A Guide to Mastering the Art of Last Hitting in League of Legends

If you’re a League of Legends player, then you know how important last hitting can be to your success in the game. It’s the practice of timing your attacks on minions to get the final hit and earn gold. It may seem simple, but mastering the art of last hitting can be the difference between winning and losing in League of Legends. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to help you improve your last hitting skills and dominate the game and become the strongest gamer!

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Why Last Hitting Matters in League of Legends

Before we dive into the mechanics of last hitting, let’s first understand why it’s so important in League of Legends. Gold is the lifeblood of the game, and it’s necessary to buy items that can give your champion the edge over your opponents. Last hitting is the most efficient way to earn gold in the game, and it’s the easiest way to gain an advantage over your opponent.

Understanding the Basics of Last Hitting

The key to successful last hitting is understanding the basics. To get the last hit on a minion, you must deliver the killing blow with your basic attack. The minion must be at low health for you to get the last hit, and the timing must be precise. The health bar above each minion will give you an indication of when to strike. It’s important to note that different minions have different health values, and it’s crucial to understand the timing for each.

Mastering Timing and Positioning

Timing and positioning are crucial to successful last hitting. It’s important to position yourself correctly to get the last hit, and it’s equally important to time your attacks precisely. One of the best ways to improve your timing and positioning is by practicing in custom games. Set up a custom game with no other players, and focus on practicing your last hitting skills.

Utilizing Minion Wave Management

One of the most effective ways to improve your last hitting skills is by managing minion waves. You can do this by manipulating the wave to push towards your opponent’s tower, making it harder for them to last hit. This can be achieved by killing minions strategically, and also by using skills to kill groups of minions at once.

Practice, Practice, Practice

As with any skill in League of Legends, the key to mastering last hitting is practice. Spend time practicing your last hitting skills in custom games, and focus on improving your timing, positioning, and minion wave management. You can also watch replays of professional players to learn from their techniques and strategies.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When learning how to last hit in League of Legends, there are some common mistakes that players make. One of the biggest mistakes is attacking minions too early, which can cause you to miss the last hit. Another mistake is focusing too much on last hitting and not enough on other aspects of the game, such as map awareness and team play.

Contesting Opponents Minions

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Another important aspect of last hitting in League of Legends is the art of harassing your lane opponent and contesting minions as the other player is going for them. This can be an effective strategy to deny your opponent gold and experience while also gaining an advantage for yourself.

Harassing your lane opponent means damaging them with your abilities or auto-attacks when they try to last hit a minion. This puts pressure on them and can force them to back off or use their own abilities defensively, giving you an opportunity to go for last hits yourself. However, it’s important to be careful not to take too much minion aggro or get caught out of position by the enemy jungler.

Contesting minions means trying to last hit the same minion as your opponent at the same time. This can be an effective way to deny them gold and experience while also securing it for yourself. However, it’s important to have good timing and positioning to avoid taking too much damage or missing the last hit yourself.

When harassing or contesting, it’s important to keep an eye on the minion wave and the position of the enemy minions. If you attack your opponent too aggressively, you risk pushing the wave towards their tower, making it harder for you to last hit and putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Similarly, if you’re too passive, your opponent will have more control over the wave and can deny you last hits more easily.

In addition, it’s important to be aware of your opponent’s abilities and cooldowns. If they have a strong ability that can easily clear the wave or harass you back, it’s best to play more defensively and wait for an opportunity to strike.

In conclusion, harassing your lane opponent and contesting minions can be a powerful strategy to gain an advantage in the game. However, it requires good timing, positioning, and awareness of the minion wave and your opponent’s abilities. By practicing and mastering these skills, you can become a dominant player in League of Legends.

Auto Attack Animation Canceling

Another technique that can significantly improve your last hitting skills in League of Legends is auto attack animation canceling. This technique involves cancelling the animation of your auto-attack as soon as the damage is dealt, allowing you to follow up with another attack or ability more quickly.

Animation canceling can be done in several ways, depending on the champion and the situation. One common method is to move immediately after the auto-attack animation, which cancels the remaining animation time and allows you to reposition or attack again more quickly. Another method is to use an ability immediately after the auto-attack animation, which can also cancel the remaining animation time and deal additional damage.

Animation canceling can be especially effective when harassing or contesting minions, as it allows you to deal damage more quickly and efficiently. It can also be useful for trading with your opponent or securing kills in team fights.

However, it’s important to note that animation canceling requires good timing and practice to master. If you cancel the animation too early or too late, you may miss the last hit or fail to deal enough damage to your opponent. It’s also important to be aware of your mana and cooldowns when using abilities, as using them too often or at the wrong time can leave you vulnerable.

In conclusion, animation canceling can be a powerful technique to improve your last hitting skills in League of Legends. By cancelling the animation of your auto-attacks and abilities, you can deal damage more quickly and efficiently, allowing you to secure last hits and gain an advantage over your opponents. However, it requires good timing and practice to master, so be sure to practice and experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

Final Thoughts

Mastering the art of last hitting in League of Legends is essential to your success in the game. By understanding the basics, mastering timing and positioning, utilizing minion wave management, and practicing consistently, you can improve your last hitting skills and dominate the game. Remember to avoid common mistakes and focus on all aspects of the game, not just last hitting.


  1. What is last hitting in League of Legends? Last hitting is the practice of timing your attacks on minions to get the final hit and earn gold in League of Legends.
  2. Why is last hitting important in League of Legends? Gold is the lifeblood of the game, and it’s necessary to buy items that can give your champion the edge over your opponents. Last hitting is the most efficient way to earn gold in the game.
  1. How can I improve my last hitting skills in League of Legends? Improving your last hitting skills requires practice, timing, and positioning. Practice last hitting in custom games, focus on minion wave management, and learn from professional player techniques and strategies.
  2. What are common mistakes to avoid when last hitting in League of Legends? Common mistakes include attacking minions too early, focusing too much on last hitting and not enough on other aspects of the game, and failing to manage minion waves effectively.
  3. How important is last hitting compared to other skills in League of Legends? While last hitting is an essential skill in the game, it’s important to focus on all aspects of the game, including map awareness, team play, and objective control.

In conclusion, last hitting is a fundamental skill in League of Legends that can make a significant difference in your success in the game. By mastering timing and positioning, utilizing minion wave management, and practicing consistently, you can improve your last hitting skills and gain a significant advantage over your opponents. Remember to avoid common mistakes and focus on all aspects of the game to become a well-rounded and dominant player.

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