Best Janna ARAM Builds in League of Legends

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Are you searching for the Best Janna ARAM Builds in League of Legends? Well, your search ends here. This guide will offer you insights into the optimal strategies and builds for Janna in the ARAM game mode. But why focus on Janna, you ask? Well, Janna is a powerful champion with abilities that can turn the tide in any ARAM match. But mastering her skills requires the right tools and strategies.

Table of Contents

As a challenger, I cannot stress enough the importance of choosing the Right Build for Janna in ARAM. The build you choose is not merely about stacking power; it’s about tailoring Janna’s capabilities to the team’s needs and the game’s context.

Enhancing Team Sustainability

In ARAM, the right build can exponentially increase your team’s sustainability. For instance, items such as Redemption and Ardent Censer not only boost your healing and shielding power, but they also provide wide-ranging benefits to your entire team. Redemption can be a game-changer in close-knit team fights, while Ardent Censer can significantly enhance the power of your ADC or any other attack speed-reliant champions.

Peeling for Your Carries

The correct build also enables Janna to effectively peel for her carries. With items like Shurelya’s Reverie, you can provide your carries with an essential speed boost, either to chase down enemies or make a quick retreat. Mikael’s Crucible can also be a life-saver for your carry, cleansing them of any crowd control effects.

Disrupting Enemy Champions

When it comes to disrupting enemy champions, certain items can amplify Janna’s crowd control abilities. For example, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter can apply a slow effect to Janna’s abilities, making it harder for enemies to escape or chase your team.

Decoding Janna’s Abilities

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Understanding Janna’s Abilities is fundamental to maximizing her potential in ARAM. Each of her abilities has unique dynamics and potential that, when used correctly, can significantly impact the game.

Howling Gale (Q)

Janna’s Q, Howling Gale, is a powerful tool that provides both poke and crowd control. The tornado can be charged to increase its range, speed, and damage, making it a versatile ability in ARAM where champions are often clustered together.

Zephyr (W)

Janna’s W, Zephyr, is a point-and-click ability that damages and slows enemies. It’s also key to her mobility as it provides passive movement speed, which decreases when the ability is on cooldown.

Eye of the Storm (E)

Janna’s E, Eye of the Storm, is her primary shielding ability. It not only protects the target but also provides them with an attack damage buff, making it ideal for aiding your ADC or other damage-heavy champions.

Monsoon (R)

Monsoon, Janna’s ultimate, is a potent disengage tool. It knocks back enemies and provides a healing zone for your team, making it perfect for turning the tide in team fights, protecting your carries, or saving teammates from certain death.

Tailwind (Passive)

Lastly, Janna’s passive, Tailwind, boosts the movement speed of allies moving towards her. This ability is subtle but can make a significant difference in helping your teammates dodge skill shots, engage, or disengage.

Optimal Core Items for Janna

When selecting the Core Items for Janna, it’s important to consider both their popularity and win rates among top-tier players. This provides a clear insight into which builds are currently effective in ARAM and the Best Janna ARAM builds in League of Legends!

Data Source:

Bandleglass Mirror > Moonstone Renewer > Archangel’s Staff > Ardent Censer

This build, despite having a popularity of only 1.9%, boasts an impressive win rate of 59.4%. This combination emphasizes healing, shielding, and mana regeneration – key aspects for Janna’s sustain and utility in the game.

Bandleglass Mirror > Moonstone Renewer > Redemption > Ardent Censer

With a slightly higher popularity of 2.7% and a win rate of 59.1%, this build incorporates Redemption, a game-changing item that provides healing and true damage to enemies, making it an excellent choice for team fights.

Bandleglass Mirror > Moonstone Renewer > Chemtech Putrifier > Archangel’s Staff

This build, with a 2.1% popularity and a 56.1% win rate, introduces Chemtech Putrifier into the mix, an item that empowers your healing and shielding abilities to inflict grievous wounds on enemies, a potent counter against enemy champions with high healing.

End Game Items for Janna

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When the game is nearing its conclusion and you’re looking to round out your End Game Items for Janna, there are several solid options to consider.

Archangel’s Staff

With a 2.2% popularity and a win rate of 56.3%, Archangel’s Staff provides a massive boost to your mana and ability power, enhancing both your survivability and damage output.

Staff of Flowing Water

Staff of Flowing Water is another popular end game item, boasting a 6.9% popularity and a 54.4% win rate. This item grants bonus movement speed and ability power to allies benefiting from your healing and shielding.

Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer, with a popularity of 5.4% and a win rate of 54.3%, is an ideal item for Janna. The bonus attack speed and on-hit damage it provides to shielded or healed allies can significantly boost your team’s damage output.

Mikael’s Blessing

Mikael’s Blessing, despite its lower popularity of 2.7%, can be a lifesaver with its ability to cleanse crowd control effects, making it a valuable addition to your build.


Redemption, with a popularity of 5.1% and a win rate of 54.0%, remains a viable end game item choice. It provides a balance of healing and true damage, making it a versatile item for any stage of the game.

Essential Summoner Spells for Janna

As Janna, your choice of Summoner Spells can dramatically impact your in-game performance. Here are some combinations popular among challenger-level players, along with explanations for their effectiveness. This will help contribute to Best Janna ARAM builds in League of Legends.

Heal – Clarity

This combination, despite its low popularity of 0.2%, has a high win rate of 57.4%. Heal provides instant health restoration and a brief speed boost, making it useful for both defensive and offensive plays. Clarity, on the other hand, replenishes your and your nearby allies’ mana, allowing for more ability usage, which is crucial in ARAM where mana can be quickly depleted.

Cleanse – Flash

With a 0.4% popularity and a 57.0% win rate, this pairing is extremely effective. Cleanse allows Janna to remove all crowd control effects on her, providing a crucial lifeline when caught by enemy crowd control. Flash, arguably the most versatile spell in the game, provides a quick repositioning tool, allowing you to escape, chase, or make flashy plays.

Exhaust – Flash

This is the most popular combination, with a popularity of 56.9% and a win rate of 54.6%. Exhaust reduces an enemy champion’s damage output and speed, making it an excellent tool for peeling for your carries or weakening high-damage threats. Paired with Flash, Janna becomes a formidable protector for her team.

Flash – Clarity

With a 13.6% popularity and a win rate of 54.1%, Flash – Clarity is another solid choice. Flash provides the much-needed mobility, while Clarity ensures that Janna and her nearby allies can continue using abilities by replenishing their mana.

Flash – Ignite

Although not as conventional for a support like Janna, Flash – Ignite (3.8% popularity and 53.6% win rate) can provide an unexpected damage boost. Ignite inflicts damage over time and reduces healing on the enemy, perfect for securing kills or weakening champions with high healing.

Mastering the Early Game as Janna in ARAM

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From a challenger perspective, the early game in ARAM as Janna is about mastery of your defensive capabilities. The aim is not to secure kills, but to shield and protect your allies, particularly your ADC or other high-value targets on your team.

Defensive Gameplay

Embrace a playstyle that emphasizes defense and protection. Use your ‘Eye of the Storm’ to shield allies from incoming damage, and ‘Howling Gale’ to disrupt enemy attempts to engage. This will mitigate enemy aggression and reduce their chances of securing early kills.


A crucial part of early-game strategy is positioning. As Janna, you should stay near the backline, just behind your ADC and other damage dealers. This allows you to protect your carries while keeping yourself safe from enemy threats.

Navigating the Mid-Game as Janna in ARAM

As the game transitions into the mid-game phase, your role as Janna evolves. Your items will start to come online, boosting your healing and shielding power, and enabling you to provide more impactful support to your team.

Continued Protection

Your primary role remains the same: protect your carries. Be vigilant in maintaining shields on your ADC or other high-damage allies and use your ‘Howling Gale’ and ‘Zephyr’ to disrupt enemies and peel for your team.

Strategic Use of ‘Monsoon’

This is the point in the game where your ultimate, ‘Monsoon’, can really start to shine. Look for opportunities to use ‘Monsoon’ to disrupt enemy formations, peel for your carries, or heal your team during or after skirmishes.

Dominating the Late Game as Janna in ARAM

In the late game, your role shifts towards being a key controller of team fights. Your abilities can swing the outcome of these late-game clashes, making your decisions and timing crucial.

Shielding and Peeling

Continue focusing on shielding your carries and using your ‘Howling Gale’ and ‘Zephyr’ to peel for your team. As the damage output of both teams increases, your shields and crowd control become even more crucial.

Controlling Team Fights with ‘Monsoon’

Your ‘Monsoon’ can be a game-changer in the late game. Use it to disrupt enemy teams, separate them, or heal your team in critical moments. The timing and placement of your ‘Monsoon’ can dramatically affect the outcome of a team fight, so use it wisely.

Perfecting Janna’s Positioning in Team Fights

Positioning is a fundamental aspect of playing Janna effectively, especially during team fights. As a challenger, I can tell you that the right positioning can often mean the difference between a lost fight and a winning one.

Strategic Placement

Janna should ideally be positioned behind her team’s frontline, yet close enough to the carries to provide them with crucial support through her shields and buffs. This strategic placement allows you to contribute to the team fight while minimizing the risk of being picked off by the enemy.

Supportive Role

Remember, as Janna, your role is fundamentally supportive. Your primary function isn’t securing kills, but rather enabling your teammates to do so. By providing shields, buffs, and crowd control, you help your team secure the upper hand in fights.

Mastering Janna’s Combos in ARAM

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Understanding and effectively using Janna’s ability combos can significantly enhance your efficiency and impact on the game.

Key Combo

One highly effective combo involves using ‘Eye of the Storm’, followed by ‘Zephyr’ and ‘Howling Gale’. This sequence provides a shield to an ally (or yourself), slows down the enemy champion, and then knocks them up. This combo disrupts the enemy, provides defensive support, and sets up an opportunity for your team to secure a kill.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid as Janna in ARAM

Playing Janna at a high level means not only knowing what to do but also understanding what not to do.


A common mistake when playing Janna is overextending. Given her squishy nature, Janna can easily be killed if caught out of position. It’s vital to remember your role and capabilities – you’re a support, not a frontline tank. Avoid pushing too far ahead without your team, and always be mindful of your positioning relative to both your allies and enemies.

Ignoring Map Awareness

Another crucial mistake to avoid is neglecting map awareness. In ARAM, understanding the flow of the game and predicting enemy movements can give your team a significant advantage. As Janna, your awareness can mean the difference between successfully disengaging from a bad fight or getting caught in a disastrous one.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Janna in ARAM

To truly master the Best Janna ARAM builds in League of Legends, it requires more than a superficial understanding of her abilities and mechanics. Here are some expert challenger-level insights to help elevate your Janna gameplay.

Constant Map Awareness

One crucial tip is to maintain constant map awareness. With only one lane in ARAM, the enemy’s position is always key information. By keeping an eye on the enemy’s movements and positioning, you can better prepare your ‘Howling Gale’ for disruption or use your ‘Monsoon’ for disengage when necessary.

Maximize Your Abilities

Utilize ‘Zephyr’ not just as a tool for slowing enemies but also as a speed boost for yourself. It can be used for faster repositioning, escaping from threats, or catching up to allies who need your shields.

Tactful use of ‘Monsoon’

Remember, ‘Monsoon’ is not just a healing tool; it’s a powerful disengage and peel tool. Use it to disrupt enemy engages, separate their frontline from their backline, or to knock assassins away from your carries.

Key Strategies to Counter Janna in ARAM

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To effectively counter Janna in ARAM, understanding her weaknesses and exploiting them is crucial. Here are some strategies that could help.

Choose Champions That Bypass Her Crowd Control

Champions that can bypass or are not heavily affected by Janna’s crowd control make strong counters. Champions with abilities that allow them to stick to their targets or those with unstoppable dashes or blinks can be particularly effective, as they can reach Janna’s backline despite her disengage tools.

Utilize Strong Engage Champions

Champions with strong engage potential can pose a significant threat to Janna. They can force her to use her ‘Monsoon’ defensively, which can then be capitalized on during its cooldown period.

Poke Champions

Champions with long-range poke abilities can pressure Janna and her ADC from a safe distance. By slowly whittling down Janna’s health or forcing her to use her shields on herself, you can reduce her effectiveness in team fights.

Exploring Janna’s Best Synergies in ARAM

When considering synergies in ARAM, it’s crucial to understand how specific champions can complement Janna’s abilities and playstyle. As a support, Janna excels at protecting and enhancing her team’s damage potential. Here are some champions that synergize exceptionally well with Janna.

Hyper-Carry AD Carries

Janna synergizes incredibly well with hyper-carry AD carries like Jinx, Kog’Maw, and Vayne. These champions often need protection in the early game and can massively benefit from Janna’s shields, bonus attack damage, and peel. Janna’s abilities allow these carries to dish out their high damage while staying safe from threats.

Poke Champions

Champions with strong poke abilities like Xerath, Ziggs, or Lux can also work well with Janna. Her shields can provide these champions with additional AD or AP, enhancing their poke damage. Moreover, Janna can protect these relatively immobile champions from hard engage with her crowd control.

Engage Champions

While it may seem counterintuitive, certain engage champions can synergize well with Janna. Champions like Malphite or Amumu can engage on the enemy team, and Janna can follow up with her ‘Monsoon’ to separate the enemy team, push back threats, and heal her allies.

Disengage Champions

Janna works well with other disengage champions like Gragas or Bard. Together, they can control the pace of the game, decide when to engage or disengage, and provide an abundance of peel for their carries. This control over team fights can be incredibly powerful in ARAM, where team fights frequently dictate the outcome of the game.

16. How to Adapt Janna’s Build Based on Enemy Team Composition

Adapting Janna’s Build based on the enemy team composition is a key skill. If the enemy team has lots of AP damage, you may need to build magic resist items. If they have a lot of crowd control, consider items that can cleanse these effects.

The Crucial Role of Vision and Map Awareness for Janna in ARAM

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In ARAM, vision and map awareness take on a unique importance. As Janna, this becomes even more essential to your gameplay.

Unmasking the Enemy

In ARAM, the map is largely linear, and there are no wards to provide vision. Therefore, you must always be conscious of the enemy team’s location and their potential objectives. Predicting their movements and planning your responses accordingly can give your team the upper hand.

Anticipating Threats

Janna, as a support, should always be prepared to protect her team from enemy threats. Constant awareness of the enemy’s position can help you anticipate incoming attacks and provide shields or disengage as necessary.

Janna’s Game-Changing Impact in ARAM

Janna’s impact on the Howling Abyss is significant and multi-faceted and depends on the Best Janna ARAM builds in League of Legends. Her diverse utility skills allow her to contribute in a variety of ways to the team’s success.

Protector and Disruptor

With her shields, heals, and crowd control, Janna can protect her allies, disrupt the enemy’s plans, and set up kills. Her ‘Monsoon’ can change the tide of a team fight, and her ‘Eye of the Storm’ can bolster her team’s damage output.

Strategic Force

The right build and strategy can transform Janna into a strategic force on the battlefield. Her ability to enhance her team’s strengths and mitigate their weaknesses makes her a potent asset in any ARAM match.


Mastering the Best Janna ARAM builds in League of Legends involves a comprehensive understanding of her abilities, the strategic selection of items, and the execution of effective strategies. With dedicated practice and an understanding of her intricacies, you can truly harness the power of the storm and lead your team to victory in the Howling Abyss on be on your way to becoming the Strongest Gamer with StrongestGames!

Q1: Why is Janna considered a strong pick in ARAM?

A1: Janna brings a unique toolkit to ARAM, comprised of shields, heals, and crowd control abilities. She excels at protecting her team, disrupting enemy plans, and setting up kills, which can significantly sway the game’s outcome in her team’s favor.

Q2: What are some key strategies for playing Janna in ARAM?

A2: Maintaining map awareness, positioning protectively, mastering her ability combos, and avoiding common mistakes such as overextending are all vital when playing Janna. Understanding how to synergize with your team and counter the enemy will also enhance your effectiveness.

Q3: Which champions synergize well with Janna in ARAM?

A3: Janna pairs well with a variety of champions in ARAM. Hyper-carry AD carries like Jinx, poke champions such as Xerath, engage champions like Malphite, and disengage champions like Gragas can all benefit greatly from Janna’s support.

Q4: How can I effectively counter Janna in ARAM?

A4: Champions that can bypass Janna’s crowd control, have strong engage potential, or possess long-range poke abilities can be effective counters. Putting pressure on Janna and exploiting periods when her ‘Monsoon’ is on cooldown can also help neutralize her impact.

Q5: What are the optimal item builds for Janna in ARAM?

A5: Best Janna ARAM builds in League of Legends often include Moonstone Renewer, Archangel’s Staff, and Ardent Censer. However, the best build can vary depending on the game context and the composition of the enemy team.

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