities that make him one of the strongest support champions in League of Legends. Here’s a quick overview of Zilean’s kit:

  • Time Bomb: Zilean’s Q ability, Time Bomb, is a powerful single-target ability that deals a significant amount of damage. It’s an excellent tool for poking the enemy laner and setting up kills for your team.
  • Rewind: Zilean’s W ability, Rewind, reduces the cooldowns of all of his abilities by 10 seconds. This ability is crucial for Zilean’s ability to constantly pressure the enemy laner and provide utility for his team.
  • Time Warp: Zilean’s E ability, Time Warp, increases the movement speed of an ally or himself by a significant amount for a short duration. It can also be used as a slow. It should be worth noting the slow decreases movement speed more than increasing the movement speed of an ally. This ability is great for making plays and escaping danger.
  • Chronoshift: Zilean’s ultimate ability, Chronoshift, revives an ally champion and increases their movement speed for a short duration. This ability can turn the tide of a teamfight and is an excellent tool for securing objectives.

Using Time Warp: Slow vs. Speed

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Zilean’s Time Warp ability is a powerful tool that can be used to slow enemies or speed up allies. Understanding when to use it as a slow or speed can greatly impact the outcome of fights and skirmishes. Here are some tips on when to use Time Warp as a slow or speed:

  • Use Time Warp as a slow when an enemy is trying to escape. Slowing down an enemy allows your team to catch up and secure a kill.
  • Use Time Warp as a speed when an ally is trying to initiate a fight. Speeding up an ally allows them to close the gap and get into position for a fight.
  • Use Time Warp as a slow when an enemy is trying to engage on your team. Slowing down an enemy can disrupt their engage and give your team time to react.
  • Use Time Warp as a speed when your team is trying to escape. Speeding up your team can help them get out of danger and avoid taking unnecessary damage.

It’s important to understand that Time Warp is a double-edged sword, as it can be used to both help and harm your team. It’s crucial to use it at the right

Macro Play and Wave Management

One of the keys to success as Zilean is excellent macro play and wave management. Zilean is a champion that can influence the game outside of just the laning phase, and it’s important to understand how to use your abilities to control the map and secure objectives. Here are some tips to help you with your macro play:

  • Keep track of your ultimate cooldown and use it strategically to revive an ally or secure an objective.
  • Use Time Warp to help your team secure objectives such as dragons, barons, and towers.
  • Keep an eye on the map and use Time Bomb to clear waves and control the flow of minions.
  • Use your abilities to set up kills for your team and put pressure on the enemy laner.

Teamfighting and Positioning

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Teamfighting is an important aspect of League of Legends, and Zilean is a champion that excels in this area. With his unique kit and ability to control time, Zilean can make plays and change the outcome of a teamfight. Here are some tips to help you with your teamfighting:

  • Use Time Warp to initiate fights and set up kills for your team.
  • Stay at a safe distance from the enemy team and use Time Bomb to poke and deal damage.
  • Position yourself in a way that allows you to use Chronoshift to its full potential.
  • Pay attention to the enemy team’s movements and use Rewind to reduce the cooldowns of your abilities.

Matchup Analysis

Zilean is a versatile champion and can be played effectively in a variety of matchups. However, there are some matchups that are better for Zilean than others. Here are some of the best and worst matchups for Zilean.

Good Matchups

  • Zilean excels against champions that have low mobility, such as Soraka or Janna. These champions have a difficult time escaping Zilean’s Time Bomb and Time Warp, making them easy targets for kills.
  • Zilean is also strong against champions that have low damage output, such as Nami or Lulu. These champions struggle to trade effectively with Zilean, giving him the advantage in lane.

Bad Matchups

  • Zilean struggles against champions that have high mobility, such as Bard or Rakan. These champions can easily dodge Zilean’s abilities and put pressure on him in lane.
  • Zilean is also weak against champions that have high damage output, such as Thresh or Alistar. These champions can trade effectively with Zilean and make it difficult for him to make plays.

Damage Item Build vs. Support Build

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Zilean can be built in two ways: as a damage dealer or as a support. Both builds have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of build often depends on the needs of the team. Here’s a breakdown of each build:

Damage Item Build

A damage item build focuses on maximizing Zilean’s damage output. This build is ideal for players who want to carry their games and make a big impact in fights.

  • Recommended items for a damage item build include Luden’s Echo, Morellonomicon, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.
  • This build is best used in games where the enemy team has a weak front line and low mobility, as Zilean can easily reach and burst down enemy backline champions.

Support Build

A support build focuses on maximizing Zilean’s utility and crowd control. This build is ideal for players who want to be a strong presence in fights and help their team secure objectives.

  • Recommended items for a support build include Ardent Censer, Mikael’s Crucible, and Redemption.
  • This build is best used in games where the enemy team has a strong front line and high mobility, as Zilean can use his crowd control abilities to disrupt the enemy and protect his own team.

Ultimately, the choice of build depends on the needs of the team and the playstyle of the player. Whether you choose to go for a damage item build or a support build, the key is to understand your role in the team and play to your strengths.

Zilean is a powerful and versatile support champion in League of Legends. With his unique kit and ability to control time, Zilean can make plays and change the outcome of a game. By understanding his kit, practicing excellent macro play and wave management, mastering teamfighting and positioning, picking the right build path, and being mindful of matchups, you can become a Challenger-level Zilean player. So grab your chrono bombs and let’s get you started on your journey to become the strongest gamer and a challenger player!

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