Cull in League of Legends: The Ultimate Guide

Cull League of Legends
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Introduction to Cull in League of Legends

Cull is a popular starter item in League of Legends that offers unique benefits for those looking to gain an early game advantage. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Cull, including its stats, passive abilities, cost analysis, and comparisons with other starter items. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to maximize the potential of this powerful item.

Cull’s Stats and Passive Abilities

Cull offers the following stats and passive abilities:

  • +7 attack damage
  • +3 health on-hit

The item’s passive ability, UNIQUE – REAP, grants you an additional 1 Gold for every minion you kill, up to a maximum of 100 Gold. Once you’ve killed 100 minions, you’ll receive an extra 350 Gold, and the passive ability will be permanently disabled.

Item Cost and Availability

Cull can be purchased for 450 Gold and sold for 180 Gold. It is available in the in-game shop under the “Starter Items” category.

Cost Analysis

When considering the cost of Cull, it’s important to factor in the potential Gold gain from its passive ability. With a maximum Gold reward of 450 Gold (100 Gold from minions + 350 Gold bonus), Cull effectively pays for itself once you’ve killed 100 minions.

Comparing Cull to Similar Items

To better understand Cull’s value, let’s compare it to other popular starter items in League of Legends:

Dark Seal

Dark Seal provides +15 ability power, +40 health, and a passive ability that grants bonus ability power for champion takedowns. It costs 350 Gold and can be sold for 245 Gold.

Doran’s Blade

Doran’s Blade offers +8 attack damage, +80 health, and +3% life steal. It has a cost of 450 Gold and can be sold for 180 Gold.

Doran’s Ring

Doran’s Ring provides +15 ability power, +70 health, and +5 mana regeneration per 5 seconds. It costs 400 Gold and can be sold for 160 Gold.

Doran’s Shield

Doran’s Shield grants +80 health, +6 health regeneration per 5 seconds, and a passive ability that restores health when taking damage from enemy champions. It costs 450 Gold and can be sold for 180 Gold.

Understanding Cull’s Unique Mechanics

Cull has some unique mechanics that set it apart from other starter items:

On-hit Heal Effect

Cull’s on-hit heal effect triggers not only against minions, but also against turrets and wards. This added sustain can be beneficial during the laning phase, allowing you to stay in the lane longer and potentially secure more last-hits.

Interaction with Spoils of War

Cull’s UNIQUE – REAP passive ability synergizes with the Spoils of War passive (found on items such as Relic Shield, Targon’s Buckler, Steel Shoulderguards, and Runesteel Spaulders). When executing minions with Spoils of War, the REAP passive will still grant you the additional Gold.

Selling Cull and Its Consequences

It’s important to note that selling Cull will not reset the REAP passive ability. Once you’ve sold the item, you will lose the chance to earn additional Gold through the passive.

Cull vs. Other Item Options: Expert Challenger Insights

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As an expert Challenger player, understanding when to buy Cull as opposed to other starter items is essential for maximizing your early game advantage. The choice largely depends on your champion, playstyle, and the specific matchup you’re facing. Here, we’ll break down the factors to consider when deciding whether to purchase Cull or another starting item.

Champion Selection

Cull is generally best suited for champions who rely on auto-attacks and can effectively farm minions. Champions with strong early game farming abilities can quickly accumulate the 100 minion kills needed to benefit from the REAP passive. If your champion is more ability-focused or doesn’t rely on auto-attacks, you may want to consider alternative starter items, such as Doran’s Ring or Dark Seal.

Playstyle and Scaling

Your playstyle and intended scaling trajectory should also factor into your decision. If you’re aiming for a passive, farm-heavy early game to reach your power spikes sooner, Cull may be the optimal choice. However, if you’re playing an aggressive early game champion looking to pressure your opponent and potentially secure early kills, Doran’s Blade or Doran’s Shield might be more suitable.

Matchup Considerations

Matchups play a crucial role in determining whether Cull is the right choice for your game. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Lane Opponent: If you’re facing an aggressive, poke-heavy opponent, Doran’s Shield may be a better option for the added sustain and passive health restoration. On the other hand, if you’re in a relatively safe farming matchup, Cull can help you scale more quickly.
  • Lane Priority: If gaining lane priority and pushing the wave is essential for your game plan (e.g., to help your jungler with objectives), you may want to opt for Doran’s Blade for the extra attack damage and life steal.
  • Lane Sustain: If you expect to trade frequently with your opponent and require additional sustain, Doran’s Blade or Doran’s Shield might be more effective choices.

Gold Efficiency and Scaling

When weighing your options, it’s crucial to consider the gold efficiency of each item and how it contributes to your champion’s scaling. Cull offers a unique gold-generating passive that can help you reach your core items more quickly, but it doesn’t provide the same level of immediate combat stats as Doran’s Blade or Doran’s Shield. If you’re confident in your ability to farm efficiently and avoid early game confrontations, Cull may be the best choice for accelerating your scaling.

Tips for Maximizing Cull’s Benefits

To get the most out of Cull, consider the following strategies:

Early Game Strategies for Cull: Challenger Player Insights

As a Challenger player, maximizing the benefits of Cull during the early game is essential for gaining an advantage over your opponent. To achieve this, consider the following strategies:

  1. Efficient Farming: Focusing on last-hitting minions is crucial when using Cull. By efficiently farming, you can reach the 100-minion mark as soon as possible, activating the Gold bonus and accelerating your scaling process.
  2. Wave Management: Proper wave management is key for safely accumulating minion kills with Cull. By freezing the wave close to your turret, you can farm more safely, reducing the risk of ganks and enabling you to stack Cull’s passive more quickly.
  3. Poke and Trade: While Cull is primarily focused on farming, it’s still important to poke and trade with your opponent when appropriate. The added sustain from the on-hit heal effect can help you win trades and maintain control of the lane.
  4. Map Awareness: Pay close attention to the minimap and your jungler’s positioning. Knowing when to push the wave or back off can make a significant difference in your ability to stack Cull’s passive without putting yourself in danger.

When to Sell Cull: Challenger Player Insights

Knowing when to sell Cull can be crucial for maintaining a strong item build and maximizing your overall game impact. As a Challenger player, consider the following factors when deciding to sell Cull:

  1. Passive Completion: Once you’ve accumulated 100 minion kills and received the 350 Gold bonus, the REAP passive is disabled, and Cull loses some of its value. At this point, you may consider selling the item to free up an item slot or to invest the Gold into a more impactful item.
  2. Item Slot Efficiency: If you need an open item slot for a key component or completed item that will significantly boost your power, selling Cull may be a good option, particularly if you’ve already completed the REAP passive or are close to doing so.
  3. Late Game Transition: As the game transitions to the later stages, the benefits of Cull become less significant compared to other items that provide more substantial combat stats. Selling Cull to make room for these more impactful items can help you maintain your effectiveness in team fights and skirmishes.

Remember that selling Cull before reaching 100 minion kills will result in the loss of any potential Gold from the REAP passive. As a Challenger player, carefully weighing these factors will help you optimize your item build and overall game impact.


Victory League of Legends
Screengrab via Riot Games

Cull is a versatile and beneficial starter item in League of Legends that can help you gain an early advantage through its unique Gold-generating passive ability. By understanding the item’s mechanics, comparing it to similar items, and utilizing effective strategies, you can maximize the potential of Cull and enhance your overall gameplay experience and be on your way to Victory every game!


  1. Can I use Cull on any champion?While Cull can technically be used on any champion, it is best suited for champions that rely on auto-attacks and can effectively farm minions to make use of the REAP passive.
  2. Does Cull’s on-hit heal effect work against champions?No, the on-hit heal effect only applies when attacking minions, turrets, and wards.
  3. How do I know how many minions I’ve killed with Cull?The in-game item tooltip for Cull will display your current progress towards the 100 minion kills required for the Gold bonus.
  4. Can I buy multiple Culls for increased Gold gain?No, Cull’s REAP passive is a unique passive ability, which means it does not stack with multiple Culls.
  5. What happens if I sell Cull before reaching 100 minion kills?If you sell Cull before achieving 100 minion kills, you will lose the opportunity to earn additional Gold from the REAP passive, and the progress will not be restored if you re-purchase the item.
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